Julie from Australia shares her Hashimoto’s & Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Journey

Julie is from Australia and takes LDN for Hashimoto’s disease. She was diagnosed in 2007, but looks back on having symptoms several years before. She was tired all the time, losing her hair, had dry skin, couldn’t eat well and living on one meal a day, had aches throughout her body, started to lose strength and muscle, depression, had brain fog almost every day, frequent urination, constipation, loss of balance, dry eyes, blurred vision, cold hands and feet – her hands would go numb in air conditioning - sensitivity to heat, tightness in the throat, neck pain, feeling her head too heavy for her neck to hold up, and limited neck range of motion. She had an internal tremor that made her feel weak; and air hunger as if not getting enough oxygen despite deep breathing. She had low blood pressure and body temperature.

The symptoms started to impact her job and social life. An ultrasound showed 2 nodules on her thyroid and a shrunken left side of the thyroid. Initially she refused medication, thinking she could get better on her own. She went to a naturopath to try for a natural way to heal, but 12 months later had to go on medication. She chose natural desiccated thyroid and got some good from it balancing her hormones, but symptoms didn’t go away no matter how much doctors tweaked her medication. She saw lots of doctors over 5 years, but remained debilitated by the symptoms. She attributes it to the hormone not actually entering the cells.

About 18 months ago her doctor recommended LDN and Julie researched it and decided to try it. When she started she quickly was able to reduce her thyroid medication. But then she had a bad virus lasting 3-4 weeks; then got Candida, which she heard can stop LDN from working. She got fantastic support from a Facebook group.

Julie feels her improvements from LDN are fantastic - from being sad, debilitated, and tired, to loving life and cheerful. Over the last 18 months she has gotten about 50% of her life back, and knows she’ll continue to get better. She feels she started at a quality of life of about 2 on a 10 point scale, and currently is about 7

She tells others about how good it is, and gives much credit to Deb who runs the Facebook group on beating Hashimoto’s disease with LDN.

Summary of Julie's interview, please listen to the video for the full story.

Keywords: LDN, low dose naltrexone, Hashimoto’s, thyroiditis, thyroid, thyroid nodules, natural desiccated thyroid, Candida

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