Joy from the United States shares her Hashimoto’s & Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Journey

Joy is from the United States and takes LDN for Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, to boost her endorphin levels and to control her antibodies. In 2008 she had a big crash, probably from her thyroid. It would bet getter, then get worse. By 2011 she hit rock bottom – “all the fuel went out of my tank” – her thyroid was not producing enough T-3 to have any sense of wellbeing. She believes her endorphin issues started in her teenage years. In her early 20s he was treated with full-dose naltrexone for an opiate addiction, and it made her feel terrible. So, when she heard about LDN for thyroid she was concerned, but interested. She researched LDN and found it was very effective at lowering the antibodies affecting how her thyroid was working.

When she started LDN her quality of life was maybe up to 6 out of 10, because she had just started taking a natural thyroid product; before the thyroid product she was perhaps at level 2. She found naltrexone to order from India and had it shipped to her, then she mixed it with distilled water and dosed herself. When she started LDN she had “three-dimensional dreams” that were extremely vivid, but faded after about a week.  She noticed improvements in about a week as well, and had to lower her thyroid medication by about 20%. Her antibodies decreased by about 50%, but were still a bit over the acceptable range on LDN 1.5 mg. She has been on LDN 3.0 mg for a while but hasn’t been retested.

At the time of the interview Joy had been on LDN for almost 4 months, and her quality of life bounced up to an 8. If it helped her peri-menopausal hormone issues it would be a 10, but LDN doesn’t seem to be helping with that. Linda Elsegood commented that talking with Dr. Phil Boyle she learned that LDN does help with a lot of women’s problems like endometriosis, though not necessarily menopausal problems; and that LDN helped her endometriosis improve over about 18 months.

If others are unable to find a doctor to prescribe LDN. Joy recommends they do research; and gives the warning to know the signs of overmedicating with thyroid medication, as once on LDN they’ll need to lower their thyroid dose pretty quickly. Linda Elsegood advised that importing LDN from India isn’t actually legal, but realizes it may be the only way some people can get it.

Joy would love to share her information so others can talk to their doctors about LDN. Her personal physician has some autoimmune issues, and is quite excited about LDN. Linda Elsegood pointed out that the LDN Research Trust’s doctor’s information packs have been quite successful. People print it and take it to their doctors, and the success rate is very high once the doctors read the information. Word is spreading, more neurologists are using LDN for multiple sclerosis, rheumatologists are now using it as well

Summary of Joy's interview, please listen to the video for the full story.

Keywords: LDN, low dose naltrexone, Hashimoto’s, thyroiditis, thyroid, endorphins, menopause, endometriosis, multiple sclerosis

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