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Dr Brian Udell on Low Dose Naltrexone, LDN Radio Show 17 May 2017 (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Today our guest would be Dr. Brian Udell who is the medical director of the Child Development Center of America in Florida.

Linda Elsegood: Thank you for joining us today Dr. Brian Udell!

Dr Brian Udell: Thank you for having me.

We're really looking forward to hearing your experience with LDN for Autism. First of all, when did you first hear about LDN?

Dr Brian Udell: I heard about LDN through the, at the time it was called the Defeat Autism Now Protocol. It was called the Dan movement, which started many years ago, in the late 1960s, and that was the first time that the doctors tried to do anything medical to address the Autism that they were seeing.

First of all, it was a very rare disease. Right now in the United States, one in 68 children have it and 2% of boys. So it's five times as prevalent in boys than girls. So 2% of the boys in the United States that have AASD diagnosis. At the time, I first started I think it was one in 110 and the Autism Research Institute became the next version of Defeat Autism Now. And in that time, treatments such as this were beginning to be offered to patients. Previous to the 1970s It was considered to be a psychological, psychiatric disease and it was due to mothers and their refrigerator moms theory was the idea that it was psychological due to lack of love on the caretakers part. And that was actually first proposed by Leo Connor in 1940, and then it was popularized by a self-taught psychologist named Bruno Bettelheim in the fifties and sixties and so that really impeded any kind of understanding for years of what was going on in these children.

And so LDN in 2006 Dr. McCandless, who was a paediatrician wrote her paper in 2006 and a number of us. I  first tried it in 2009 when a patient was in high dose and actually had some effect. But I didn't really recognize how great it could do for patients until about three years later as Low Dose Naltrexone when I rediscovered with the rest of the Autism Research Institute community the use of Low Dose Naltrexone in Autism.

Linda Elsegood: And why do you think that the cases of Autism have increased so greatly?

Dr Brian Udell: There can't be anything like a genetic epidemic. Would be impossible that the two terms are mutually exclusive.

So then it has to be environmental. And in any environmental issue, it's going to act on susceptible individuals. So it is genetic in the sense that susceptive and everyone when the play happened, everyone didn't die the plague, somebody was more susceptible. Very few were not susceptible but the ones that were not were the survivors. So right now we have a toxic environment and susceptible individuals. Obviously, boys are five times more susceptible than girls, so they get five times as many premature babies. There are more and more susceptible babies that are born with congenital anomalies.

Babies born with a genetic, anomalies are more susceptible, but it's that susceptibility whatever the environment is and that's the key is what it is in the environment that's causing havoc. As a paediatrician and a doctor who's a baby doctor for 40 years,

the main things that I see different in the medical environment are a baby's having a lot of reflux. Babies don't breastfeed. If there's anything that parents should attune to now is doctors understand breastfeeding and when a baby doesn't breastfeed, sometimes it's not because they have an allergy or because the mother's milk isn't coming as soon as the baby's not sucking hard enough.

And then the next thing is they have reflux. That's a very common thing that I didn't see in the previous century. And then the next thing It's one or two years of life they have ear infections, which again, I didn't see. I saw plenty of ear infections in my life, but it didn't happen in the first couple of years of life.

And so for the year infections, we give antibiotics, and for everything, we give antibiotics now. And if there's one different thing in the environment that would be the biggest thing is the use of antibiotics. And the second biggest thing is using antacids to stop baby reflux, which is just a total misunderstanding.

And I believe that that starts in the susceptible individual. Many of my cases start with that problem and then it steamrolls into bigger problems that appear in the central nervous system. But as a little baby, if your stomach is hurting all the time and you're refluxing all the time and you have a bad bacteria or organisms in your gut, then the only thing you're going to do is cry. So all it's going to present as in little babies is a really fussy baby who doesn't pay attention. That doesn't get broken until some doctor figures out that that child has been seen by an immunologist and an allergist and a skin doctor, in an ear, nose, and throat doctor.

And the paediatrician can't figure out why the kid's not talking all of a sudden. The effect that I see as being the biggest cause if there's such a thing as a cause.

Linda Elsegood: How old are children when they can be diagnosed with Autism?

Dr Brian Udell: That's a great question. I was a neonatologist, the premature baby doctor and so I saw this in the seventies and eighties a lot of drug and alcohol addicted babies. And I was also the director of the followup clinic until they were three years old for the city. And then in the late eighties and nineties, I mostly saw HIV positive babies.

And I also saw them until they were three years old for the followup clinics. Those years, my first case of Autism was 1975. I knew what autism looked like. Autism is not being misdiagnosed as previously being called mental retardation. Mental retardation is different from a different medical condition. As a matter of fact, most of the children that we see, if they really have a diagnosis of Autism, they're at least normal in many times, above normal intelligence. What happened is that I was interested in trying to help the kids that look like they had medical problems.

I forgot what the beginning of that question was.

Linda Elsegood: Well, if a parent is concerned that their baby has got that.

Dr Brian Udell: So then I started the clinic just for Autism. That's how I got into that. I was doing clinics for babies who weren't developing correctly.

And so I started a clinic in 2008 just for Autism. We would see children between the ages of two to five. The city wasn't seeing them if they were much older than three in my case but the diagnosis in 2008 was really made in five-year-olds. It was rarely made in two and three-year-olds.

I got to see more and more children, and I've seen over 2000 children now with kind of developmental delays. You start to see the second sibling of that child and then it becomes just, or the older sibling, frankly, and it just becomes just as important to me to see how early I can catch it in that second sibling.

Of course, the first question that comes up is the kid going to get childhood inoculations because that's the worry that the parent has. That's why I start seeing them so young. I've seen a good number of those kids. I believe that by the age of six months, there's a certain set that I can see.

Now, there are children who don't get it until the age of 15 to 18 months of developing perfectly, normally.  And then at 18 months, things start going bad. That's what we're told. I can usually tell by the time a child is six to nine months whether I should worry and I do start to intervene.

Yesterday I saw a child, the younger sibling, and she was just under two years old. She wasn't talking, she was walking, she was making good eye contact, everything looks nice, and I wasn't happy with that development and everything else was fine in that child. So sometimes it's a little later, but I would like to think that since I was a neonatologist, I was a premature baby doctor, I'd like to think that I can usually tell by the time they're nine months old. Their tone is already very low. They're not making eye contact. They're not having a responsive eye contact. They usually have another medical problem that's been going on, either diarrhoea or constipation or some feeding problem, and they're not crawling correctly between six and nine months.

A whole book was written a couple of years ago about the earliest diagnosis and the author spent two or three chapters talking about the crawl being abnormal. So if a doctor wants to be stewed about it and really look hard, they might see it that young.

Linda Elsegood: And the military, the question. You mentioned vaccinations there. I'm really pleased that I don't have to make vaccinations.

Dr Brian Udell: I didn't say vaccinations.

Linda Elsegood: Sorry. I said vaccinations. Okay. Inoculations.

Dr Brian Udell: I said childhood inoculate. It is a hard subject.

Linda Elsegood: Yes, it is but children and parents have that decision to make. And as I was saying, my children grew up, so I don't have that dilemma anymore. But if you have a baby you have to make a decision.

Dr Brian Udell: Soon in the US it won't be the parents' decision either. In California, practically it's not at all. I don't know what it's like in other countries. Maybe in your country, it would even because of socialized medicine, maybe they could even make it more forceful, but you can't go to school if you're not vaccinated in California. Now I don't know that it's about panels for decision anymore, which is another all topic on it. But what can I say?

Go ahead.

Linda Elsegood: No, carry on.

Dr Brian Udell: There's no right answer. We were fighting in the United States alone is a $4 billion a year industry. People get murdered for less money than that.  Dr Andrew Wakefield, I think the man is a gentleman and a scholar, and he's vilified.

