Is it hard to detox from Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)?

Dr Pamela Smith
Dr Pamela Smith, LDN Specialist and Advisor to the LDN Research Trust

Is it hard to detox from Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)?

No; I mean, I believe in liver detox, fixing the gut, which is another organ of detox etc. So no, the only problem I run into with LDN is if someone's been on it long term and they're in a car accident, they break their leg or something like that, and they have to go to the OR. So I just make sure my patients know that if something happens like a car accident, or they break their leg skiing or whatever, the doctor needs to know before they're operated on that they have been on LDN. So, people need to know the drugs you are on.

A Question from the Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Q&A Webinar on COVID and Long Haulers, the 2-hour seminar is available along with an extensive 278 page PowerPoint PDF and a Treatment Protocol,…

Dr Pamela Smith, LDN Specialist and Advisor to the LDN Research Trust