Janice from the United States shares their Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) & Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Journey

Janice is from the United States, and has rheumatoid arthritis (RA) since age 53, about 7 years prior to this interview.  It started as pain in the arch of her feet and toes; X-rays were negative.

After 30 months of various unsuccessful therapies, her doctor measured and found a very high rheumatoid factor. Her rheumatologist was not able to find a medication to help her symptoms.

Janice Googled alternative treatments for RA and quickly found low dose naltrexone (LDN). At the time she had a lot of pain, inflammation, swelling in all her joints, and general fatigue. She was using ibuprofen 800 mg twice a day.

She found a doctor to prescribe LDN, and after 4 days did not need to take any ibuprofen. Her pain and fatigue were quickly eased; and over the next several months the swelling and inflammation left her joints. She now feels 95% back to normal, and has a fully active life. Her local physician was amazed with her recovery, and now prescribes LDN for other patients as well. Janice serves as a resource for her physician’s other patients, to talk about how well LDN has worked for her.

If others are contemplating trying LDN, Janice encourages them to try it because it has minimal side effects, and has the opportunity to restore quality of life.

Summary of Janice's interview, please listen to the video for the full story.

Keywords: LDN, low dose naltrexone, rheumatoid arthritis, RA, pain


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