You can't write an article about anything that has to do with Autism nowadays and not mentioned the devil, dr Wakefield, is wonderful gentlemen and just trying to help everybody. And just that alone keeps physicians like me from talking much about it. I have 10% of my patients that have a picture of the child before the vaccination and a picture of the child after the vaccination and it's a different child. And that means 90% of my patients, and I've seen, like I say, over 2000, 90% of them don't think it's the vaccination. So it's not in everybody. But as I said in the beginning, it's the susceptible child with the environmental stimulus. And for some people that could be an environmental stimulus.

Unless you believe that all vaccinations are good for all children all the time, and that would be an impossible statement. So it would beg the issue, it would beg the question, which vaccinations for which children went and no study got, and there's not even something close to that.

The best thing I can do when they put for booster shots is I can check tastes called titers.

I can check the moon immune titers to see if the children are already immune to measles, mumps, rubella for example, the MMR shot. And I've checked about three dozen so far in the last year, and every single one of those children has numbers that are flagged by the lab as extremely hot, okay.

That means that that person could kiss a person with the disease and not get it. And my question to the public health departments is, how do you give someone who's allergic to peanuts. Peanuts you don't because they're allergic to peanuts because they have a reaction to it. We are just in no man's land with this. Snd I don't know if there are listeners who think that I'm anti vacs, which I'm not. I'm 66 years old, and I had to stay indoors in the summertime because of the polio scare. That's what happened in the 1950s In the summer. It was big. And so I recognized the value of vaccination.

I also recognize the weakness of the science and just when our colleagues just keep saying the science is clear, the science that is far from clear. When they're really faced with that science, usually they'll say, well, I see what you're talking about. That's about the best you'll get.

Usually, you get people rolling their eyes.

Linda Elsegood: And when you see a small child that you think may be susceptible to having Autism, what steps can you take to try and prevent the Autism from developing?

Dr Brian Udell: Right. The first thing is finding out if they have a medical problem at the time.

So a child who has diarrhoea or constipation or frequent rashes where frequent illnesses, that kid is an immunologic, sort of a no man's land. He needs to have an immune system evaluated and gotten on a steady keel. The diet is important. When you see that, that's a child that you start to worry about, and if you can move it in the right direction.

I see these younger children, younger siblings already diagnosed autistic patients. And as soon as they show any of these signs, we address their diarrhoea, we address them constantly and their nutrition.

And if I have a question I usually get a blood count on the kids. I'll get a couple of labs when that young child, and you know, this is something in other countries, in the South American countries when I get patients from there, they do a lot more laboratory testing than the US. I don't know if the UK does it at all, but we don't know if these children are anaemic.

We don't know. And here in the United States, a huge amount of vitamin D deficiency you correct that. The women are walking around, and they say, well, my doctor told me how to vitamin D. Well, if you have a low vitamin D, your kid has a low vitamin D. It did transfer any to the kid, and they don't go outside as often.

And then you have low vitamin D levels. So that's optimizing nutrition, optimizing their health. And it makes me feel a lot better. And if I have a question, as I say, some laboratory work will make me say: "Why don't you wait a few months? Why don't you ask the doctor to just give seven at a time instead of 14 at a time?"

Linda Elsegood: Okay. Well, we'll just have a quick break, and we'll be back in just a moment.

The LDN 2017 conference will be held in Portland, Oregon in the US 22nd to the 24th of September. If you aren't able to attend in person we'll bring the conference to you regardless of where you live. You can participate via our live stream. Check out www.ldntwentyseventeen.com for early bird discounts.

The conference will examine life-changing breakthroughs for treating Multiple Sclerosis, Crohn's disease, Colitis. Autism, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, chronic pain, mental health issues, Restless Leg Syndrome, and many other conditions using Low Dose Naltrexone. For tickets, slide stream and sponsorship opportunities. Go to www.ldntwentyseventeen.com

Today's show sponsored by CareFirst speciality pharmacy, leading compounders of LDN and other custom treatment serving patients in other 18 states coast to coast. They're credited to provide you with the highest quality to market by the industry and the expert service you expect. To learn more call 844 822 7379 or visit www.cfspharmacy.com

Welcome back! The question that parents are always asking is "What dosage do you give a child? How do you work out what the optimum dose is?"

Dr Brian Udell: One of the interesting things about Naltrexone is it's almost the same dose for everybody. So it's hard to believe that I get results in a 15-year-old or a 20-year-old and I almost get the same result in a three-year-old with 3mg after 9:00 PM.

Sometime I'd like to give it as late as I can in the night so the cream is great for me. First of all, children don't have a choice. And second of all, they're already asleep after 9:00 PM. and that's the dose. If I'm really worried about one of those young children under 18 months, and their immune system looks like it's kind of a mess, I want to see what kind of improvement we could see with naltrexone  I may only start them with 1,5 mg or 2 mg every night. But the highest I go right now in a bigger person is 4,5 mg as a single dose or 3 mg at night, 3mgs in the morning, which I was surprised to get results from that.

Through the years now going up higher doesn't get us any better results. And frankly, I don't exactly understand what the mechanism is, why the second dose is helping them. I suspect it's helping more in a different sort of physiologic mechanism than the rise of endorphins because the parents will say: "If I don't give that morning dose, they don't seem the same."

That would be something that I'd love to see studied and I'm sure that what you're doing and the people that you're involved with would be great if there were some studies because as I'm saying,  that 3 mg dose do take care of people who don't have autism. They have other immunologic conditions and get a lot of relief with that 3 mg dose.  Higher than 4,5 mg at one time has never been helpful. And more than 3 and 3 have not been helpful either.

Linda Elsegood: And how long does it normally take before you notice that LDN is working?

Dr Brian Udell: The quickest I'll see is in the first week but depends on what I'm looking for. The original article by dr McCandless was "The use of Low Dose Naltrexone for immune modulation and mood regulation." So we are using it for two different reasons so if I'm using it right for mood regulation, we'll usually see that in the first week to say three or four weeks, and that's why a parent will continue it. Or a parent may stop it after three or four weeks, and this is rare. Most of our parents continue it, but they may stop it because what we were looking for was the mood regulation.

Now, if we're doing it for immune modulation, then I asked the parents: "How many times a year does the kid gets sick?" Usually, they get an infection or cold every other month and so I'll say: " Okay, so let's do it for three months." And then we'll look back, and we'll see whether or not, in this last three months the kid never got sick, which is what I see practically all the time. So usually the parents that see their modulation improvement that is, he stopped getting sick,  keep giving it for years because they just don't want the kids to get sick. And, and the ones that are given it for mood regulation, we'll do it until some other mood problem comes along. What'll happen is that's usually for about a year, that they'll see it's working, and then they may say that's not working and there are other psychological issues that are coming in, but that's usually how I do that.

The people that have autism have a lot of different symptoms.

The three core features of autism are speech delay, repetitive behaviours and social isolation. If that speech delay takes the form of speech apraxia that is,  they really don't say anything at all and they are two, three, four years old then we have only a very few protocols that have been proven to instigate speech. And those protocols are very sort of stimuli as we call. When an autistic person flaps, jumps or does repetitive things, we call that stimming self-stimulatory behaviour and I believe that a lot of that behaviour is communication. So if I can make them talk more, they could stymie less. So in order to get those protocols on board, I use Naltrexone even if the parents don't notice that there's a particular problem with mood regulation or immune modulation.

I'm using it in preparation of giving supplements that will sort of wake up the brain a lot and so I use the LDN so that they won't be so hyperactive.

Linda Elsegood: And how long does that take to notice that?

Dr Brian Udell: I don't know. I don't let it get noticed so well. I usually just do a protocol where I tell the parents the child is not speaking and are very hyperactive.

The two protocols have to do with methylation.  MTHFR is a big thing that many of your audience members who know about LDN probably know about the MTHFR gene. So we excite that gene. We get that gene work harder with either methyl B12 or methyl folate, glucosamine, antioxidant products. And those products tend to make patients even more hyperactive, less attention may be even more aggressive. So I'll start the child on Naltrexone for three weeks, and then the fourth week of the Naltrexone I start whatever protocol I picked to get speech started. And I don't know. Again, I'm a clinician.

