How Do You Treat Chronic Gastritis?

Dr Paul Anderson
Dr Paul Anderson

How do you treat H pylori-related chronic gastritis?   A lot of chronic gastritis that are not an inciting H pylori or autoimmunity are more functional and that can be any number of things.  The first thing that we do with people and is the the most gentle is a trial of bitter herbs.  They literally put it in their mouth.  They are bitter and you can buy a bottle of bitters.  It's the same.  If  that's too intense for you, put it in a couple ounces of water and drink that right before you start eating.  

There's a lot of research that shows that the bitter herbs taken before eating will stimulate more digestive product. A lot of chronic gastritis is two big competing factors.  One is not enough protective mucous layer in the stomach and the other is not enough stimulation of the digestive acids and other things that stimulate your digestion. Gastritis comes from improperly digested foods and then they create more inflammation.  So starting with something like bitters is always a good place to start if a person seems to have a low amount of protective mucus.  

We have patients take marshmallow root, okra, and mucilaginous herbs.  I suggest they put the herb into something like some applesauce and eat it.  You want to eat it really really quickly because it'll get really gooey.  That'll help kind of cushion the blow.  Then if the bitters aren't enough we might use digestive enzymes and things to support digestion to  rehab the system. That's the way I would look at that.