Kimberly from the United States shares her Cancer, Fibromyalgia & Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Story

Kimberly, from the US takes LDN for fibromyalgia, and she also has a service dog(a cocker spaniel) who takes LDN for liver disease and liver cancer. 

She started her dog on the medication around a year ago, and noticed she could now walk, after spending a year without being able to do so, and is also surviving cancer and liver disease.

Kimberley has been ill with Fibromyalgia for around 17 years. Her symptoms were chronic fatigue at first, which eventually led to not being able to walk for three months after being incredibly active. 

Before taking LDN, Kimberly would spend the majority of her time housebound and depressed. She would also get mouth sores and a chronic cough along with a swollen face occasionally. Sometimes these symptoms lasting weeks upon weeks. Kimberly also mentions feeling pain as though someone has beaten her with a baseball bat. Exhaustion, lack of appetite, migraines and struggling to breathe also were felt regularly.

After taking LDN sourced from her own GP in California, she has felt more stable with an increased quality of life with no side effects.

Kimberly urges that people try the medication when asked if she recommends it saying “LDN can give them the quality of life.” She is very grateful for LDN, for herself and her service dog.

To view the entire interview, watch the video.

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