LDN Video Interviews and Presentations

Radio Show interviews, and Presentations from the LDN 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 Conferences

They are also on our    Vimeo Channel    and    YouTube Channel

Eric - US: Allergies (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Eric discovered LDN about two years ago from a physician who is a friend who practises functional integrative medicine.  His allergies at that time were debilitating; generalised immune responses to everything from food to environment, to chemicals, to pollens to detergents in the grocery store and so on. 

He had chronic sinusitis, hives, itchy, watery eyes, and difficulty breathing. And the drugs to treat all of that all have their share of dangers and interactions with other medicines and effects that he did not want.

Within three days of starting the LDN, the symptoms dissolved, and that was shocking because he had tried everything on the market. He'd seen multiple specialists and was told nothing else could be done for him.

When he began Low Dose Naltrexone he had no noticeable side effects.  He got all the effects he wanted and none that he did not want. He was able to buy the LDN compounded for him - a year's worth at a time. And it's inexpensive and not a problem at all.

 It replaces in some situations drugs like Humira, which in the States costs$3,000 a month and he pays only $200  for a year's worth of LDN. So, the pharmaceutical industry won't embrace it anytime soon. 

It took only three days for the LDN to take effect. 

He was also very gluten sensitive but he can now go out and have a pizza with anybody now and without adverse effects. 

 When he had a minor hospitalization the frustrating part was that because nobody was aware of what the stuff was they thought he was using Naltrexone for addiction 

But conquering. Ignorance is probably the greatest challenge. One needs to find afunctional integrative medicine practitioner.

This is only a summary. To see the complete video please click on the link. 

Pharmacist Eric Borgeson, LDN Radio Show 2019 (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Linda Elsegood: Today I'd like to welcome my guest pharmacist, Eric, Borgeson from Jersey Shore Pharmacy in New Jersey. 

Thanks for joining us today, Eric. 

Dr Eric Borgeson: Thank you for having me today. 

Linda Elsegood: Could you tell us how you got into the pharmacy? 

Dr Eric Borgeson: I originally got into pharmacy when I was 15 years old.

I got a flyer in the mail, and it's about a Lamborghini, and I wanted to drive a Lamborghini and own one. So I got into pharmacy because there were three ways to get the money required to buy the Lamborghini. It was either to inherit, which wasn't most likely going to happen or to win the lottery, which did not happen.

And the third way was to cure a disease. Then while in college, I'm getting closer and closer to a degree. In pharmacy, your ideas change, your goals change. So I became more of a person who wanted to help people and to help take care of other people and help them with their medications and getting better and staying well.

Then it was about a sports car. 

Linda Elsegood: Hmm. And have you thought any more about, you know, curing a disease? 

Dr Eric Borgeson: Not so much. I mean, curing a disease seems almost impossible at some times to say, like, to be able to come down to the exact small things that actually caused the diseases. It's easy with something like HIV or AIDS where it's a virus, and you just have to figure out how to stop the virus and stop it from replicating versus a bigger disease such as cancer or MS or Crones when there are so many factors that go into it that you don't know how to stop it. One factor is great, but when it's still there and still happens, and we still don't have the answer, you’re scratching your head as to why is this still occurring? I thought we stopped it at the source. 

Linda Elsegood: Yeah. Okay, so in your pharmacy, what do you mainly do? 

Dr Eric Borgeson: We mainly make hormone replacement therapies that involve progesterone, testosterone, estriol, Estradiol.

In that, we also make supplements for various ailment that people have. And then other various ways that people wish to take. Well, we also do the low dose naltrexone, for those patients who have fibromyalgia. We also have patients who have that and chronic fatigue syndrome that we seem to help out with that.

Linda Elsegood: Do you have many doctors that are prescribing? 

Dr Eric Borgeson: It takes a special kind of doctor to prescribe it and seems like it has to be one that believes in trying a different approach, or what their patients bring to them to try. So we have about a half dozen neurologists that do prescribe it in the area.

Also, there are few alternative practice doctors that prescribe it in the area, but we don't really have any gastroenterologists who prescribe it much. 

Linda Elsegood: Oh, okay. And we always find that the most prolific prescribers are mainly nurse practitioners. Do you have many of those in your area or, or none at all? 

Dr Eric Borgeson: We do have a lot of those in our area.

A lot of physician assistants and a lot of nurse practitioners, but they seem to really do a lot of the alternative medicines, in the sense of the low dose naltrexone, tell their patients that way. They seem to stay more towards Western medicine. The ideal of this is what the book says, how I treat my patient or X, Y, Z.

Linda Elsegood: Well, we did three talks last year like a roadshow taking LDN out there and getting pharmacies and prescribers in the area invited to come to an evening, just a two-hour talk on LDN. That has been really successful. So maybe we need to come to your area and get your prescribers to come along and, and listen - if they will listen.

