Jan from the United States shares her Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME) & Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Story

Jan from the United States who takes Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and sleep issues shares his story.

I have all these diseases since March of 1981. I'm celebrating my 34th anniversary right now.
And I have had gotten progressively worse over the years and my pain increased until I was taking the opioid medications and still aren't getting pain control. So I started taking LDN 
last July on the advice of my doctor and it has helped tremendously. I had to come off the opioids to start taking LDN 
and that was rough, but it was well worth it because now I take an occasional over the counter pain reliever after eight or nine months that I've been on the LDN. I take ibuprofen and Excedrin.

Before I was taking Low Dose Naltrexone, I spent probably 22 hours a day, either in bed or in my recliner. I was able to do the most minimal self-care. 
My quality of life was a zero when I was bedridden for several years. I'll just get up to go to the bathroom.

LDN has improved my life about 25, 30%. I'm able to do more things in my self-care. I'm a very independent person and not being able to do things for myself was 
that stressor. And so I'm much happier.

I think definitely people should try LDN. It's not a cure and doesn't expect it to be but it is so worth it. A noticeable improvement in your quality of life and the fact that I'm totally off opioids and the damage they do to your system is well enough reasons for me.

Summary of Jans interview. Please listen to the video for the full story.