If Taking LDN 3 Times a Day how is there time for Washout?

LDN Specialist Pharmacist Michelle Moser
LDN Specialist Pharmacist Michelle Moser

If taking LDN three times a day for PTSD, how is there enough time between doses for the drug to wash out and allow the endorphins to increase? Well, that's a really good question. So, Dr. Forrester and Dr. Lanus spoke about using multiple day doses, multiple times per day, dosing of LDN for anxiety, depression, and  PTSD back in the 2019 conference, which was one of my favorite conferences in my entire existence. They worked very, very carefully with their specific patients and a lot of times the doses aren't necessarily uh typical every eight hours.  Sometimes they're a little bit closer together at one part of the day or the other. But again it's very specific to that patient. So you're right if if the half-life of LDN is four to six hours. If you're taking it every eight hours, you have a  very short window for the potential for receptors to upregulate and increase endorphin production. I will say that usually with three times a day dosing compliance is difficult, so usually, there are some changes that way as well.  
Sometimes twice a, day dosing is just as helpful, but again, this is very specific. I'm hoping that Dr.Lanus and Dr. Forrester come back and talk again in another one of the  LDN conferences because they do a fabulous job of speaking on the use of LDN and PTSD specifically.

Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) and PTSD