How Would You Treat Peristalsis?

Dr Paul Anderson
Dr. Paul Anderson

How Would You Treat Peristalsis?

Loss of peristalsis after intestinal infection?  Peristalsis is similar to SIBO: small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.  That's where you usually have predisposing illness or infection and then you have an overgrowth in the small bowel.  With a loss of peristalsis you should seek out a practitioner who is literate in the SIBO world (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth).  There's a test for it and you could rule it in or out.  There are other infectious inflammation possibilities that can happen in the gut. 

After you take care of the infection you need to know how to treat peristalsis loss.  Make sure you treat the fungal elements that like to regrow after a bad infection.  You will need to get rid of the infections before the motility comes back.