Is it worth getting a food intolerance test that simplifies this list and helps to eliminate any guess work?

Is it worth getting a food intolerance test that simplifies this list and helps to eliminate any guess work?

In trying to avoid foods which trigger histamine release every person's reaction is different. Is it worth getting a food intolerance test that simplifies this list and helps to eliminate any guess work?

That's a double-edged sword. On one end I've seen food intolerance tests and again I'm not you know I'm just giving you both ends, of the you know both sides of the coin I've seen in food intolerance food intolerance tests and you know one is really bad you know the rest not bad you take people off that they put them on the other things and then six months later, they do the test again and where what you're eating is way up and what you were targeting his way down. If you combine the food intolerance test with actively and aggressively treating leaky gut, yes because temporarily knocking down what they're intolerant to takes a lot of pressure or you know pressure off the system but you need to fix the leaky gut. What's happening in the other exam the previous example I gave is that they have leaky gut and you're treating the food intolerance so they're not eating dairy let's say, but then you put them on whatever else and that's high because it's freaky you know you have all this antigen antibody reaction going on and then you're going to start getting levels of IGG, IGA, IGE whatever, but the other ones you're not putting into the body so that starts dropping away, okay.

So if you're going to do this and it will simplify if you do it treat leaky gut at the same time and if you have the genetic, if you have like a  23&me or you know and you put it through StrateGene from Dr. Ben Lynch which is probably the best way for you to do a histamine system because it's very very obvious okay uh StrateGene puts the polymorphisms into the pathways so you can visually see it and go oh there's a problem here it's a great study. The original StrateGene was my invention and I gave it to Dr. Ben Lynch and he developed it okay and he's done a wonderful job and the new StrateGene is even more user friendly if you will and the whole histamine pathway is mapped out it's very easy to understand at MTHFR they give you a list of Polymorphysms of 1150 genes, but if you don't know the pathways it's meaningless.