I don't do studies. I found Naltrexone to be successful doing it that way and that I'm more successful getting children to speak because, for a child who's not speaking, who's three and a half, four years old, regardless of their behaviour,  the important thing over that next year is going to find some way to get them to start to talk because if they don't really talk under the age of seven there's going to be significant ongoing problems and there aren't protocols that necessarily help that.

Linda Elsegood: Okay. Are there any foods or drinks that children shouldn't be given if they are having development problems?

Dr Brian Udell: Do you live in a small village? I don't know how many McDonald's are within five minutes of you but  the worst thing I hear in my practice is when a parent says: " I can't pass that McDonald's without going in."

Okay. That drives me crazy because as far as I know, the parent is the one driving, not the kid and of course, a dad can pass them.  So just start a healthy diet and stop eating processed foods whether or not gluten-free, casein-free. It depends on what country you're in.

All the gluten in the United States has been exposed to a fair amount of glyphosate and pesticides. And I think the reason that so many people feel so much better when they're gluten-free, maybe is not to be the gluten, but it may be the pesticides and likewise in the children who seem to improve when they're taken off the gluten.

That's one part of it. And then the other part of it is the casein. And the feeling is that the casein can be allergenic or it can lower the immune response. And I test for that.

So when parents ask, what's the best diet,  my answer is,  in this century, there is the capability to tell parents exactly what diet your child should be on to not have an immune response. So the best diet starts with a healthy diet with not a lot of steroids and not a lot of antibiotics.

Over here, that's called a natural diet. If a parent wants to test for food immunity, I think it's a valuable test. The test that is usually done around the world is an immunoglobulin E test. They're testing for a scratch test or something that would cause you to get a rash or the hives or allergies, like a stuffy snuff nose. What I'm testing for is IgG antibodies, which are antibodies that your body has to get rid of it. So it's not that big antibody response to the milk, let's say, is the thing causing the problem.

The antibody response is using up energy, and these kids come in with very low tone, very low activity and the tone that seems to be the lowest is in the midline and, speech is affected. So it starts with a good diet, a healthy good diet. I can't stress enough that if I have a breastfed child that is autistic, that didn't mean that the breast milk didn't work. When I see a breastfed child who's autistic, I can tell the parents, you prevented a lot of the other signs and symptoms of autism by breastfeeding your child. So I see children who breastfeed as long as three years, believe it or not, and they may have autism, but it's not as significant as their siblings who only breastfed for a month. And the mother was more determined maybe the second time to do that.  And frankly, it starts in utero. It's not just the food that the mothers eat. They have to take the correct vitamins and not too many vitamins. They can have a vitamin D deficiency, and  there may be doctors that are listening or patients that hear this, but my object to any kind of drugs given during pregnancy end up in the fetus. Parents and saying:" Well, the mom has enough anxiety and it's better to give her Prozac than to have the anxiety." And I point to the 3 million years prior to Prozac that moms had babies, and there were plenty of hard times through those 3 million years, and we didn't have Autism.

So I object to any kind of medication. Tylenol during pregnancy can be a big factor leading to it. It uses glutathione, and the baby has to supply glutathione to the mother. When I started doing babies in the 1970s, people were actually telling me that cocaine wasn't going to cost harm the baby. There's no way that a drug doesn't get into the fetus, and, if it works on our brain, how can it not work on a forming fetal brain? So it really even starts with that. And then it actually starts two generations past. There are people who look at the flora of grandparents.

They're looking at smoking and the grandparents as being related to the second generation problems. So it's sort of a lifestyle that you want to live that might get us away from this epidemic.

Linda Elsegood: What about giving children cows milk?

Dr Brian Udell: At the end of his career and his life, Dr.

Frank Oskie, who was one of the premier paediatricians of the 20th century, wrote a book that I think probably got a kick out of being a paediatrician. And the book that he wrote was, "Don't drink your milk."

He felt that was causing a lot of allergies and asthma that he hadn't seen in previous centuries because he had seen the growth of infant formula in his lifetime from the 1940s. It wasn't really until the forties and fifties that women really got started using the formula all the time which is all cows milk-based.

Cows, milk protein carries a lot of potential problems of the allergic responses. And I see thousands of them every year I tested. I test thousands of allergic responses, and I would say casein, which is proteins in milk and then the sugar is lactose, and then there's water.

So I see much more casein intolerance than lactose intolerance. Lactose is the sugar and I don't think that we're intolerant, especially babies to the lactose. The best substitute, if you can't use human milk, goats milk.

Goat's milk may be number two on my best list. It's not camels, and it's not cow. Obviously, camel and cow have a lot of the same protein to our bodies.

Linda Elsegood: As children become toddlers, parents sometimes to keep their children quiet, give them what we call sweets, or you'd call candy giving children sugar. How is that affect children?

Dr Brian Udell: Dr. Flamingo was a genius.

There were studies, prospectively randomized, double-blind controlled studies it would be hard to do but it is high fructose corn syrup and that is poison.

Anything that has a number in front of it is not food.

I worry more about the high fructose corn syrup has a fair amount of lead in it. And it's not a natural food. So refined sugar has been around. I try to look at things that weren't around before.  I'm old, and I took care of kids for 25 years in the previous century, and I've taken care of kids for 17 years now in this century, and there are certain things that just don't make sense to me.

High fructose corn syrup wasn't around in the old days, and we didn't have autism. And I was there when ADHD started happening until the seventies or eighties. By then, they were putting in artificial colours, artificial flavours, steroids in the animals, antibiotics in the animals.

Dr Feingold Diet which is a low sugar is a very healthy diet. I think should be followed by everyone. If you were to do a study about sugar, I would be more interested in doing a Skittle study, Skittles are these things M&Ms that were colouring one  and are a lot worse for children. But a lot of times I'll have a mother who says he gets crazy every time he gets sugar. It's like, so why would you give them sugar? To me, you don't have to get a study for that.

Do you think I should give them sugar? No, I think you shouldn't. If it hurts when you do that, don't do that.

Linda Elsegood: I just have one more quick break, and we'll be back in just a moment.

To listen to individual radio shows and interviews go to www.mixcloud.com/ldnrt.

Today's show, sponsor CareFirst Speciality Pharmacy by leading compounders of LDN and other custom treatment serving patients in over 18 states, coast to coast. They're wise acredited to provide you with the highest quality to market by the industry and the expert service you expect. To learn more call (844) 822-7379 or visit www.cfspharmacy.com.

Wellcome back! And today we have Dr. Brian Udell with us and it has been amazing all the information that you've given us. So we've talked about what autism is and the use of LDN, and you also use LDN, as you were saying, for other conditions. How effective have you found LDN to be in autoimmune conditions?

Dr Brian Udell: The autoimmune conditions that I deal with other than some that cause what people call Autism,  are Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, Systemic Lupus, general allergies all the time, they have asthma, some kind of reactive airway disease problem and I find it to be great at a first-line. When I give it for a lot of immune conditions, either the drug that they're on can be lowered or at least they don't go up on the drug that they're on. I mean, Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis is a

pretty severe condition and my child, who has and takes Methotrexate which is a really strong drug, he finds that it, without the Naltrexone, his days are very much harder to deal with. So, I think it's an adjunct.

I think that it's not the be-all and end-all for an autoimmune condition but it certainly can be a beginning, or it can be an adjunct for kids. Some autism, we now measure these antibodies in their brain, and we're now able to measure without doing a spinal tap, antibodies binding and blocking antibodies in their brain that could be causing  5 to 10% of autism. And so even if the autoimmune condition that I'm helping is asthma, and I have a child who has autism and asthma, a lot of children who have autism have other autoimmune conditions.  And so just by giving them the Naltrexone for whatever I'm getting either immune modulation or mood regulation, the parent will say that they don't get their attacks as often as they used to, or that if they forget to give it, they run out, they wish they had it. Again, I'm not specific in it because it's a clinical practice, but if sort of amazes me the worry, the concern that some people have about Low Dose Naltrexone. I think It's been a godsend for my practice.