Dr Eric Borgeson: Sounds like an excellent idea. 

Linda Elsegood: Yeah, that, that definitely does, isn't it? 

So what forms do you compound LDN in? 

Dr Eric Borgeson: Primarily receive. We make a capsule for us. We've made liquid for one person before, but primarily we just make LDN capsules. There was a prescriber as a psychiatrist, with interest in a low dose naltrexone cream too.

But he didn't follow through with it or never found a need for it.

Linda Elsegood: Oh, that's a shame. I mean, it seems to be working extremely well for mental health issues and also with pain, even people that are taking high doses of opioids by using ultra-low dose naltrexone. Do you have any pain specialists in your area?

Dr Eric Borgeson: We do have some, there’s a large number of pain specialists in our area, but none of them has prescribed it. But that may just be, as you said, due to a lack of education about the product. Or even just the availability. There's a bunch of us out there and trying to promote ourselves and what we do and other people out there are telling people that there are other means than traditional medicine, that there is this alternative. Sometimes it seems to fall on deaf ears or doesn't make it to the right ear. 

Linda Elsegood: Yes, true.  You know, if we can get people to come to the conference, that would be amazing. You know, watch the live stream.  But there is a lot of it. This year we had, I think, about 30 hours of pre-recorded presentations plus the two and a half days as well. It's quite a commitment to sit and watch them, or if you do have a year to watch the presentations. But nine out of 10 prescribers that watch it are so enthused by it. They will go and prescribe LDN.

And of course, as soon as they see patients doing well, they want to prescribe it more and more. 

Dr Eric Borgeson: Why don't we? Everyone has patients that they have who might be able to benefit from LDN. They're looking for something and they just can't seem to find that one magic bullet, but even something else that would help them with the bad effects of their illness and can’t think of what.

And then sometimes they're like, ‘Oh, let's try this!’ as you said. And then they're like, ‘Oh, that’s great, that worked really well for’, for example, ‘Ms Hill over there. Maybe we need it for Ms Parker over here or different elements for a different condition.’ This may help them because they had thought of it.

Linda Elsegood: Hmm, exactly. And it's, you know, a Eureka moment, isn't it? When you've had a patient who's really ill, and there's nothing else you can do and the patient isn't getting any better. And then discovering, LDN could possibly work and seeing what the results are. I find it really fascinating. 

Dr Eric Borgeson: It is fascinating and satisfying.

It's at that moment that you're able to feel like ‘that's where we got into medicine’, to help them out with these things, to make it, to give them the treatment that they need to help improve the lives that they have. 

Linda Elsegood: You said that you compound supplements as well. What would your recommendations be to patients who take LDN? What supplements would you say they should be taking or checking?  

Dr Eric Borgeson: Yes, because a lot of that's what attracts them to help with the inflammatory disorders. We usually recommend other anti-inflammatories to go with it.

Or perhaps B12. Or other complexes that we have, just an overall energy-boosting for our patients who have chronic fatigue syndrome, or it may be that we also recommend they get their iron levels tested to make sure that not just a vitamin D issue, that it actually sees if there's any iron component to it, that's missing, that they don't have enough steroids and things like that.

Linda Elsegood: Why would somebody have low iron if they had a healthy diet? 

Dr Eric Borgeson: They may not be getting enough iron from their natural diet. Over here in the States, we have a lot of vegans or vegetarians that if they don't get enough beans or other source of iron or even just iron supplements taken with something such as citric acid or even just orange juice with it.

They may actually get enough absorption, and they might not be getting enough just in their diets as I said, from lack of iron sources. It's like they're not getting enough iron from beans or things like that. 

Linda Elsegood: How would you know if your absorption was working correctly? 

Dr Eric Borgeson: You'd have to get a lab test from your doctor and then get a blood draw to see what the levels were and then take them, they do move slowly.

So you'd have to draw blood, with a retest after six to eight weeks to see if you were deficient. I had to get our tests in six, eight weeks to see if the levels are brought up or not. And then you can slowly continue to supplement from there. For example, my own baby, at 18 months, was getting a great diet and drank milk.

He did everything, but he still had an iron deficiency, which was surprising to us when we brought him to the doctor. So we give him a vitamin supplement, iron supplementation for three months or so, and now his iron levels are up to normal and up to date, and we've been able to stop the supplementation.  He's able to maintain his iron. 

Linda Elsegood: That's good. So you don't necessarily need to take it for life just to increase it. 

Dr Eric Borgeson: Well, no, that's good just to correct it.

Linda Elsegood: Yes. Okay. So when a patient comes to see you, I mean, obviously you're not prescribers, but if you notice there was something that could help a patient, how would you go about informing them?

