Kat from the United States shares her Fibromyalgia & Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Journey

Kat from the United States shares her story of how low dose naltrexone (LDN) has helped her with fibromyalgia and other chronic pain conditions, including interstitial cystitis, arthritis, and a displaced SI joint.

Kat first developed fibromyalgia, arthritis, and interstitial cystitis in the years following an automobile accident in February of 2004. Her symptoms include extreme fatigue, constant headaches, different odd pains that would come at random, as well as bladder and gastrointestinal problems. She learned about Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) while searching for treatments for her fibromyalgia. She brought the information packet about LDN to her doctors, who prescribed it for her as it seemed like it was unlikely to do any harm, and it could help her condition.

When she began taking LDN, any side effects were very very slight compared to the reactions she had to other medications her doctors had prescribed. She had a little stomach disturbance and some strange dreams, but those side effects were very short-lived. 

LDN has given Kat decent sleep, a lot more energy now that she’s off narcotics, and she has a clearer mind. Her pain is very much reduced and much more manageable than before. She knows that the LDN provides significant relief because about a month ago, she forgot to put the LDN in her pill organizer, and within three days without LDN, she felt terrible. And not only is the LDN helping with her various pains, but she’s also been sick much less often.

Kat started at 1.5 mg per night, and gradually increased her dosage to 4.5 mg each night. However, she has found that her best dosage is 4.5 mg morning and evening. Kat notes that while she felt a difference on LDN fairly quickly, some people take longer, even months to feel better, so it’s best to be patient when you start taking Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN).

This has been a summary of Kat’s interview. For the whole story, please listen to our recording at the link provided above.