I don't have to give it for a lot of reasons. I don't have to give anywhere nearly the amount of drugs that everybody else has to give, I don't have to give repeated courses of antibiotics because they don't get sick as much. So the LDN helps that. I don't have to give a stimulant medication because the child's focus is better or I don't have to give antianxiety medication because the kids settled down.

All these things have turned out to be great, and I practically give it to all my children, ADHD and ASD and autism because to me is so safe. The two biggest side effects that I see are about 1 in 20 of the children that get it will have a little hyper from the stuff and last for two or three days sometimes. I usually ask the parents to start it on a weekend night, on a Friday night or Saturday nights so many hyperactivity gets away by the time Monday comes around. And about 1 in 20 that the hyperactivity sort of continues weeks into it, and the parent doesn't want to do it anymore,

I'll try lowering the dose from 3 to 2 or 3 to 1,5 mgs. The number of people who don't continue it, only about 10 to 20%. Everybody else just continues to get it. And that's sort of an underlying thing that I'm always giving. And then I don't have the question of." I wish I was giving that too." because what traditional medicine does is, we drop a big bomb from the top Adderall or Ritalin or Abilify Risperidone.

We drop these big bombs from the top, and we see what's happen until the smoke clears to the patient. What I'm trying to do is add vitamins and supplements to take away foods that might be causing the problem. To me, the safety of the Naltrexone is, that is the only thing that it will stop it if they get too hyper. The only other problem I ever have in it is maybe 1% of kids will get a little rash. We ask them to rub it on their wrists and somewhere thin where it'd be absorbed. So 1% of kids might get a rash and usually the rash is due to the vehicle that they're mixing it in.

And I ask the pharmacist to change whatever the vehicle is. I don't have a problem so far in this. Thousands that I've given to children. One child who turned out that was allergic to Naltrexone because we put it in pill form and he got high and the highest went away when I stopped the Naltrexone. So I just see it as a wonderful treatment because it has such a high safety index and it works in so many cases that it's almost a crime that it's not tried more. I'm an allopathic doctor, I'm board-certified and everything.

and I can only figure that they don't try because nobody's making money off it. It's a very inexpensive thing and maybe that's the reason.

Linda Elsegood: And you were saying that when diagnosing a child, they usually have stomach upset, diarrhoea. Do you find that the LDN helps with that?

Dr Brian Udell: I don't know. I wouldn't address one without the other anyway. None of my patients who are on LDN aren't on something for their gut anyway because especially in the US their guts are totally poisoned, and they have to be on some kind of probiotic, they have to be on some kind of an antioxidant and in their gut. I really don't know if the LDN by itself helps. The only way I would ever know is if a patient ran out of the probiotics. I recently had one patient ran out of the probiotic, but continued the LDN and the kid's gut was okay when she came and saw me. So maybe it held things together, but I don't give it a chance. I like it so much.

Linda Elsegood: I was only just wondering because it's used in pediatric Crohn's and so on. So I just thought maybe it would help.

Dr Brian Udell: And that's interesting because they don't choose probiotics in Crohn's.

You'll find a lot of kids in Crohn's who aren't on a probiotic or who haven't had their gut flora checked, and they're not on maybe the correct antibiotic that they should be in their gut. They have C diff growing in their gut, and they're calling it Crohn's, you know? And so I'm glad that it could work by itself. It shouldn't be by itself in a Crohn's patient.

Linda Elsegood: Yes.

Dr Brian Udell: That's just my little opinion.

Linda Elsegood: Well, we got you as a speaker at our conference in September, so I know there are many doctors who would like to discuss LDN in children with you.

Dr Brian Udell: I'm looking forward to it. I really am. You guys have been great to me.

Linda Elsegood: But it's sharing that knowledge, isn't it? That is just so amazing.

Dr Brian Udell: I didn't know it was given to adults and you told me you weren't sure that it was giving little kids for autism.

Yeah, sharing knowledge.

Linda Elsegood: Exactly. And bringing all the people together. And the Q&A sessions I think are so much fun at the conference with all the experts pull all the knowledge together.

Dr Brian Udell: And I think the people who attend really get a sense of, they get empowered with a lot of knowledge.

Linda Elsegood: Yes. And there was one doctor who had notepads there last year and she filled two notepads with information, whether she's actually read it all or not.

Dr Brian Udell: She can do your next book.

Linda Elsegood: Yes.  And you've got an hour prerecorded, which we still have to do when you have time. If you can get your PowerPoint together then tell me and we'll record the audio. The title is "Low Dose Naltrexone and the Autism spectrum disorder". Last year you had 30 minutes live, which was nowhere near long enough, so you've even got less this time.

So that means it will be turned into a video and it's available for everybody for a year to watch as many times as they like, and they'll be able to download your PowerPoint. As you know doctors love the PowerPoints to go through and check.

It's a quick way of  doing it and the information you give help and guidance to doctors is amazing. So thank you very much for everything that you do and all those children that you treat. It's amazing. And last year we had the little boy who played the piano, Jacob. What an amazing little boy. He sat down and everybody just sort of stood there. I don't know whether they were expecting him to play chopsticks or something, but it was truly amazing.

Dr Brian Udell: He keeps moving along in his career.

Linda Elsegood: Can you just tell us very briefly of what LDN did for Jacob?

Dr Brian Udell: Sure. It take place when he was about four years old when I met him, and he just had a new little sister. His biggest problem was, I don't know if he didn't like her crying or he was jealous of her.

He wasn't talking. He was developing slowly. But the parents started to get scared that he was going to hurt her. He was very aggressive, abusive self-injurious on others. So when he came to see me, it was because the regular medical community used to give strong drugs to stop the negative behaviour.  We don't do anything to find out why they have negative behaviour. He wasn't really autistic at the time. I saw him but all he ever did was scream and hit.

The mother wanted me to use B12 because everybody reads that B12 helps speech and I do use a lot of  B12 shot in my practice, but he was so aggressive that I felt that I gave him B12 at that time he may increase the risk that he could hurt somebody. So we started him on the Naltrexone. Then his mother was not necessarily on board on that and within days he told his mother he loved her and his life turned around.

And then within a couple more days,this is obviously just one case, she heard the piano playing, and she thought it was her husband. But she thought he's not that good. And it was her son playing the piano, and it turned out that he's a prodigy. He just was listening all those years and looking, and then that's how he got it. I thought it was an amazing story.

Linda Elsegood: Absolutely amazing. And I interviewed her and she said that all he was doing was,  slapping her around the face all the time. She kept telling him, "I love you, Jacob."  Even though it was difficult sometimes, and then as you say, one day he just turned around, and I hugged her and kissed her and said, and I love you, mommy.

And she called for her husband to get the video camera and said:" I'm going to save it in case he never ever says it again we will have it to look back on." But it was amazing to hear him playing. It was as though somebody in their forties that had been playing classical music.

Dr Brian Udell: And I can tell you that is not uncommon in my practice. I have more talented kids in my practice now than in any practice I've ever had.

I've had several different kinds of children, and they were very good artists, musicians, speakers. One was a public speaker. He can't speak when he's by himself.  He stutters, and he doesn't do things but then when he starts doing public speaking, it's perfect. It's amazing how the brain works.

Linda Elsegood: And I think the takeaway message here is if your child has been diagnosed with autism or ADHD or anything like that, or it's a development problem, then it's not the end of the world. There are things and treatments and doctors like yourself that they can consult with.

And how do they contact you, Brian?

Dr Brian Udell: My organization is a child development centre of America, and my blog that I write every week is TheAutismDoctor.com.