Dr Eric Borgeson: If we see a deficiency that we can help with a patient, we'll write them up in a note and tell everything. Like, this is what we recommended to your doctor. And then we ask if they want us to fax it over to them on their behalf or if they want to bring it into their doctor or they want to call their doctor about it.

So we'd help educate them about what the issue is, why we think this is a good treatment for them. Why is it a good way to progress? Then for them, with the way to get what we suggest that they should get. Most prescribers in our area have worked with their patients for years, or decades even.

So anything that a patient brings to them, they're mostly willing, they're most likely to let them try it because it has a sound rationale behind it that's opposed to, you know, a patient saying, Hey, I found something on the internet. Great. 

Linda Elsegood: And what do you think the response would be if you suggested LDN for these chronic fatigue patients or MS patients.  Do you think the doctors would be open to that, those who haven't previously prescribed? 

Dr Eric Borgeson: I do think it happens with doctors who have previously prescribed it. Some may be sceptical about it at the beginning, but then they just want what's best for their patient. So if they don't have any negative experiences, they will invest my track record in my history.

In nineteen years, I'd never actually seen any really severe allergic reactions. And they don’t see any severe adverse effects from taking low dose naltrexone. All I've seen is that's what's happening with someone who was on opiates before and got a medium dose of naltrexone and they now went into withdrawal a little bit.

But that was the only a slight case of anyone who's had an adverse reaction from our experience with it. So most doctors in that instance, when presented with a lot of positives that can occur from it and not a lot of negatives, then they're more willing to prescribe it for their patients.  

Linda Elsegood: What would you say the outcome has been from the patients that have tried LDN?

Dr Eric Borgeson: I can say it's not all of our patients, unfortunately, that get benefits from it. It seems to really be about six out of 10 or seven out of 10 patients who do take it and take it regularly and as they're taking it at bedtime, take it roughly the same time, at bedtime. It seemed to have the best effects with it, but as not all medicines work the exact same way for everybody, it doesn’t work for everyone, unfortunately.  

Linda Elsegood: What dose range do you compound? 

Dr Eric Borgeson: The majority of our patients, we have a total range. Once we have to do one and a half; we have two-point ones, three ones, three and a half, four and a half. We have a few patients on six points, and we've done a few patients up to nine.

But the majority are down in the three and four and a half range. Because most of the studies in LDN, most of the tests and most of the studies have been done on the four and a half milligram variety of low dose naltrexone as opposed to higher doses. And then we start the lower doses because people should be titrated up slowly as opposed to just jumping to the highest dose.

Linda Elsegood: And what I was saying about pain specialists is because pain specialists now are using ultra-low dose LDN, which is 0.001 so it's, you know, really micro-dosing, and it seems to work absolutely amazingly by using this microdose alongside the opioids, not taking them off, keeping them on makes the opioids far more effective.

And then they're able to decrease the opioids while increasing the microdose, and in some cases actually weaning people off the opioids, some that have been on opioids even 20 years. I heard a story the other day about coming off the opioids on LDN and having better pain relief than they were on this cocktail of opioids and didn't go through withdrawal.

Dr Eric Borgeson: Now that is just amazing. 

Linda Elsegood: Yeah. We're doing a documentary on opioids and LDN, and we've interviewed several pain specialists who have amazing things to say, so we are hoping for big things with LDN, and hopefully, we will have to get you to make ultra-low-dose as well. 

Dr Eric Borgeson: Excellent. Well, we look forward to that.

We ought to have more papers on that? 

Linda Elsegood: Yes. 

Dr Eric Borgeson: So I thought they had talked about micro dosing and nano dosing. The question is more homoeopathic sometimes at that point where it's like, what? How small of a concentration can you have before you actually start to see an effect? That'd be fantastic.

That doesn't have to be that high, and it doesn't cause any withdrawal effects on you simultaneously. Improve anti-inflammatory at the same time, not have to use such high doses of opiates. 

Linda Elsegood: Exactly. And the pain specialists that do use LDN at 1.5, will use it with opioids, but only several hours apart.

So if you take one in the morning, you take the other one at night. We don't ever recommend that. Nobody does that themselves, that always has to be under medical supervision, but there are doctors that will do that and find that it does work really well, but maybe it's the same thing as the ultra-low dose alongside the opioid making it that much more effective, but it's certainly something that is a hot topic at the moment. Which is really interesting. So what's your next goal in your pharmacy? 

Dr Eric Borgeson: Our next goal? So, currently, we are rolling out our USP 100. We're working with the regulation part of that to improve us. And then we also have some creams out for testing now to help increase the bud study, like the beyond use stating that people can have for pregnant alone.

Cause right now there are no studies that pregnenolone is only good for 30 days based on U of T seven, nine, five. So we've put some out to a testing lab when we're on day 90. Now. We've had good results so far. Um, so we're pushing the boundaries there on science to see how long, um, we can get pregnant alone in this space for so that patients can, you know, have larger day supplies and less frequent turnover of medication, like having to order it and decreasing the burden on them.

