LDN Video Interviews and Presentations

Radio Show interviews, and Presentations from the LDN 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 Conferences

They are also on our    Vimeo Channel    and    YouTube Channel

Haley - Germany: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Haley from Germany shares her Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) story on the LDN Radio Show with Linda Elsegood.

Haley first started to notice Multiple Sclerosis (MS) symptoms when she was 22 years old in 1978. Her right foot became numb and consequently she couldn’t walk properly.

Thankfully, Haley was diagnosed swiftly thus was able to start looking for solutions but no treatment had great success until she came across Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN).

She said “I’ll definitely continue taking LDN. It’s certainly helped me in so many ways. If you’re thinking about trying LDN, then just go for it. It’s so good.”

This is a summary of Hayley’s interview. Please listen to the rest of Hayley’s story by clicking on the video above.

Gwen - England: Primary Progressive MS, Fibromyalgia (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Gwen from England shares her LDN for primary progressive MS and fibromyalgia story.

She was about 49 years old when she first noticed she was completely exhausted all the time. She had an awful time walking that progressed over time.

Her quality of life before taking LDN was at a 4. She found out about LDN 5 years ago after being diagnosed. The side effects she had were terrible nightmares for 2 weeks but went away. She started seeing improvements instantly and her muscles started relaxing a lot more. She was able to get right out of bed whereas before LDN it would take hour ½. Her quality of life improved from a 4/10 to a 9/10.

To hear the full story please watch the video.

Any questions or comments you may have, please contact us. I look forward to hearing from you. 

Gudrun - Iceland: Fibromyalgia (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Gudrnn from Iceland takes Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) for fibromyalgia. 

She was 43, and it happened rather suddenly, she noted insomnia and back pain, and all of a sudden she started waking up very tired and achy, and even had to go home from work at lunchtime sometimes because she was so tired.

Before Low Dose Naltrexone a typical day was waking up achy and tired and having to make a huge effort just to get out of bed and when she got to work, she would drink a few cups of coffee just to get herself going. On a good day, she could barely be able to finish a full day of work, but on bad days she would sometimes have to go home early,

She was taking a lot of pain killer to get through the day, in the evenings she would crash and have to rest until the next day. Her brain fog was also bad.

Before LDN her quality of life was a 3 to 4 on a scale of 10, 10 being the best.

She started LDN 4th of July, 2012 and had been on LDN 4 years at the time of this interview

After LDN her Brian fog went the next day but it took the pain and fatigue a few weeks to go.

A typical day after LDN, she wakes up feeling pretty well. she goes to work often tired by the end of the day and not in that much pain. She was hardly ever takes any painkillers. And is able to go out in the evening.

Her quality of life is 7 or 8! 

To listen to the full story click the video link.

Any questions or comments you may have, please contact us. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for joining us today.  

Gretchen - US: Tumefactive Multiple Sclerosis (MS) (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Today. I'd like to welcome. Gretchen's from the United States. You take LDN for Tumefactive Multiple Sclerosis Thank you for joining me,

Gretchen. Thank you.

Linda Elsegood: Could you tell us when you first experienced symptoms?

Gretchen: It came on quite suddenly back in spring of 2013. So about three years ago,

Linda Elsegood: what did you notice?

Gretchen: I initially noticed balance issue is I lost my balance on two different occasions, which was very odd.

That was where I first see them.

Linda Elsegood: And how old were you?

I was 52.

Linda Elsegood: Okay. And you've not had anything in the past that came and went  So what happened next after the initial problems?

Gretchen: Well, after I had the balance issues, I went to my primary care physician, and she scheduled an MRI for me after I failed neuro neurological tests with her, like walking and, you know, trying to point my finger to my nose and different things.

And I had an MRI done, and I was told that I had a brain tumour. So they sent me to a neurosurgeon who. Decided that he thought I had ms. Because I was, uh, I got worse with heat, and he thought that was

classic ms. Symptom.

Gretchen: So he referred me to a neurologist who,  um, did a bunch of testing on me. Everything came back negative, except the MRI showed one big lesion.

So they, I ended up having to have a brain biopsy too, too, uh, distinguish it as MS.