And it's free, and you don't have to register. My purpose is to get the word out there, just like you said in a lot of my blogs, I just want the parent to take it to the paediatrician and say, what do you think about this?

And the organization around the world that we all belong to is called The Medical Academy of Pediatric Special Needs which is where we train. So we go twice a year, and we spend three days, eight to 10 hours a day, three days in a row learning about the basic science and Autism from each other. So that's a good place if you're not seeing me.

Linda Elsegood: Well, thank you very much. Our time is up, and it was an honour and a privilege to have you here with us today. The LDN research trust Facebook group has almost 18,000 members around the world.

It is a great place to start your research, connect with others, www.facebook.com/groups/LDNRT

It is a closed group, and only members can see your post. Nothing is shown on your page or feeds. Posts can't be shared. We do also have the page where you can share links. It's www.facebook.com/ldnrt

Check out our books constants pages by searching on Facebook. The LDN Research Trust also has a Twitter account, and you can find us on twitter.com/ldntrust.

Today's show sponsors CareFirst speciality pharmacy by leading compounders of LDN and other custom treatments serving patients in over 18 states coast to coast. They are widely accredited to provide you with the highest quality demanded by the industry and the expert service you expect. To learn more call (844) 822-7379 or visit cfspharmacy.com

Linda Elsegood: 
Any questions or comments you may have, please Contact Us.  I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for joining us today. We really appreciated your company. Until next time, stay safe and keep well.

Pharmicist Dr Brad Martin and Zana Elliott, NP on Low Dose Naltrexone, LDN Radio Show 08 Aug 2017 (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Dr Brad Martin is a pharmacist who compounds Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) in capsules and topical creams. He describes the many uses for LDN and has witnessed excellent results, including better sleep, pain relief, healthier skin and hair. It's even effective in curbing addictions like smoking and gambling.

Zana Elliot, NP treats pretty well all autoimmune conditions with LDN and has observed fairly rapid relief of chronic pain in many cases. She takes LDN herself for her thyroid condition, but observed may unexpected benefits as well.

In this interview both speakers combine their knowledge to provide in-depth explanations as to why LDN is so successful.

This is a summary of Dr Brad Martin and Zana Elliott’s interview. Please listen to the rest of their stories by clicking on the video above.

Dr Armin Schwarzbach on Low Dose Naltrexone, LDN Radio Show 04 Aug 2017 (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Dr Armin Schwarzbach shares his Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) experience on the LDN Radio Show with Linda Elsegood.

Dr Armin Schwarzbach treats patients world wide for a Variety of autoimmune conditions utilizing LDN. He is amazed at the excellent results and is bewildered that so few doctors are aware of Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) and reluctant to prescribe this effective, safe, and inexpensive drug. 

He shared his knowledge as a valued speaker at the 2017 LDN Conference in September in Oregon, USA which is put on by the LDN Research Trust Organization each year.

This is a summary of Dr Armin Schwarzbach’s interview. Please listen to the rest of Dr Schwarzbach’s interview by clicking on the video above.

Dr Alena Guggenheim on Low Dose Naltrexone, LDN Radio Show 11 Oct 2017 (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Naturopathic physician with 10 years experience in direct patient care. Dedicated to improving patient outcomes through evidenced based integrative medicine with an expertise in rheumatologic and gastrointestinal diseases. Working to improve patient care through clinical practice, publication, teaching, mentorship, seminars, and research. Research interests include the intersection of autoimmune inflammatory disease, HLA haplotype and the microbiome.

Dr. Alena Guggenheim does extensive testing and observation like a detective, to solve the case and heal her patient. She stumbled onto Low Dose Naltrexone while still in medical school over 10 years ago, and sees it as one her most valuable tools. But like all great doctors, she also concentrated on diet, nutrition, exercise, and checking labs for problems. She specializes in rheumatologic and other autoimmune diseases.

Review Ken Bruce
Summary from Diane's interview. Listen to the video for the full story.

Dr Akbar Khan on Low Dose Naltrexone, LDN Radio Show 2013 (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Dr Akbar Khan shares his Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) experience on the LDN Radio Show with Linda Elsegood.

Dr Akbar Khan is a Canadian doctor who treats cancer and many autoimmune diseases. He answers numerous questions on many types of cancer and has great results when utilising Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN). 

For those who want to be proactive, Dr Khan describes his 5 point cancer prevention program. His explanation of the importance of Vitamin D is revealing.

This is a summary of Dr Akbar Khan’s interview. Please listen to the rest of Dr Khan’s story by clicking on the video above.

Dr Akbar Khan on Cancer, LDN Radio Show (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Linda Elsegood: Today we're joined by Dr Akbar Khan, who works with LDN and cancer in his Medicor Cancer Centres. He has treated over 2000 patients with LDN, so we are very interested in hearing what he has to say.

Dr Akbar Khan: Thank you very much for having me on the show.

Linda Elsegood: Could you tell us when you first heard about LDN?

Dr Akbar Khan: Well, I first heard about LDN about nine years ago, and that was through some discussion on the internet, in which a patient pointed out to me there were some alternative medicine forums, and I guess people were discussing LDN and other non-traditional cancer therapies, and so a patient pointed out that there's a drug that you should look into and it's called LDN, and the patient was interested in trying it. So that's really how I got acquainted with LDN.

Linda Elsegood: And how soon after hearing about it did you start prescribing?

Dr Akbar Khan: Well, so I had to do a little bit of research on it, and then I found Dr Bihari and Dr Gluck's website, which is ldninfo.org and from there I learned about how LDN was effective in cancer treatment and autoimmune disease.

And you know, basically, because our clinic was dealing with just cancer, it was very interesting for me that there is an option for a very simple and cheap medicine that has almost no side effects, that could effectively treat cancer. So, I did do some research, and I found some publications on LDN.

Dr Berkson, for example, published case reports of pancreatic cancer, which is one of the most difficult cancers that was successfully treated with LDN. Then I found out the type of dosing that was being used, and so at that point, we started using it. It took just a few months, and then after that research was completed, we started using the drug.

Linda Elsegood: Do you use LDN as a standalone treatment or part of a protocol?

Dr Akbar Khan: So, it can actually be used as a standalone treatment. We have used it for patients who have no other treatment options, and then they start searching for other treatment options, and then they find us. In those types of situations, we use LDN as a standalone. It is actually effective, and what we find is it's more effective in patients that have lower amounts of cancer in the body; if it's an earlier stage, then it's also more effective, but it can actually be used as a standalone therapy. We have many cases of patients successfully treated like that. It can also be used as an adjunctive treatment, which is in combination with chemotherapy, for example, and there is a new publication which I know you're aware of that illustrates exactly how that can be done.

Linda Elsegood: And from the 2000 plus cases that you have treated with cancer, do you have any examples that stand out?

Dr Akbar Khan: Oh yes, for sure. We've treated well over 2000 patients with non-traditional treatments, including LDN. We use other gentle medicines as well, and the most notable example would be a case that we actually published; it's a fellow with tongue cancer.

So, I'm just going to get some of the details here for you. He was about 60 years old when we began treating him, and he had a rare type of cancer of the tongue, which is called adenoid cystic. It was probably about an inch and a half in size and had not spread at the time, but it was large enough that his doctor was concerned, and he was told to have radical surgery in an attempt to cure it.

So the standard treatment involved for this type of cancer was the removal of the entire tongue. Also, because it was close to the voice box or the larynx, the surgeon had said they wanted to remove the entire voice box and remove all the lymph nodes that were in the region. So major surgery of the mouth and of the neck, with a very significant reduction of quality of life, like, you know, he would not be able to taste, he would not be able to speak after the surgery, and so this was an attempt to cure this cancer. So, this fellow was very upset and unhappy about the proposed treatment, and he did ask for a second opinion from another specialist. I believe the other specialist also said they could do surgery, but maybe a more limited surgery, and then they did offer some chemotherapy and radiation as well.

