Kerry from the United States shares her Hashimoto’s & Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Experience

Kerry from the United States to takes LDN for Hashimoto's where she was diagnosed in 2002. However in the year 2000 she started noticing weight gain, and hair started falling out, she was also constantly having some sinus infections. 

After tests, confusion and different medications such as antibiotics, Kerry was still feeling constantly exhausted, her hair was thin, acne breakouts were common and she was gaining weight. Her cholesterol levels and blood pressure were also going up. There was no answer for Kerry, apart from the fact she did have Thyroid Disease. 

After time on social media, she came across a doctor mentioning Low Dose Naltrexone medication (LDN), and how it's helped Hashimoto's patients. Her general practitioner had never heard of LDN, although she was willing to let her try. Even getting a prescription from her pharmacy in Florida. After some time testing different dosages, Kerry’s energy increased greatly, her hair seemed softer, and her body seemed more hyper. 

To conclude, Kerry definitely does recommend Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) to people who have Hashimoto’s.

Thank you for reading, please view the video for the full interview. 

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