Garri from the United States shares her Multiple Sclerosis (MS) & Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Story

Garri was diagnosed with MS aged 40. She is now 60.

In 2008 a shoulder X ray showed demyenolating disease but she was wrongly diagnosed as having Merniere's Disease. As an athlete she used a chiropractor. When nerve pain in shoulders, neck and back began and she had numbness and tingling in her extremities she assumed that playing too much tennis was to blame. After experiencing eye twitching an MRI scan revealed brain lesions - symptomatic of MS. She didn't want to take strong, conventional drugs, risking severe side-effects, but chose Low Dose Naltrexone after doing some research.

Following an episode of unrelenting trigeminal neuralgia pain when she asked her GP for LDN but was refused, she changed to a sympathetic doctor  who prescribed it. After only one week the pain had diminished and a month later it had completely gone. The eye twitching also stopped.

She has always had a good diet and exercised regularly. She firmly believes that for LDN to be effective it's imperative to follow a healthy regime. The emphasis should be on strengthening the systems that  keep us well whereas modern medicine focusses on their suppression. 

This is a summary. To listen to the whole Garri's Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) interview please click the video link.