Linda Elsegood: So what, what is that actually for? 

Dr Eric Borgeson: Oh, pregnant. It's part of 'em. Uh, the hormone. a homeowner placed on therapy greens and helped synthesize other hormones for you. That's like a precursor. 

Linda Elsegood: So when people take hormone replacement medication, I mean. Is that just one medication once a day or do they have to take more?

Dr Eric Borgeson: Some prescribers use it once a day, and then some prescribers do it twice a day. It depends on the doctrine—the prescriber.

Some doctors want to keep the levels up more sustained and found that trees, it's the cream today seems to be more effective than once a day. So, again, that goes back to being patient dependent as some of their patients only use them once a day, and they seem perfectly happy with it. And sometimes it's just replacing progesterone that we've, that women lose over time, like people who are over 50, maybe experienced progesterone loss.

So then it's just bringing their progesterone levels back up to where they were normally originally. Um, so we're just, then at that point, you're just supplementing the progesterone at bedtime, and that's it. Cause it can cause drowsiness and some people as well. So, um, you wouldn't let me drive there during the day.

So the prescribers prescribing more. 

Linda Elsegood: And what about, um, blood tests? Do they always come back showing that they're, the tests are negative or positive even for thyroid problems, hormone problems? What I'm trying to ask is, is it a, is it a clear cut thing where, you know, this is the marker you've got, so you definitely need some help or, or are the grey areas.

Dr Eric Borgeson: I would say there's a grey area. There are black and grey areas where it's like, while you're, it depends on what level they're looking for. Like people who are high roid. Some people just look at the thyroid-stimulating hormone levels and base it off of that when they should really be using more of a direct T three and T four, um, blood tests.

It's a little bit more expensive obviously, but they use the direct T three and T four just to ensure that your body is converting. The T four into the active teeth three and then back to the inactive T four. And if it's not getting to the active state, then it looks fine on your blood work on just a thyroid-stimulating hormone side.

Ella is finding your blood work, so then it won't be fine. Um, once they, once you take the direct levels. 

Linda Elsegood: Hmm. Because I know, I know some people have had tests gone to one doctor and had the tests and been told the fine, then go to another doctor would have a different test and find they actually do need help.

Dr Eric Borgeson: I'm really alone in college where I was like, are you treating the numbers or you're treating the pain. And so they would be looking at the symptoms that the patient's experience in regards to, you know, are they losing weight? Are they having excessive sweating or, you know, are they just gaining weight.

The irritable or you somnolent infant, you know, are they, are they too tired? Not tired enough, too much energy, not enough energy. There are so many variations, professor, for the thyroid patients that they have to take into consideration, 

Linda Elsegood: but it's not helpful. Is it? When you go to the doctor in the field.

Really unwell to be told that your blood tests are normal. There's no further action that needs taking, you know, but hang on, I don't feel very well. There is something wrong with me. And then, of course, some of these patients are then told it's all in your head, you know, that you imagine it. 

Dr Eric Borgeson: Yeah, there's that. Unfortunately, that does occur. Um, but yeah, I look, people always want to go, you got the people who don't even want to go to their doctors, but then they're like, well, I need an answer. I need to know what is wrong. And then after going their doctor, they're like, my doctor said there's nothing wrong and enough must not be anything wrong.

Linda Elsegood: So what, what are you going to say? What are you able to do as a pharmacist? If a patient comes to you and says, ah, I've had these blood tests, and they're all negative. There's nothing wrong with me yet. I'm really not. Well, how do you help those patients? 

Dr Eric Borgeson: We interview the patient at that point. Part of that is not feeling well and then try to find what may have paused that from the start, like more of the history and the biography of what caused their own wellness and then what things they've tried to further on wellness.

And then either possibly recommend a different doctor for them if they didn't go with a doctor who specializes in what seems to be wrong with them. Um, or maybe we've had to do tiny on what they say. We might have to do some further research. With them to see what else we can find on their topic of what seems to be ailing them.

What are things that we may not have even considered? 

Linda Elsegood: Yes. Yeah. Now, as I say, you're in New Jersey, so how far, you know, if you look at the whole state of New Jersey, whereabouts are you based? 

Dr Eric Borgeson: What about in the middle? Against the shore. We're, we're an hour and 15 minutes South of New York City, about an hour north of Atlantic City and an hour and 15 minutes diagonal from Philadelphia.

So we're ready against the shore about halfway up 

Linda Elsegood: on the coast. Okay. Yeah. I've actually been to Atlantic City as well. I, I came back, and I think I was home about a week and they had those terrible storms or hurricane or something and it ripped all the boardwalk up, but it was quite nice. I was saying to my family; I went here. I went there.