Linda Elsegood: Wow. That sounds rather scary. Doesn't it?  being told that you've got a brain tumour must have been really frightening. So what happens then? How did they point to Tumefactive Multiple Sclerosis?

Gretchen: Because the lesion presents as a tumour. They, they call it two months active and plus one lesion did so much damage from the, I actually am disabled from that one lesion. They treated me initially treated me with steroids, which just, I kept just getting worse and worse and worse on the steroids.

And instead of just balance issues that I lost my entire left side was paralyzed, which is my dominant side. So I couldn't even get up off a chair. I couldn't go to the bathroom. I couldn't do you know, showers or anything by myself. I needed help with pretty much everything initially because I kept getting worse. That's when they decided they were going to do the brain biopsy because they kept vacillating between MS and brain tumour.

So they still: weren't. Sure. So they made me do the biopsy to determine which it was. And that definitively and it's to prove that it was MS. Lesion.

Linda Elsegood: And did they give you any of the treatments other than the steroids?

Gretchen: I had initially switched me over to another neurologist who put me on Rituxan treatments, which is like a chemo drug.

That wasn't until October of that year. So I went for months just with steroids, which made me worse. And then I didn't have any other treatments until that fall when I had Rituxan, which I really wasn't thrilled about because I did not want to, I did not want to kill my immune system. I just didn't think that was a good course of treatment, but she told me I had aggressive.

MS Needed aggressive, aggressive treatment.

Linda Elsegood: And how did you hear about LDN?

Gretchen: I actually heard about it from Kathy, from the UK, because she's on my two minutes active Facebook group, Facebook group. So I heard about it from her and I was very intrigued by it because it was something that wasn't a chemo drug and I, and it was on an oral med.

Linda Elsegood: And how did you manage to get a prescription?

Gretchen: I actually, I went to my neurologist, and I asked her for it, and she said, well, I had one person on it, but they didn't have any, any change at all, but I was insistent. And so I said, well, I want to try it. And I was surprised she actually did prescribe it for me.

Linda Elsegood: Okay. And when you first started, did you experience any initial side effects?

Gretchen: Nothing. No side effects. How long have I had a couple of dreams that I actually remembered in the morning, but they weren't like vivid nightmare dreams. It was just a dream that I actually would remember.

Linda Elsegood: And how long did it take before you noticed improvements?

Gretchen: noticed within days. And at that time I have very bad spasticity, and I had extreme, terrible, terrible pain in my left arm. My left bicep. I couldn't even straighten my arm out without just excruciating pain. And I had been prescribed back within, which is a muscle relapsing, which barely touched it. I mean, it was so my worst symptom at the time. And soon I realized my pain was gone with the LDN and I was thrilled.

Linda Elsegood: Yes. If you can keep paying us the control, you feel so much better with everything else. Don't you use it, be able to cope better? Oh, absolutely. So apart from the pain, what would you say that LDN has done for you?

Gretchen: The other thing it has done is totally taken away my heat intolerance.

Normally, if I got heated, I would get like, almost like a noodle. Like I didn't have, you know, my symptoms, we get way worse and stuff. If I took a warm shower or like a heated in any way, I got worse and I have no effects from here at all anymore, which allows me to do my exercising twice a week.

I have no symptoms of from heat at all.

Linda Elsegood: That's fantastic. How long have you can take?

Gretchen: I started it in April of 2014. So about a couple of years.

Linda Elsegood: So how would you describe your life since being on LDN.

Gretchen: Oh, so much better. I love it. And I tried to promote it to everybody that I know I've read your book by the way, which is awesome.

And I had it on my Kindle, and then I said, no, I need to get a hard copy of this because I want to be able to bring it around and give it to people.

So, I bought some other ones.

Linda Elsegood: Oh, that's wonderful. And if you had to rate your quality of life on a score of one to 10, 10 being the best, what would it have been pre-LDN?

I would say more like a three.

And what would you say it is now?

Gretchen: Eight, I think it's a miracle drug and you know, I know people have

some type of here sometime taking it. I totally didn't have fear. I was so anxious to get on there cause I'd heard such great things about it and it's proven true for me.

I have a very bad tolerance for drugs.

So things make me a little nervous, but for some reason, LDN did not, and I've had such good results with it. I've been really, really happy.

