Heidi from England shares her Multiple Sclerosis (MS) & Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Story

Heidi from England who has multiple sclerosis shares her LDN story. She started experiencing symptoms about 3 years ago when she was 45. She started showing weakness of muscles as symptoms, she couldn’t walk or stand upright. She went to a neurologist and it took her 2 years to get diagnosed. She started LDN about 2 months after she were diagnosed so about 9 months now. She had headaches as a mild side effect but went away quick. It was a slow start for LDN to work but she started getting feeling and movement back in her limbs. It was easier to move muscles. Before LDN life quality was a 4/10 now it is a 9/10.


To listen to Heidi's story click the video link


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