Jeni shares her Psoriasis and Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Journey

Jeni:  Im here to talk about psoriasis and, um, my experience of using LDN with psoriasis and, and hopefully it'll help other people with psoriasis just to give them another option of treatment. Since I was, I had quite good success with it. Say, Just bit about the psoriasis. It affects approximately 2% of the UK population in varying degrees.

And it's a chronic skin condition, which causes basically red scaly practice to appear. And it's quite uncomfortable. It can be if it's all over, which is what I had, um, it's related to the immune system, but I think it's not knowing exactly, um, how. How it's related, or any say current treatments involve steroid creams and versed alignments moisturize.

Um, there are some immune system drugs out there at the moment. I think they just, they were long term. So, and they have quite a lot of side effects. So I've never been keen to try layers, or any of the confess, the physical effects that easy to see. But if it's. Quite, um, considerable coverage of psoriasis, then it can have other emotional and personal effects to you.

So let's start skiing is Rossi's when I was about 21, 22, funnily enough, when I was at Penn state university studying over there. So it wasn't a where they're doing the research at the time, unfortunately. Um, Um, stopped is just a small patch, my neck, and then gradually over the next couple of months, spread everywhere, basically arms, legs, body, face, scalp, every way you can think of really so pretty much covered, um, not very comfortable condition to have really, but I tried to not let it face anything all day, really day today, but for some people, it can affect the DC living.

Is that you tried various creams or ointments steroid creams? UVB light which is, which was quite successful, but don't want to repeat it too many times anything and different diets, gluten-free diets. Um, do you sing herbal remedies, acupuncture? Pretty much everything you could think of, but nothing really.

Whereas degree affects, obviously you didn't do some treatments were better than others, and everything varies for different people. Some things were better. Okay. So I was looking for something else to try basically. So after doing a lot of trailing around and the internet, I discovered LDN about a year ago and decided to give it a try. So I've seen his name. Mmm. The side effects as far as I can see. And you may say I visited the essential health clinic in Glasgow and started off taking malaria steaks. Congratulated next few months increase the dosage, um, by about, after about three months.

And I was kind of thinking, Oh, was not really working, couldn't see any effect really, and they're a great improvement, but if it was continued taking it off, six has no side effects I can see.

 so I've spent after about five, six months, my skin was clearing and all the red patches getting less red, basically less itchy and uncomfortable.

And it was very beneficial saying some. Pictures the evidence and all the leftovers, the exam on her face had it all in my face and both sides, forehead, um, psoriasis can vary. So in the song, they would get better sometimes because with the sunlight we can improve. But on the right-hand side, it's been a bit of better, better foods.

Actually, that was probably my camera phone, and neither was decent: because he wants to see. Completely clear to my face. Anyway, that's just the more back before on the left-hand side. It was pretty much covered. Um, and on the right-hand side, a few months later,

it's not great for our team, but I can kind of see Jose on the left-hand side is covered in red patches and, um, is actually, I think that was bout after two or three months taking it. So that's not the worst it's been. But I'm like no legs now. Completely clear. Same. So luxury to have skin pain, to be honest, search thing in conclusion, LDN definitely works for me.

I've actually, um, being offered every few months now. Cause I'm expecting a baby in February and it didn't kind of mix with morning sickness at the time, but it seems to have prolonged effects. And then my skin hasn't come back very, very much over the last four or five months stayed pretty constant,  which is good.

it hasn't. Suddenly the whole come back, which is great. And hopefully, it can help a lot of people with psoriasis and has actually talked to my GP yesterday for something else. And she mentioned she'd be prescribing LDN more, but didn't realize it more for psoriasis. So hopefully. I can educate her, get her to try on some other people.

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