Linda Elsegood: So if anybody's listening to this, who's got Tumefactive Multiple Sclerosis.  What is your Facebook group?

Gretchen: Tumefactive Multiple Sclerosis MS. Facebook group. Yes, I would definitely say try it.

There are a few of us on it, so, which is great.

Linda Elsegood: And it's always nice to have help and support from other people who have the same condition as yourself. So I'm sure people would find that of benefit to join that group.

Yes. Thank you very much. You're sharing a story with us.

Gretchen: Thank you. I appreciate everything that you do, and it's just been a wonderful, wonderful treatment.

Linda Elsegood: Thank you.


Any questions or comments you may have, please Contact Us.  I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for joining us today. We really appreciated your company. Until next time, stay safe and keep well.

Grainne - Ireland: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Grainne from Ireland shares her Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Story on the LDN Radio Show with Linda Elsegood

Grainne was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) at the age of 45. She first noticed her symptoms when she was running a marathon and noticed a tingling sensation in her legs and was then unable to run properly.

She was limited to completing only 2,000 steps a day, leaving Grainne housebound for the following months.

“It was really terrible, I missed running and I missed outside. But, once I found Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN), everything changed for the better.

It was around the Christmas period following me starting on LDN that I came downstairs and surprised my daughter. She couldn’t believe that I got out of bed and managed to get down the stairs myself.

LDN is a fantastic drug that has helped me in so many ways and I would wholly recommend it to anyone with MS who’s looking for a viable solution.”

This is a summary of Grainne’s interview. Please listen to the rest of Grainne’s story by clicking on the video above.

Gisli - Iceland: ME/CFS (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Gisli had been suffering from CFS/ME since he was near 10 years old, the illness commonly known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Low Dose Naltrexone. 

Gisli didn’t recognise the illness until he was 25 years old where he then received anti-depressants for his depression and mood swings. During this time, where he was commonly ignored by doctors, or receiving the wrong diagnosis treatment; before low dose naltrexone (LDN), Gisli was in a critical condition after encountering the common flu. He was in the third state of progression of his disease, which lead to paralysis for one and a half years, making him bed bound. Furthermore, Gisli also experienced the harsh reality of losing the ability to talk, difficulty to form sentences, as well as finding it a challenge to read text. This was not the end, he also became very hot which resulted in having post access to no malice. Most activities Gisli tried proceeded in him being in bed after. 

Like mentioned earlier, Gisli received little to no help from doctors, the medical system left his condition untreated which made him realise he would have to face his demons on his own. Gisli found patient and medical groups online, a community to connect with like people, experiencing similar conditions. Realising they had received help from LDN. Now knowing and gathering up further information from other people; Gisli managed to receive a prescription for low dose naltrexone (LDN) after visiting his General Practitioner with articles of the medication he desired to receive and try for himself. The GP understood Gisli’s situation and his deterioration from the past and agreed to it; trying out one half of a milligram for roughly three months. 

His side effects were sleeping more, sometimes for 18 hours a day. Although, Gisli did take this as a positive side effect, as before the medication he was finding it hard to sleep for near enough one and a half years. On the fourth day of medication he noticed the ability to concentrate more, the feeling of success through this medication made her tearful towards friends and family, where he had the positivity of hope, feeling as if he could live again. 
Now, Gisli posts positivity on online groups and resources. 

Summary of Gisli's interview, please listen to the video for the full story. 

Any questions or comments you may have, please Contact Us. We look forward to hearing from you 

Gill - Wales: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Gill from Wales was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis(MS) in 2000 after experiencing numb feet, pins and needles sensations and bladder issues.

She heard of Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) through articles about a lady with MS trying Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) , so tried to get her GP to prescribe her it.

She was eventually given LDN through a private prescription. Upon initially taking the medication, Gill experienced “terrible dreams.” She has also stated that symptoms had gone; although she still cannot walk properly, her mental health has drastically improved.

Gil - US: Psoriasis (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Linda Elsegood: I'd like to introduce Gil from the United States who use LDN for psoriasis. Thank you for joining me, Gil.

Gil: Thank you.

Linda Elsegood: Could you tell us when you first noticed there was something wrong with your skin?

Gil: Um, I was 30 years old. It was about 25 years ago, and I started to getting psoriasis on my forehead, and I thought it was just some kind of a fungus or something.