So, none of these options was acceptable to this fellow, and he ended up finding us somehow; I believe on the internet. When he came to us, he said he wanted a treatment that had zero side effects. So, I told him, well, of course, there's no such thing as zero side effects, but probably LDN is the closest thing to that. It does have very few side effects. So, we offered him that and he was very interested. He did start LDN, and we also added some vitamin D because it has some anticancer effects as well; it does improve immune function also, and so what happened when he started LDN and vitamin D the mass stop growing, and then over a period of a few months, it actually started to reduce, and he didn't contact me for a while.

He kept up with his LDN, and then after two years he just mysteriously appeared and sent me his MRI scan report. He had just had a new scan and it said the cancer was completely gone. So naturally, you know, we were quite excited, and this fellow is now at over five years cancer-free.

His scans are clear. He just had a visit with his specialist. He inspected his entire mouth, and there's no sign of cancer and so that is, I would say, by far the most notable case in my experience with LDN.

Linda Elsegood: Wow. That's totally amazing, isn't it? 

Dr Akbar Khan: It is stunning yes.

Linda Elsegood: Exactly. Have you had any other remarkable results that you've seen? Maybe not quite as stunning.

Dr Akbar Khan: Yes, we have. I mean, he's definitely one of the best, but we have other results, which are more real world, that is, I expect that cancer might reduce or it might stabilize; those are more common responses that we see. You know, we use it for almost any cancer type. Other good cases: a bladder cancer case that I used it for recently; a 65-year-old fellow with a fairly aggressive type of bladder cancer. It's called high grade, which is when they look under the microscope, they see the appearance of the cells, and they appear quite aggressive. And this fellow is treated with standard treatment, which is to remove the bladder tumour by a surgical procedure, and then to burn the area where the tumour was located, to try to kill off as many cells as possible. And so, his tumour recurred, and it was invading into the muscle wall of the bladder. At that point it gets concerning that it may be starting to spread, so he was told to have his bladder removed; complete removal of the bladder, and then a procedure to collect the urine in a loop of bowel that's inserted into a hole in the wall of the abdomen, so it collects urine into a bag from this, it's called an ileal conduit, that's the medical name for it, but basically the removal of the bladder and the urine drains into a bag that's attached to your abdomen, and he was obviously not too happy with this.

So, he came to us and said, look, do I have any other options? We chose LDN. He did have a little bit of insomnia with it, so he got a sleeping pill to go with that. He also took one course of immunotherapy called BCG, which is a bacteria that gets injected into the bladder.

With that and LDN, after four months of treatment, there was absolutely no evidence of cancer. He was cancer-free, I think, for up to about seven years. It was when we had the last contact with this fellow. So again, very, very dramatic results. In this case, it was combined with an immunotherapy called BCG, but he received only one course of BCG, which is really very limited and is not expected to be curative when you have cancer that's invading into the muscle wall of the bladder. So, I'm sure the LDN contributed to that quite significantly.

Linda Elsegood: I know people always ask these questions and it's probably not that easy to answer, but how long does it take being on LDN before you notice that it's doing something for your patients?

Dr Akbar Khan: Well, LDN, it is, as you know, a gentler drug. You cannot compare it to chemo. If you do chemotherapy for cancer, typically that's effective very quickly, within weeks, whereas for LDN, just because of the mechanism; the way that it works, we usually say, give it about three months to judge if it's effective or not for your case.

With LDN, we want to give it to a patient that has cancer where you have that kind of time. You have the luxury of some time to allow treatment to work. You know, if it's slow-growing cancer, or if they really have no other option, then that's appropriate to use LDN. So yeah, we recommend at least about three months to give it a good try.

Linda Elsegood: Okay, right. Well, we're back and I would like to ask a question first before we start taking callers. I had a message from a lady called Tracy, who asked if LDN helps with chronic leukaemia.

Dr Akbar Khan: Yes, we have used LDN for chronic leukaemia. She's probably talking about chronic lymphocytic leukaemia; that's the most common type of chronic leukaemia. We have used it for that, and yes, it is effective for that type of cancer.

Linda Elsegood: How would they go about approaching a doctor to prescribe LDN?

Dr Akbar Khan: Okay, so basically, I think what I would recommend is that they present the doctor with some published research on LDN, and probably the easiest way is to go onto the LDN research trust website, and they can find some links through there.

They could go on our website as well, where we have links to different studies on LDN, or they could even email me if they need some assistance. You can provide them Linda with my email, I'm happy to take direct emails from patients, but I think that the best approach is really to introduce LDN by presenting some published research to the physician. Otherwise, they're going to be very sceptical of the potential benefits of LDN. When you think about LDN when you know how it works, and what is normally used for, you would not connect it with cancer treatment. So, I think that the patients will encounter some resistance initially from their physicians, and so it’s really important to arm yourself with the scientific information first.

Linda Elsegood: And I have to say, you do an amazing job as one of our medical advisors, and I know you're always happy to help doctors who have questions, and want to know about cancer and LDN, and that is so kind of you to take the time to help and support people wherever they are. It's very good. Thank you very much.

Dr Akbar Khan: No problem, and it’s a pleasure to help.

Linda Elsegood: Thank you. So now we have Robyn who has got a question for you about Hodgkin's lymphoma. Would you like to ask Dr Khan your question, Robyn?

Robyn: Yes. Thank you. Yes, I'm wondering if you've had any experience with LDN and Hodgkin lymphoma specifically, there's like five kinds of Hodgkin, and four are classic, but there's a fifth one that's a bit rarer called nodular lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin's lymphoma, which acts a little bit more like non-Hodgkin's in that it's slow-growing. I guess I'm curious what your experience has been with either non-Hodgkin's, you know for slow-growing cancers, for that specific Hodgkin's.

Dr Akbar Khan: Okay. So, we do use LDN for lymphoma. In our practice, we mainly see non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Probably because the oncologists treat the Hodgkin's cases with more of curative intent, but that's that. You can use LDN for both Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.

We have used it successfully, mainly for non-Hodgkin's, as I say, but by the mechanism of action of LDN, it is considered a very broad sort of cancer treatment. It doesn't matter so much what subtype of lymphoma you have, or what subtype of leukaemia you have, you can try it, and especially for slow-growing cancer, it's considered safe to try.

Especially if there's no other treatment option at that time, then definitely it's appropriate. If there's a conventional treatment being offered, then you may want to combine it initially, but for slow-growing cancer, it's actually quite safe to try.

Robyn: Great. I appreciate it. I think it sounds like something he should try. Thank you for taking my call. Bye-bye.

Linda Elsegood: Bye-bye. Thank you. Would you like to reply to some of the emails that were sent in Akbar?

Dr Akbar Khan: Oh, for sure. Yeah. So, I'm, I have a message here from Jill, which says ‘I've been reading about theories that some cancers might actually be a form of autoimmune disease because inflammation helps feed the tumour.

Can I share any insights or explain?’

So, there is a connection between autoimmune disease and cancer, and the connection is that chronic inflammation in the body does predispose to forming cancer. So, there are many examples of that; for example, if you have a chronic infection of, let's say the liver, like chronic hepatitis, then you are more at risk of getting liver cancer.

If you have chronic acid reflux, like acid backing up from the stomach into the oesophagus, that creates inflammation. That inflammation can result in cancer of the oesophagus. If you have an immune disease, like Crohn's or Colitis, that also creates chronic inflammation and long-term inflammation of the bowels and then you have a high risk of colon cancer. So there definitely is a connection, and on that basis, LDN can be used as cancer prevention. Now we are using it in our practice for that, even though it has not been formally studied. At this point, it's more theoretical, and it makes good sense that there's solid science that supports the use of LDN as cancer prevention in the case of autoimmune disease.

However, as I said, specific research has not been done. It's a very complicated study that would have to be done. It would take about probably about 15 to 20 years to conduct such a study. So, you know, we really don't have time to wait that long for this kind of study, and the funding for that study is also not in place, so we are actually going ahead and using LDN for cancer prevention in the case of autoimmune disease,

Linda Elsegood: What would the protocol be? I mean, would it be part of several things that you would do for prevention, or would it just be purely LDN?

