Janet from the United States shares her Fibromyalgia & Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Story

Janet from Georgia takes LDN for Fibromyalgia, and has been having problems for just over four years, which is when she began to notice it. Symptoms included severe aches and pain in muscles, extreme fatigue and trouble concentrating. 

Janet heard about the Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) medication through researching for a company she was working with at the time. She saw how well results were and that was her initial thought, to try it for herself. She stopped all of her other medications, and went to her neurologist who agreed to prescribe it. 

Janet did not have any initial side effects when she first started the LDN medication.

Janet has now been on the LDN medication for 8 months, she quoted that before, she did not have any quality of life at all, she was miserable, and her work hours dropped to below half. Now, after the medication, she feels fantastic. , she has managed to get her license back also. Although her symptoms are not completely gone, she says they are a lot more manageable, and she is back to working her full hours.

Janet fully recommends LDN to other people, and quotes that there is no choice about it. She says it is also the best thing to exist.

Please watch the video to view the whole interview.

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