So immediately I went to the doctor, and he said, Nope, it's psoriasis. And it's going to get worse. Every year for yourself. Yeah. Yeah.

Linda Elsegood: So what treatments did he give you apart from that little snippet of information?

Gil: He had depressing information, but, um, he gave me some creams, uh, to put on like topical that helped it a little bit, but, um, that was it.

Uh, but for the last 25 years, I just never took no for an answer. Just keep trying different things.

Linda Elsegood: What would you say you've tried?

Gil: I think I've tried everything. I haven't tried UV light, but I tried, um, I've had like ten different acupuncturists over the years. I've done your Vedic. I've done different diets.

I've done different supplements. I bought a sauna. I did the fast exercises, special foods. Um, Chiropractor, everything that anything that anybody ever said, I just did all that stuff. And, you know, things helped a little bit, but nothing made it go away. It just, it did keep getting worse every year.

Linda Elsegood: So could you describe for us and explain, um, what areas on your body were covered before you, um, discovered LDN and how that impacted on your life?

Gil: Um, I was kind of, you know, it was like, it was never like on my face, so I could kind of cover it in, cover it up the whole time. Uh, but it was always on my, my legs, my thighs, my knees, my elbows, buttocks back, uh, scalp, um, you know, front and back, even though the front of the body. Um, and then through the years it would just like it.

Sometimes it would go away and then come back worse. Um, And then it would like sometimes he would get a rash and then the rash would turn into psoriasis and whole part or parts that you had reached. Um, so, uh, the impacting my, my life would be the first thing is just feeling itchy all the time. My, my skin would hurt.

Uh, we were to have a lot of, um, psoriasis if I had to sit on it or lean on it. Um, that was painful, sleeping at night was uncomfortable. Um, and then also always was covered up cause I was, um, I just felt very self-conscious to be out in public.

Linda Elsegood: So what about swimming or anything like that? Did you ever do those kinds of activities?

Gil: Less and less, um, you know, the first ten years or so. Yeah, but the last 15 years, um, haven't gotten like massages. Haven't done a lot of swimming, the public hasn't gotten to like tropical places or beaches where I'm wearing shorts and t-shirts, that was just kind of taken away year by year and more, more and more, um, out of my life, without even noticing it.

You just kind of like. You just don't do those things anymore. And don't notice how much your life has gotten smaller in some ways.

Linda Elsegood: Yeah. Did you experience any other symptoms other than the skin with your psoriasis?

Gil: Uh, just the skin. Um, I was lucky it didn't turn into arthritis. Um, it was just skin, uh, flaky and then burning sensations on the skin, but that was about it.

Linda Elsegood: And how did you hear about LDN?

Gil: Um, actually you know, it's from not giving up. Um, I kept asking different people and different doctors and I was, um, in Yuma at a friend's party. And there was a doctor there, um, from Australia that practices in Mexico. And I sat down with him. I said, well, what can we do about psoriasis?

And his first reply was like. There's nothing. It just keeps getting worse, this nothing. And then he stopped, and he thought about it, and he went, you know what. LDN. And he looked it up and has been working with cancer patients with LDN, and I think other autoimmune conditions as well. And you looked it up, and psoriasis is on there.

So, um, he gave me a prescription for LDN that day.

Linda Elsegood: How long ago was that? 

Gil: That was about ten months or nine months ago.

Linda Elsegood: And when you first started, did you notice any introductory side effects?

Gil: side effects, you know, um, not sleeping the first week. It was harder for me to sleep, but it's because I had so much energy.

Um, all the side effects I had were really. Great. I mean, um, more mental focus, um, a lot more energy. Um, I have to tell you, as I said, I took it at night and then the next day had the most horrible bowel movement. It was black and smelly, and it was like all the toxins from my stomach came out, and it was the next morning.

And I think LDN just started working then. Wow.

Linda Elsegood: And how long did it take before you started to notice a difference on your psoriasis?

Gil: It took about six months to notice the difference. Um, but I've noticed so many other positive changes with me, with my body and outlook on life and energy, from when I started, um, the LDN that I was just very hopeful.

I felt like, you know, this is going to do it. And sure enough, six months later, I could just see, wow, the patches aren't angry anymore, and they're not fighting back so much. And my skin feels better.

