Julie from the United States shares her Hashimoto’s & Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Experience

Julie from the United States takes LDN for Hashimoto's thyroiditis after noticing issues after the birth of her son, at the early age of 30. Julie started experiencing some fatigue, constipation and eczema. And then after the birth of her son, she was getting the flu a lot; feeling exhausted. Julier found out that she had the MTHFR gene mutation. Which also further hinders your body's ability to detoxify.

After 12 different physicians that never helped her. Julie told them what her symptoms were, her theories, and that her thyroid was not well. They carried on telling her she was fine. 

Julie has been very disappointed with endocrinologists, after her strange experience with her antibody testings. During this time she hasn't been able to find one to prescribe Low Dose Naltrexone medication (LDN). Even after taking it and telling an endocrinologist that it helped, they still wouldn't prescribe it or even expressed interest in learning about it.

Julie felt the difference with the Low Dose Naltrexone medication (LDN) immediately. She felt perkier, better moods, and had more energy .

Julie’s advice to people who have Hashimoto’s is to try LDN, work on your diet, eliminating gluten and cutting down on superfoods. The LDN medication has also made Julie happier, she feels a world of a difference with less anxiety and depression also.

Please watch the video for the full interview!

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