Gwen from England shares her Multiple Sclerosis (MS) & Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Journey

Gwen from England shares her LDN for primary progressive ms and fibromyalgia story.

She was about 49 years old when she first noticed she was completely exhausted all the time. She had an awful time walking that progressed over time.

Her quality of life before taking LDN was at a 4. She found out about LDN 5 years ago after being diagnosed. The side effects she had were terrible nightmares for 2 weeks but went away. She started seeing improvements instantly and her muscles started relaxing a lot more. She were able to get right out of bed were before LDN it would take hour ½. Her quality of life improved from a 4/10 to a 9/10.

To hear the full story please watch the video.

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