Helen from Scotland shares her Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME) & Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Story

Helen from Scotland, was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome at the age of 26, shortly after the birth of her daughter. Within the first couple weeks, she felt acutely unwell and experienced muscle spasms and twitching. Not only was it physical, it was also mental fatigue being experienced “all the time”, leaving Helen unable to function. 

The doctors didn't say much, as tests came back normal. The only abnormality was her Thyroid’s function. Eventually, she went to hospital for further testing, where they noticed her spleen was enlarged. Helen was not offered treatment, and she was diagnosed with CFS/ME. She relied heavily on her husband and family to help her. 

Everytime Helen visited her GP, she was always told that there was nothing that can be done. 

Helen found out about LDN, after seeing it on the news in Scotland. She visited her GP in England and mentioned LDN, however they showed no interest. 

She has been on LDN for over two years, showing no initial side effects. However, when dosage is increased she felt “quite fuzzy,” so dropped it back down again. Smaller increases were used and the symptom disappeared.

LDN has helped Helen immensely, as she now suffers no symptoms of CFS/ME at all and would recommend gaining knowledge of the medication, via research and speaking to their GP or others who have used it.

Please watch the video to view the whole interview.

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