Have you Seen any Adverse Reactions in People with Low  Catecholamines and Extreme Stress?

Dr George Yiachos
Cardiologist Dr. George Yiachos

Have you Seen any Adverse Reactions in People with Low  Catecholamines and Extreme Stress?

I think the one thing that I'm hoping is I'm getting wiser every year but I think the one thing that I'm learning is too low and too high are a problem. We want the Goldilocks zone for almost everything when it comes to peptides, hormones or catecholamines. If you're having low catecholamines obviously you need to assess your adrenal gland.  You need to see what's happening with the substrate that produces these catecholamines.  Are your tryptophans running low?  Are your other amino acids running low and that's why your catecholamines are running low?  These are things you could pick up on  Dutch testing, on assays of how your mitochondria are functioning, assays and how your amino acids are being processed and how your proteins are being processed.