Karen from England shares her Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Story

Karen from England takes LDN for multiple sclerosis (MS), where she was diagnosed in  November 2006. She had difficulty walking and falling over, as well as bladder problems. Karen first started using steroids at the beginning, but then went on straight to Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) medication; where she hast had many problems since!

She rated her quality of life a 7 when the pain and problems began, but now rates it an 8/10.

Karen heard about LDN online, unfortunately her Neurologist would not prescribe Karen with the LDN medication, which she has now successfully been taking for 18 months. 

Karen had no side effects on the LDN medication, but now realises she dreams a lot.

Karen advises people to go for LDN, she feels as though it does no one any harm, and does the world of good! She has even called it a “Wonder Drug!”

To view the whole story, please follow the link.

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