Jane from Scotland shares her Cancer & Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Story

Jane from Edinburgh takes Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) for ovarian cancer. 

Jane's stomach started to swell up, making her look 9 months pregnant in 10 days, she was admitted to hospital where she was told she had a bad diet, but after being readmitted the following week, they took 13 litres of fluid from her stomach, where scans then showed she had ovarian cancer. 

After 6 weeks she started chemotherapy, where she had a bad reaction to the initial dosages. After finishing chemo in July, she started taking Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN), at first she started to have distrubed nights, but now taking it in the morning, she had no bad effects, her mood has improved and will continue taking it where she will continue a follow up next year.

This is a summary to listen to the entire interview by click the video link.