How Many People Say Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Isn’t Going to Work For Me?

Dr Norman Marcus, Pain Specialist
Pain Specialist Dr. Norman Marcus

How Many People Say Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Isn’t Going to Work For Me?

What would you say is the number of people that you have to say, "Okay, LDN isn't going to work for you." Is that number very high, or do you manage to titrate to find a good dose that works for people?  If somebody is compliant, then we have about 80 percent of the patients who are responsive.  So when you know I'm doing it, and the patient goes along with it and stays in touch with us because we tell them that they should call our office at least once a week to go over how they're responding, any side effects to see if they've overshot their dose.  We feel it's about 80 percent success if they stay with us on that.