Kelly from the United States shares her Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis & Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Journey

Kelly from the United States uses Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) for Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis.

"After my third pregnancy in 1985, I never really got to feeling well after that. Low on energy. I mean, just could not function through an entire day. I worked on a ranch south of where we live, and it was a 30-mile drive, but it was out in the country. So on the way down in the mornings, I would feel tired but on the way home, I would go into a black tunnel. I couldn't have the sheets on my bed to touch my feet. It was just excruciating pain. I was having symptoms of Rheumatoid arthritis plus I was having symptoms of Lupus.

Then I started going to rheumatologists, and so he put me on Methotrexate, which I just couldn't see that much progress. There was several of us ladies that were going to the same rheumatologists plus we had mutual friends. One of them used to be on a couch for weeks and she told me she was on Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) and was feeling much better.

And so we went all started going to dr. Berkson from that point. I was prescribed with ALA along with the Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) and so it took me probably a good six months to a year before I was totally weaned off of the Methotrexate and the antidepressants, and really starting to feel like a real person again.

I started having my own thoughts again and feeling like I could work again because whenever I was on the Methotrexate and the antidepressants, I couldn't even drive.

And so whenever I finally got to the point that I could drive again, and I actually went back to work again, and I felt whole again. That point is wonderful.

I'm still tired of demands of the day, but I'm working in a hardware store managing a hardware store. And so it's hard work, but  I can drive myself home at night without falling asleep. And I sleep well at night. So being tired at the end of the day is a good thing, but not being tired all day is also an extra bonus.

If there's a change of weather coming I know it, because my pain and swelling of the joints returns.

I will get those when low pressure comes in, and they'll swell just a little bit. But other than that I don't have any pain.

I am on LDN probably for 9 years.I felt good for probably eight years. It's just amazing. I can't even describe what a different life is now than it was.

And I used to get an extreme migraine after the third pregnancy. I've had an hysterectomy,  kidney stones. I've had every cold, every flu, every stomach bug, everything that came through. I was constantly sick, and I was in the hospital more than I was out. I haven't had a cold probably in five years.

Extract from Kelly's interview.

Please listen to the video for the full story.