Jazzy from the United States shares her Multiple Sclerosis (MS) & Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Story

Jazzy from the United States  takes LDN for multiple sclerosis. She first started to notice MS symptoms when she was twelve. She had paralysis on the left side of her face which went away after about a month and it wasn't until she turned 31 that she noticed the left side of her face was numb and didn't know what it was.

She saw a neurologist and he sent her for an MRI and there was plaque build up on the left side of the brain causing  numbness to the right side of the face. And that's when she was diagnosed with MS. 

The bottom of her feet would also sometimes be numb.

She was offered steroids right away but she didn't want to take them.

She began researching healing from MS rather than looking at the negatives. The only thing that really came up in a positive light online was LDN.  Before  starting  Low Dose Naltrexone she had numbness, tingling and was given steroids to alleviate the pain. The numbness and tingling later spread to her spine which scared her so she wanted treatment.  Her quality of life scoring was 4. She was depressed at the prospect of disease progression.

When she began taking LDN she didn't notice any introductory side effects other thsn finding it hard to sleep on the first night but felt instantly better in the morning; even better than before the MS began and she has taken it since October 2013

She would recommend it to anyone as there are no side effects.