Dr Akbar Khan: We would probably do several things. I think you know, LDN is definitely a useful component. We also believe in using high doses of vitamin D; that's well researched now. We believe that diet can definitely play a role; physical activity, and there are other supplements that can often be useful for cancer prevention. So, we usually do a comprehensive program for our patients. It's quite simple and very, very cost-effective as well. I believe it can be quite powerful. Would you like me to go on to do further questions?

Linda Elsegood: Before you go any further; it was interesting what you said about diet. We had a program last week on diet and exercise, supplements and so on, but what would be the ultimate diet for somebody who had got cancer in the family, and was taking steps as a preventative, alongside LDN? What kind of diet would you recommend?

Dr Akbar Khan: I think there are a few things. So, I'm not the expert on diet, but, one of the most important things is a diet that's low in processed sugars, and probably low in carbohydrates in general. That has been shown to be detrimental in cancer patients because cancer actually uses glucose or sugar as the main energy source and having a diet that's high in glucose, well first of all, if you have cancer, that can be a problem, that has been studied already if you're consuming a lot of sugar then it increases your blood sugar levels and that can drive cancer growth. Whereas prevention, if you take a diet that's high in simple sugars than processed sugars, that one is it can increase your glucose levels in the blood, but then your body does combat that with insulin secretion. So, the other thing is a high insulin level can also tend to drive cancer growth, so we recommend for that reason, a diet low in carbohydrates, and especially those that raise the blood sugar.

I mean, the diet's a very complex topic and really I'm not the expert, but this is one of the key areas, and the other thing that's very important now is to look at the quality of the foods that we're getting because there are many chemicals that are added to the foods. There are genetically modified foods that we're eating and they also have the potential to cause inflammation, which can lead to cancer as well.

So I think if the listener wants a more detailed explanation, they're going to have to consult with your other experts because that's not my area of expertise, but these are some of the basic points that we emphasize to our patients.

Linda Elsegood: A friend of mine, Sammy Jo, has sent a question and she says

that it's a great show and to thank you very much. She said she has a relative with mild breast cancer who followed her advice to find an integrative oncologist to try LDN. Her question to you is, out of all the patients you've treated, how many had similar breast cancers and what was the outcomes?

Dr Akbar Khan: Yeah. So what was the type of breast cancer that you said?

Linda Elsegood: It just said mild breast cancer.

Dr Akbar Khan: Oh, okay. Yeah, so actually it’s very interesting. We just treated a lady, she's about 50 years old, and she had a very aggressive type of breast cancer, which is called triple-negative. So, it means it has no estrogen receptors, no progesterone receptors, and no, HER2 receptors. Those are proteins on the cell surface that are tested when the cancer is removed at surgery, and they help guide the treatment. So, if it's triple negative it has none of those receptors; what that means is it doesn't respond to anti-estrogen drugs like Tamoxifen, and cancer also does not respond to one of the newer targeted drugs like Herceptin.

So, it has very limited treatment options. Basically, in conventional treatment, it’s limited to chemotherapy. So, this lady had surgery done and then she did have residual cancer in the body, which we detected through the blood, and we treated it with LDN. You know, typically for this type of aggressive cancer, I would not expect LDN to really be effective, however; it reduced her cancer and kept it under control for over a year, and then it did start to grow again. I was very impressed; I totally did not expect any results with LDN in her case, but the reason we chose LDN was that she wanted a very gentle therapy that had almost no side effects, and she was scared to take other drugs at the time. So, to me, that's very impressive; to treat a triple-negative for over a year, and we could prove that cancer actually had reduced and was under control for that time. I was very impressed.

Linda Elsegood: Yes. If you could read out another question that would be great.

Dr Akbar Khan: Sure. So, we have a question from Lynn, which says, ‘for 18 months I have been treated for low-grade bladder cancer—initially resected, but it has recurred a couple of times; very small and been treated with diathermy. So, I am told if it recurs, I will need local chemo to the bladder, which I want to avoid. I take 1.5 milligrams of LDN for autoimmune disease and am feeling very well. I take vitamins under naturopath supervision. Can you offer any advice?’

So,1.5 milligrams of LDN may be effective, but it may not be enough. You know, for our patients for cancer, we usually try to get them up to at least 3, up to 4 or 4.5 milligrams of LDN every day. I think that, you know, for somebody who has bladder cancer, who is taking LDN, and despite the LDN at 1.5 milligrams per day, that the cancer is recurring, then I think the LDN dose needs to be increased. So that's the first thing I would do if this was my patient. Then the second thing is, well, she's already under the care of a naturopath, so that's very good because then they will be combining other vitamins and probably other supplements that have anti-cancer activity.

And so then the other thing is, you know, we can look at other drugs which are sometimes more powerful than LDN, drugs like maybe DCA or maybe, like in the case I mentioned before, LDN combined with an immune therapy called BCG. You know, she could definitely consider trying that, but she'd have to speak to her urologist about that, and then...what would you like me to go on to? Any further questions?

Linda Elsegood: Before you go onto another question that just occurred to me. Many people say when they have cancer, what dose should they start on? And what should they try and work up to? And you did say 3 or 4.5, but what does do you normally start the patient on?

Dr Akbar Khan: Okay, so we usually start the patient on...for adult patients we start at 2 milligrams because there is quite a variability in what their responses are going to be to LDN, and what their side effects are going to be. So, we use, this is just my preference, we use one-milligram capsules because it’s convenient.

We start them with two capsules at bedtime, and then we gradually increase up to 3 and then up to 4 and to me, you know, I know the standard dose is 4.5 between 4 and 4.5 is really not a huge difference. So, we just target 4 milligrams as the highest dose that we would use. We start at 3, and we work our way up to 4, and along the way, some people have a lot of sleep disturbance, maybe at 3 milligrams, so we'd tell them, hold the 3 and then see if that settles down, and then if they eventually start to settle down, their body gets used to the LDN, then we would probably try one more time to step it up. Then if they get a lot of side effects, then we'll go back to 3, but generally, my target dose would be 4.

Linda Elsegood: And have you noticed any other side effects other than sleep disturbance?

Dr Akbar Khan: Well, usually it's an asleep disturbance or sometimes vivid dreams. They report that they remember their dreams; they're very intense. Other than that, really nothing significant. I had a couple of patients report some strange side effects, which to me did not seem like LDN, but one patient reported some ringing in her ears and it seemed to resolve after she stopped the LDN, but to me, that didn't really seem like it was LDN. It’s probably coincidental.I don't think it was really LDN side effects, then there were other patients that report other things, but they're not consistent. So, I really don't think they're LDN side effects. So, pretty much sleep disturbance and dreams; I really don't see much else.

Linda Elsegood: And one another question that a lady asked us was when you start LDN for cancer, do you have to continue taking it?

Dr Akbar Khan: Yes, you have to continue taking it, you know unless cancer disappears. If it disappears like that tongue cancer patient, then, you know, theoretically you could try coming off it, but then you have to follow very closely because it's possible that the cancer is in remission, but there's still some microscopic disease.

In other words, there are still some cells there, and the LDN has suppressed their growth and killed a number of the cells, but there could still be a small amount of cancer that's not detectable. So generally I do recommend people continue, however, if they do achieve a full remission at some point, you know, they can consider coming off the LDN with very close monitoring to make sure that cancer does not come back.

Linda Elsegood: If you have time for another question, that'll be good.

Dr Akbar Khan: Yes. We have a question here from Carolyn, and she says, ‘I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer stage two B in October. I've taken Tramadol 50 milligrams for pain since September. My clinic wants me on LDN, so I have been slowly weaning off Tramadol using ibuprofen and CBD topical cream and oral sprays’. The CBD is a marijuana preparation for those who are not aware of that. ‘I take Tramadol, once every eight hours, and now the pain is starting to break through more often. What else can I use for pain, so that I can finish tapering off the Tramadol, with the intent to go on LDN?’