It didn't look like that, though. Um, I think I would have been, yeah. Quite frightened if I'd been there when that happened, but I did 

Dr Eric Borgeson: see it. Hurricane Sandy was not a nice hurricane. I had lost power for a day or two. There are people that have the pharmacy. I worked at the time. It didn't have power for a week.

Wow. You know, it was very, very traumatic. That was even in that, in inland, like 10 miles, like 10 15 miles. Like it was a very. Like for all the trees and knocked down and all the damage it did. It wasn't just the ravaging shoreline, which it did that as well. Burying houses and just strolling the entire, every house on the Island pretty much was almost seemed to be knocked down at some point.

Linda Elsegood: Goodness, 

Dr Eric Borgeson: there's so much damage on the Island, 

Linda Elsegood: but wow. 

Dr Eric Borgeson: I mean, we rebuild them. It's better than it was before, 

Linda Elsegood: but you do have more extreme weather them than we have here. 

Dr Eric Borgeson: Occasionally there's not, you know, that's, I've only had one hurricane since I've been here, and that's the one. 

Linda Elsegood: Okay, well, that's not so bad.

That isn't 

Dr Eric Borgeson: it. Did you get some torrential downpours? Do get some lightning and thunder. They are always borne up tornadoes, but no ones. I'd never seen one in this area.

Linda Elsegood: but your position, um, how you will be located. You know, what area do you cover around your pharmacy? How far do people travel?  

Dr Eric Borgeson: ah, people can keep seeing how people travel up to 45 minutes to come to us. But we do mail like we ship prescriptions. Um, we just compounded prescriptions. We do ship for free throughout the state.

Because we're licensed in all States, so we'll have the doctor, well, doctors will fax over their prescriptions, or they'll call them in, and then we'll get them ready, and then we send them out to the patient, so they don't have to make them if they're over 45 minutes away, they don't have to travel there to get their prescription if they can't get anywhere else.

Linda Elsegood: And your license in which States did you 

Dr Eric Borgeson: say it's in New Jersey where we are, but we're licensed in eight States, I believe. 

Linda Elsegood: Okay. 

Dr Eric Borgeson: We're licensed in Arizona, Connecticut, Colorado, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Florida, Maryland. Those are the ones that come to mind 

Linda Elsegood: for pushing you on the spotlight. It's a tricky, tricky to remember, isn't it? Wow. So do you think, um, Philadelphia, didn't you say you near Philadelphia? What was it about Philadelphia? Do you ship there, Pennsylvania? 

Dr Eric Borgeson: Yes. We do ship to Pennsylvania. There's a children's hospital on the edge of Pennsylvania that we do a lot of compounds for. There's a children's hospital, Philadelphia, and we help take care of some of their patients. 

Linda Elsegood: Oh, okay. Wow. We've just about come to an end.

Um, you've already given your contact details, and that will be on the video for people to see. So thank you very much for having been my guest today. 

Dr Eric Borgeson: Thank you very much for having me. I look forward to seeing you guys may come to visit New Jersey. 

Linda Elsegood: Thank you.

Jersey Shore Pharmacy is a fully licensed and accredited pharmacy in New Jersey, specializing in compounding formulations. Such as LDN, bioidentical, hormone creams, home appraisal, and pet medications. They strive to help everyone with their individual needs. Visit https://www.jerseyshore.pharmacy/  or call 01 (609) 660-1111 Monday to Friday 9:00 AM until 7:00 PM. Saturdays. 9:00 AM till 3:00 PM.  You can also find them on Facebook. Today I'd like to welcome my guest pharmacist, Eric, Borgeson from Jersey Shore Pharmacy in New Jersey. 

Any questions or comments? You may have. Please email me at contact@ldnresearchtrust.org. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for joining us today. We really appreciated your company. Until next time, stay safe and keep well.

keep well.

Eoghan - Ireland: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Linda Elsegood: I'd like to introduce Eoghan from Ireland, who takes LDN for multiple sclerosis. Thank you for joining me, Eoghan. 

Eoghan: Good to be here. 

Linda Elsegood: Could you tell me when you first started to notice your MS symptoms? 

Eoghan: the first symptom was fatigue. I got really bad fatigue the year after I was diagnosed. The first symptom was optic neuritis, fatigue was probably the worst thing I had to deal with because it meant that I had to take a nap in the afternoon. Never needed that before. Having to take a nap was really inconvenient because I'm 26 at this stage trying to get everything else done. And fatigue is no longer a problem. 

Linda Elsegood: Okay. Let's just establish, before you found LDN, apart from the fatigue, what was your life like? 

Eoghan: Oh, uh, pretty, pretty bad I just couldn’t actually wake up in the morning. I used to sleep 16 hours a day. And you know you need rests after everything and now they have six hours to do stuff, which is not much time, especially when you're in college. 

