Is it Easy to Obtain Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) and who can Prescribe it?

Dr Norman Marcus, Pain Specialist
Pain Specialist Norman Marcus, MD

Is it Easy to Obtain Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN), and who can prescribe it?

Should it be easy to obtain LDN through a ...yes

No one is really limited in using the LDN in an off-label way.  You're using micro-doses compared to what's commercially available.  Commercially available, you can buy 50 milligrams in the drugstore with a prescription, so you're using one-five hundredths of the dose of the commercially available drug.  The only problem would be your doctor having a lack of familiarity with using the drug, and for that reason, they would not want to give it to you. But any of your Physicians could write for the medication.