Linda Elsegood: And, and how would you say your skin is today? Ten months later,

Gil: 10 months later. It's about 70% better. Um, it's not angry.

It's not fighting back. It's not angry. Um, I still do the, uh, topical creams. But I don't need to stay on them as much, whereas before it's like, Oh, you have to do it twice a day. You have to stay in everything. Now it's more like a little bit of a kind of irritation. I have to still take care of this. Um, but it feels like it's not there.

I still have like 30% of it, but it's just, it's just going away. Wow.

Linda Elsegood: So have you got areas of your skin that had psoriasis that actually now looks like clear skin?

Gil: Yes. Yeah. There are areas on my, my legs were, um, you know, six months ago or so they only were crusty. They were dark. They were inflamed.

And the Queens weren't helping. I mean, it was just, it was just getting worse and worse and, um, They're gone completely. I mean, it's pink, beautiful, smooth skin. And also I realized like, after a few months of taking LDN, I already realized that I wasn't getting the itchy feeling and the rashes weren't appearing.

So there was a certain level that I was already taken care of that.

Linda Elsegood: Well, if we have a very good summer next year, maybe you'll go swimming.

Gil: Yes, definitely. Actually, I already got a massage. I haven't had one in 15 years. We went to Hawaii, had a vacation at shorts and tee-shirt on, and I got a massage, and I was just ready to cry, and I'm ready to cry now. It's just so amazing.

Linda Elsegood: Wonderful. Make it so much easier for you to sleep anyway, without having the itching and the burning and yes, all that is amazing. And what would you say to other people with psoriasis who are very sceptical about LDN? I know we spoke before the recording, how a lot of people with psoriasis had tried everything and they're just fed up with hearing about new remedies.

Gil: Exactly exactly what I, I don't know. I think the first thing is, is you have to keep trying different things in order to find a solution. And the second thing is that, uh, you know, LDN worked really good for me and the side effects were minimal and positive. I mean, even if I don't have sort of fits, I keep taking LDN for everything else that is, that it's giving me.

Linda Elsegood: I mean, I don't want to give anyone. False hope we know that this is actually working for everybody, but for the majority of people, they do notice some improvements. So, so that itself is certainly worth trying with the lack of side effects and it not being expensive, et cetera, et cetera. Oh, that's really inspirational. And thank you so much for sharing your story with us. I do appreciate it.


Any questions or comments you may have, please contact us. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for joining us today. We really appreciated your company. Until next time, stay safe and keep well.

George - England: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

George from England shares his Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Story on the LDN Radio Show with Linda Elsegood

George was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) when he was fifty years old. The fatigue limited George’s ability to complete simple tasks and was offered no medication when he was diagnosed.

“There was little hope at the beginning that I would improve. My GP didn’t offer me any medication and insisted that we see how it goes. Though, as soon as I started Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN), things changed.

LDN has solved my bladder issue, helped me with my sleep and I can now go on longer walks than I used to. I feel like I’ve got my life back.

I would like to recommend LDN to anyone who’s thinking about trying it, because it’s very low risk and it could yield great results for anyone who tries it”.

This is a summary of George’s interview. Please listen to the rest of George’s story by clicking on the video above.

Gary - England: The Sinclair Method for Alcohol Addiction (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Gary from England shares his Alcohol Use Disorder and Naltrexone (LDN) experience on the LDN Radio Show with Linda Elsegood.

Gary’s issue with drinking began in the nineties when social drinking began to creep into his private life as well. He states that he used to drink a few beers just in order to sleep, which began a vicious cycle leading to more beers and more money being spent.

His weeks would be made up of constant hangovers which impacted upon his ability to work properly. Recognising his problem, he began to research for a solution which is when he found out about how effective Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) can be against alcoholism.

During this interview Gary discusses “Alcohol Use Disorder” (AUD) and how successful The Sinclair Method is in treating the problem. Simply explained, the patient takes a 50 mg Naltrexone tablet one hour before drinking alcohol. It negates the effects and over time, reduces the addictive aspects. She explains how this is safe and inexpensive and that the success rate is 78%.

This is a summary of Gary’s interview. Please listen to the rest of Gary’s story by clicking on the video above.