Linda Elsegood: Okay. So what was your condition like just before you started out at the end? 

Eoghan: Well, it was fine. I was pretty good. Actually. My first MRI shows two lesions on the optic nerve on my right side, I think the MRI flipped over, so they weren't too sure which was left. I can't tell anyway. And yeah, I think I couldn't function. It was weird. Like how do you explain fatigue? People, you don't have it. 

Linda Elsegood: That's difficult when isn't it? Yeah. People say, Oh, well I get tired, but tired and fatigue 

Eoghan:  Not the same thing 

Linda Elsegood: So how did you hear about LDN?

Eoghan: research? I'm it guy, so Google is my friend. I eventually figured it out. Okay. So they want to put me on Avonex, which I did for about three months, and I basically developed psychotic symptoms from stabbing myself in the leg with the giant needle every week. It's a stress-related condition and after the Avonex made me go there and nutty and I said I needed something easier to take. Thinking there's gotta be a tablet for this at the time, and they didn't have LDN back then. Oh, eventually, Google helped me find out at the end. Thank God. Did. 

Linda Elsegood: Did your own GP prescribed it for you or did you have to obtain a private prescription 

Eoghan: first? That wasn't too bad. I went into Talla hospital, which is about two, three miles down the road from here, and saw the senior neurologist, and there were others name, I think it was Dr Smith. She and nice lady prescribed me at the end.

I got LDN prescriptions from a neurologist, but I had to talk them into it? So I have to do a lot of research beforehand. Prove efficacy and safety, and tolerability are the big three I had to for them. And bingo, I got my prescription that very day. 

Linda Elsegood: And when you first started, did you notice any introductory side effects?

Eoghan: the wacky dreams are pretty good. Um. Other than that, it's really. It's kind of hard to fall asleep so I take rescue remedy. And that's supposed to be knocked me out at night. 

Linda Elsegood: Okay. So what are your symptoms now? How many hours a day are you sleeping? 

Eoghan: Um, Oh, nine ten, I'm still in college. 

Linda Elsegood: Right. What about your optic neuritis? 

Eoghan: I could see just as well without glasses as I can with glasses apart I need glasses to see more than four feet in front of me. 

I went to see an optometrist nice man, by the name Tony McLaren, he said, well, you'll need prisms in these glasses.

So I went down to vision express, got myself the student discount, the health board discount, the special Easter discount as well as the time. Uh, basically got the most expensive in the shop with the most expensive lenses for half price! It's just really about the same as a regular pair of glasses, 

Linda Elsegood: What would you say to other people who are contemplating trying LDN? 

Eoghan: it's risk-free This medication will not hurt you. It cannot hurt you. The doctor's say First, do no harm. It's just great because all the other ms medications will leave you feeling totally crap and with LDN you feeling a little crap, but only if the first six months. 

Linda Elsegood: Thank you for sharing your experience with us.

Any questions or comments you may have, please Contact Us.  I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for joining us today. We really appreciated your company. Until next time, stay safe and keep well.

Ellen - US: Sarcoidosis, Ehlers-Danlos, 2016 (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

I am Ellen from Rhode Island in the US. I am a patient of dr. Pradeep Chopra. I take LDN for Sarcoidosis.

I also have enlarged lymph nodes and granulomas in my lungs and Ehlers Danlos Syndrome.

It's a connective tissue disorder, which means the collagen in my body has been defective since birth.  I spend my life with subluxations. Ligaments and tendons are overstretched elastic dance. So joints get very loose. So at this time I am now recuperating from my 21st surgery.

Before I got diagnosed, I was an athlete and being able to be a master swimmer and a swim coach.

I started taking LDN in 2012.

I'm terribly drug reactive to the point that I actually had a DNA drug, sensitivity testing done.

And I'm really not able to metabolize things as simple things, aspirin, Tylenol, antiinflammatories Benadryl, all the opiates, etc

I started very slow because I'm so reactive  at 1mg up to 4 mg.

Within a couple of weeks, I noticed a huge change.

The way I understand it, it's similar to the feeling you have when you have had a really good exercise, and the endorphins are released in your system. It's kind of that sensation where you just feel happier.

I would encourage anybody to try it and see if it can give you a better quality of life. It's really worth a shot.

A lot of years went by that I didn't get the proper help. Now I actually have written a book for Ehlers-Danlos so if anybody over in my area is still looking for help It's called "Living Life to the Fullest with Ehlers Danlos", with an actual physical therapy protocol that is safe to use with a manual therapist as a guide.

 I've been on LDN, which has been over three years and what shocks me is how I'm basically okay. During the day I don't need to take medication.

I am learning to better live with it. I'm learning to probably be a happier person than I was before with this. I honestly think  LDN has helped me. It just there's something about it that just helps to calm the body.

