How To Tell if You Need to Increase Your Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Dosage?

LDN Specialist Pharmacist Michelle Moser
LDN Specicalist Pharmacist Michelle Moser

How To Tell if You Need to Increase Your Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Dosage?

How do you know if you need to increase the dose you are taking?  We increase the dose until people have seen either an increase in energy and or a decrease in their symptoms. If you start with 0.5 milligram and every seven days you increase by 0.5 milligram you get to three milligrams and you're doing fine. If you're feeling pretty good and your symptoms are starting to go away and energy is coming up but then you go to 3.5 milligram and all of a sudden you're  symptoms are coming back and you don't feel as good then we would roll down to three milligram but you don't have to necessarily stay there. You can. There's nothing wrong with that because again it's not about the dose it's about you. It's all about taking care of you. You can always try to increase that dose again. 

For example, a patient had fibromyalgia and chronic pain associated with that.  She got up to three milligrams. She felt good and she was very active. She went to 3.5 and she wasn't feeling so great. So we switched to a liquid and we put her down at three again and we allowed her to go up by 0.1 milligram every seven days. She found her happy dose is actually 3.1 milligram. She got up to that dose and she increased and she wasn't feeling as good. 

If your symptoms are not going away then that's when you increase and some people go above the 4.5. We heard a lot about where people are going up to four and a half, five, even six milligrams when they're trying to suppress the inflammation or suppress the proliferation of their symptoms.