If a patient stops LDN Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) do they have to re-titrate?

If a patient stops LDN Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) do they have to re-titrate?

If a patient stops LDN, so let's say they're on 3.5 milligrams for more than 7 to 10 days, do they have to re-titrate?

In my training, initial start of 1 milligram for two weeks, 2 milligrams, then ending between 3 and four and a half. Do people have a negative health reaction of stopping dose for an extended period of time and then restarting back at 3 .5 or at higher doses? 

Your dosing protocol is similar to a lot of clinicians. A lot of clinicians start either at 0.5 or 1.5. I tend to do both depending on the situation. One or the other depending on the situation. I think a lot of clinicians do as well. But in terms of stopping LDN,I have patients who stop LDN all the time for a variety of reasons, you know, they traveled and they forgot to take their medication. Too lazy for lack of a better term to get a refill and they run out or I have patients who, you know, sometimes LDN is quite subtle. Or I have patients who, they're not quite sure they're benefitting until they stop it and then they realize, oh, I was benefiting from it. So they stop it for, you know, a couple months and they say, oh, yeah, I felt better on the LDN, let me get back on it. So the decision, you know, to start somebody back up and where to start that back up, honestly, all depends on how they reacted to it the first time. 

If somebody had no problem titrating up on LDN to begin with, I'm 100% comfortable just having them start up where they left off. However, if, you get that patient who has really struggled to titrate up on the LDN, that's where I would pause and say, okay, well, you know, any pause more than, let's say three or four weeks, then I would probably at least back down on the dose. Maybe not start all over again, but maybe, back down on the dose and work up. Of course, if a gap is more than a year or two, and again, somebody struggled to begin with, I would re-titrate them. 

If, somebody didn't have any struggles at all and was able to titrate up, and had no side effects, it doesn't matter how big the gap is. Year, two years, 10 years, again, you know, there's usually little problem in starting them back up where they left off. Again, it all depends on the person.