Please listen to the video for the full story.

Ellen - US: Sarcoidosis, Ehlers-Danlos, 2013 (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

I am Ellen from Rhode Island in the US. I am a patient of dr. Pradeep Chopra. I take LDN for Sarcoidosis, with enlarged lymph nodes and granulomas in my lungs, and Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. It's a connective tissue disorder, which means the collagen in my body has been defective since birth.  I spend my life with subluxations. Ligaments and tendons are overstretched elastic dance. So joints get very loose. So at this time I am now recuperating from my 21st surgery.

Before I got diagnosed, I was an athlete and being able to be a master swimmer and a swim coach.

I started taking LDN in 2012.

I'm terribly drug reactive to the point that I actually had a DNA drug, sensitivity testing done.

And I'm really not able to metabolize things as simple things, aspirin, Tylenol, antiinflammatories Benadryl, all the opiates, etc

I started very slow because I'm so reactive  at 1mg up to 4 mg.

Within a couple of weeks, I noticed a huge change.

The way I understand it, it's similar to the feeling you have when you have had a really good exercise, and the endorphins are released in your system. It's kind of that sensation where you just feel happier.

I would encourage anybody to try it and see if it can give you a better quality of life. It's really worth a shot.

A lot of years went by that I didn't get the proper help. Now I actually have written a book for Ehlers-Danlos so if anybody over in my area is still looking for help It's called "Living Life to the Fullest with Ehlers Danlos", with an actual physical therapy protocol that is safe to use with a manual therapist as a guide.

I've been on LDN, which has been over three years and what shocks me is how I'm basically okay. During the day I don't need to take medication.

I am learning to better live with it. I'm learning to probably be a happier person than I was before with this. I honestly think  LDN has helped me. It just there's something about it that just helps to calm the body.

Watch the video for the full story.

Elizabeth - US: CFS/ME, Lyme (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Elizabeth uses low dose naltrexone (LDN) for chronic Lyme disease, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), food sensitivities, and poisoning by Cipro.

When Elizabeth was very young she had anxiety and nausea, feeling on the verge of vomiting, and doctors found no diagnosis. At 12 she was taking Accutane, which interfered with her immune system and her symptoms increased through her teen years. 

She carried diagnoses of chronic fatigue syndrome, hypothyroidism, insomnia, food sensitivities, depression, anxiety, OCD, gastroparesis – all kinds of autoimmune disorders and symptoms - and was disabled. She got some improvement with a holistic treatment called NAET, but in her late 20s took ciprofloxacin (Cipro) and became bed-bound for over ten years. Unfortunately, later she took Cipro again and all her symptoms got exponentially worse.

She was diagnosed with POTS, or dysautonomia, and could not tolerate medications to heal.  She couldn’t tolerate food, heat, the sun, and couldn’t sleep. When she started LDN it made her feel like she had a bad flu, migraines, and a racing heart. Her doctor adjusted her thyroid medication to help with her heart rate and insomnia, but later was able to increase it back up. She learned that taking LDN in the morning, and a lowered dose, reduced those symptoms. Now her symptoms are 85% improved.

In addition, after 10 months, LDN has improved her endometriosis pain and cognitive functioning. She has been able to come off multiple other pharmaceutical medications, including those for her high blood pressure, antidepressants, and medication for CFS. By her research, she hopes to continue improving for up to 2 years.

Keywords:  Lyme disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, CFS, POTS, dysautonomia, hypothyroidism, insomnia, depression, anxiety, OCD, gastroparesis, food sensitivity, poisoning by Cipro, ciprofloxacin, endometriosis, high blood pressure, NAET, LDN, low dose naltrexone

Summary of Elizabeth's interview, please listen to the video for the full story.

Any questions or comments you may have, please Contact Us.  I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for joining us today.

Elizabeth - Scotland: Fibromyalgia (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Elizabeth from Scotland uses LDN for Fibromyalgia.

After travelling to Greece she started feeling very tired, constantly with flu like symptoms, no energy and a lot of aches and pains.

After taking LDN, Elizabeth states that her pain levels decreased and her mood got brighter. She has a much better quality of life now.

Play the video to listen to the whole story.

Elizabeth (2) - England: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Linda Elsegood: I'd like to introduce Elizabeth from England, who has multiple sclerosis; welcome Elizabeth.

Elizabeth: Hello

Linda Elsegood: Could you tell us when you first started to notice MS. Symptoms?

Elizabeth: Well, I didn't that they were there, but I didn't really take any enough to support them. I think, um, they started after I had glandular fever in my when I was a teenager, but so I'm not particularly aware, so

I didn't think it was strange that I would fall over and, um, I had very bad headaches.

So I never thought it was strange. So it was my husband that took me to the doctors. He thought there was something wrong with me, and the doctor thought it was oxygen deprivation at birth.

That's why I was a bit wobbly, but I never thought I had any. Well, I certainly do recognize, and there was something wrong with me. And neither did my family. And so it was a complete surprise when I was diagnosed with MS, after a brain scan

Linda Elsegood: And what age were you at the time you had?

Elizabeth: 32. I'm 44 now 32.

Linda Elsegood: So how does that affect your mind being told you have MS.

Elizabeth: Well, It just made me, well, it had this effect on me of just going into complete denial and going back to work and working very hard and just kind of pretending.

I'm just going to carry on with my career because I had a very successful career. And I was a bit upset. I was just to do a job in Singapore, and when I was diagnosed, well, they wouldn't let me fly. So we struck into the hospital. So I was upset that I couldn't do this high profile job in Singapore.

Um, um, the people that I work with, um, after the diagnosis, they, they didn't really understand what it was. My boss gave me a very high powered project, which looking back probably wasn't the best thing today. And, and, and my father was very poorly at a time as well.

I'm an only child. So my family didn't really take much notice of the diagnosis because my father was a very serious man.

Linda Elsegood: what were your symptoms at the time you found LDN?

Elizabeth: Well, pain in the night, like, um, pain in my head as well.

Linda Elsegood: Um, when did you find out the end?

Linda Elsegood: Um, did you manage to get your own doctor to prescribe LDN?

Elizabeth: No. No, because my doctor, I talked to her about when she said that she wasn't able to do that.

Linda Elsegood: So once you started, did you have any introductory side effects? and how long did it take for you to notice that LDN was doing anything for you? 

Elizabeth: let's say that's the primary thing, but I notice quite quickly, um, I'd say within. Within three, weeks of taking it.

Linda Elsegood: What about your other symptoms has LDN helped relieve any of those?

Elizabeth: So in terms of walking then still got problems in there. Like when I don't walk for a while, Um, had I seen a dramatic improvement.

So I don't have headaches. Like I used to have.

Linda Elsegood: Did you have any problems with your bladder?

Elizabeth: Yes. And yes. Optionally.

Linda Elsegood: fatigue,

Elizabeth: fatigue, um, goes in waves.

Linda Elsegood: So how would you feel, how would you say LDN has helped your quality of life?

Elizabeth: I wouldn't like to stop taking it, it's very good for me, LDN and really, I suppose the only true measure that I would be able to find this if I stopped taking it.

Linda Elsegood: Well, what would you say to other people who are contemplating trial at the end? That might be a little bit scared

Elizabeth. Well, I'd say you've got to try and to do the research and to look at all the testimonials. And then to make an informed choice. And I mean, I think politically the reason is nothing to do with the effectiveness of the drug, um, there's no money in it.

Linda Elsegood: Well, thank you very much for sharing your story with us, Elizabeth, and I hope you get all your problems sorted out soon.

Any questions or comments you may have, please contact us. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for joining us today. We really appreciated your company. Until next time, stay safe and keep well.

Elizabeth - England: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Elizabeth began experiencing symptoms in 1990 but wasn't diagnosed with MS until 2004.

She had a late diagnosis and wasn't actually diagnosed until 2004. She would have numbness in her legs lasting for a week or two, recurring every couple of years and gradually deteriorating until in 2004 she lost coordination and was unable to walk. After the diagnosis, she quickly advanced to the secondary progressive stage.

The diagnosis came as a relief as she thought she'd suffered a stroke.

Since taking Low Dose Naltrexone her life has improved considerably and she wishes she had commenced treatment earlier as her left leg is quite severely affected. Her quality of life has gone from 9 to 1 in terms of wellbeing and to 3 physically because of impairment. She now feels more relaxed, her walking is less jerky and, most importantly, within three days she recovered control of her bladder.

She heard about LDN from a fellow MS sufferer and decided to try it but was unable to get a prescription as it's off-license. 

She obtained it through Prescribe For Me.

She had no adverse side effects from LDN apart from disturbed sleep patterns and vivid dreams. She felt much better and more relaxed and knew the LDN was working within three days.

Her partner has even begun taking it as he is envious of her resistance to infections!

This is only a summary of the interview. To hear it in full click on the link.

Eileen - Ireland: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Eileen from Ireland, was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis(MS) at the age of 27. She experienced poor vision all of a sudden during a hockey match, so saw her GP. After a lumbar puncture she was diagnosed. Eileen also experienced fatigue and loss in ability to walk. She heard about LDN through a friend who forwarded her articles, which got Barbara looking further into it. She was prescribed Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN), and started taking the medication in November. Barbara says that it has lifted her fatigue and halted the progression of MS.

When asked what she would say to those contemplating taking LDN, Barbara replied with “go for it. Absolutely. No hesitation at all.” 

This is a summary to listen to the entire interview click the video link.