Okay. So, this is a very important question. One of the reasons that you cannot use LDN is if you're taking a pain medication which is of the morphine family, the opiate family, that includes Tramadol, morphine, codeine, oxycodone, hydromorphone, fentanyl, and those class of drugs because LDN will interfere with those drugs.

It will either cause more pain, or it may cause a full-blown withdrawal reaction, which consists of pain, vomiting, abdominal cramps, or sweats, and it’s really very unpleasant. So, anybody taking a chronic, long-acting painkiller of the opiate family, they really should not be on LDN.

They should not try LDN. So, since she is on a short-acting opiate painkiller Tramadol, she's trying to wean off that, and now the pain is breaking through. So, basically the point is that we need to transition her over to a different type of pain medicine that's not related to a Tramadol or morphine or Codeine.

So, in the case of pancreatic cancer, there is, based on the location of the tumour, a lot of nerves in the area of the pancreas and the tumour often pinches or invades those nerves, and that creates a type of pain that can be resistant to Tramadol or other drugs in the opiate family.

What I use for this type of pain is an anti-seizure drug. There's a couple of choices. I prefer a drug called pregabalin; the trade name for that is Lyrica. There's another older drug, which is called carbamazepine; trade name Tegretol, which is also highly effective. The older drug, the Tegretol has more drug interactions, so I tend to use the newer drug called pregabalin. I find that highly effective in patients with pains related to pancreatic cancer. Since that is a non-opiate drug, it is safe to combine with LDN, and LDN will not interfere with the action of that drug. So for Carolyn, and I would say, please speak to your doctor and go over the pain, the nature of the pain, explain how it feels and where it is, and if the doctor feels that it is nerve pain, it's called neuropathic pain, then ask the doctor to consider using a drug like pregabalin or carbamazepine.

Hopefully, that will successfully allow you to come off the Tramadol completely, and then you can be prescribed LDN, and it will be completely safe.

Linda Elsegood: Thank you. And you had spoken there about medical marijuana. Do you use that in your practice? Is it something you use in Canada?

Dr Akbar Khan: Yes, actually we do. There probably has been a lot of international news about Canada legalizing marijuana, so it's coming, so it is available now, and I think that because people know the law is coming, it's already widely available, and so we actually do use it. Since I'm not an expert on the cannabis oils, I refer to naturopathic doctors who are experts, and one of our own naturopathic doctors in the office is training, and he's learning about it, so we do prescribe it. In fact, the first case that I saw that sort of made me into a believer in using cannabis oils for cancer treatment was a very interesting fellow with bladder cancer stage four. You know, multiple areas of tumour spread into his abdomen, and he was treated with cannabis oil only. He came to us for consultation, we offered some other treatments to be combined. He declined those, and he said, no, let me kind of continue on the cannabis oil, for now, I want to see if it's working. That was his remark to us. We said, okay, no problem. We can do some monitoring of your cancer; we'll get some scans done. So, in fact, we scanned him when he first came to us, and then we re-scanned him about two or three months later, and we found that tumour had actually shrunk, and so that was the first case that really prompted me to have more interest in using cannabis oil as an actual cancer treatment.

You know, we documented very clearly tumour shrinkage in this fellow with stage four cancer using just cannabis oil treatment on its own. So, based on that, I'm more interested in it. Also, there is a naturopathic doctor in the Toronto area who published the world's first case of a child with leukaemia treated with cannabis oil successfully.

He showed very clearly the reduction in the cancer cells in the blood using the cannabis oil, and so that case is now published, and that's further evidence that cannabis oil can be successfully used as a cancer therapy. 

Linda Elsegood: That’s really interesting. Thank you. We'll just have another quick break, and if anybody has got any more questions, please do call in or email me linda@ldnrt.org.  We'll be back in just a minute.

The LDN research trust is very proud of the LDN book, which was launched at the LDN 2016 conference in Orlando, and has been a great success, not only for the medical profession but for patients wanting to learn more about low dose naltrexone. Full details can be found on the home page of the LDN Research Trust. Discounts are available on bulk orders of the book, which is ten or more. For details, email me, linda@ldnrt.org telling me how many copies you wish and where you live. I will then be able to get Chelsea Green Publishing to contact you.

Medicore Cancer Centres in Toronto, Canada are at the forefront of cancer prevention and treatment. They have developed numerous inhibitive programs backed by science with a goal to bring advanced cancer strategies to you. Learn more about Medical's approach and therapies@medicorecancer.com. Call +1 416-227-0037.

Linda Elsegood: Okay, thank you. So, do you have any other remarkable stories you could share with us Akbar? 

Dr Akbar Khan: Definitely. Yeah, sure. So, I can tell you about a patient with lymphoma. There's a lady in our practice, mid-fifties with the non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. And she herself is a homoeopathic practitioner; doesn't believe in taking drugs and definitely not taking chemotherapy.

The standard treatment for this type of lymphoma would be chemotherapy. She approached us and wanted to start a very gentle treatment. And so again, we thought of LDN. It's really the most gentle drug treatment that I have for cancer. So, we started her on LDN, and she worked up to about 4 milligrams a day at bedtime. In addition, our naturopathic doctor gave her some glutathione intravenously, which is a natural product, and then she did have some sleep disturbance. So, for sleep disturbance, we added a Magnolia tree extract, which contains, the natural chemical called honokiol. The trade name of this particular product is HonoPure, so it has 500 milligrams of honokiol

This natural product is actually excellent for sleep. It helps calm anxiety, and it has anti-cancer effects; multiple mechanisms of an anticancer effect that are defined by published research. So, we gave her that as a sleep aid, but also as a booster for the LDN. Her initial imaging, her ultrasound, showed extensive disease in her abdomen; deep in the abdomen where you typically see a non-Hodgkin's lymphoma which is called a retroperitoneal enlargement of lymph nodes, so that was measured and we continued the LDN, and then we repeated the ultrasound after the number of months. The largest tumour initially was about 3.4 centimetres, so, I don't know what's that, about an inch and a half, I guess for your UK listeners. Gradually it reduced to about half that size over a period of one year. The patient felt well, her appetite improved, and so she continued taking LDN, and she continued her own homoeopathic and natural regime on top of that. She actually started cutting back the LDN, I think, more through laziness, you know, but also she was taking her own supplements on top of that, but she's alive and well at this point; I think it's about four to five years. So, clearly, you know, in her case, at least at the beginning of therapy, we demonstrate that the LDN, with potentially a boost from this natural product, called honokiol was very effective for her non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Again, a very good case, you know, with minimal side effects. I think that's probably one of the most remarkable things about LDN if it happens to work for your cancer, it is truly remarkable, because of the minimal frequency of side effects, and also the trivial nature of those side effects.

It is so dramatically different than almost all traditional cancer therapies, drug therapies, I'm talking about like chemotherapy, you know, I mean, I think most people are well aware that chemotherapy has very severe side effects, including death because it can severely depress the immune system and it puts you at risk for infection.

People die every day from infection caused by chemotherapy. This is well known, and one of the accepted risks of chemotherapy, yet nobody dies from taking LDN, and we have people with cancers that shrink and stabilize and occasionally go into full remission using LDN.

So, I'm really happy to be here on the show and getting the word out because I want doctors to understand that this is a potential therapy that can be part of their arsenal against cancer, and not every patient needs to go and take a traditional toxic therapy, especially those that are risk-averse, and those that understand the risks and benefits of therapy like LDN, which is unapproved, yet still has extensive research that supports it.

Linda Elsegood: And I have another question for you. It says, would you recommend LDN for patients with a history of basal cell carcinoma and family history of melanoma? 

Dr Akbar Khan: That's a very interesting one. You know, basal cell carcinoma is a type of skin cancer that is often cured by surgery, and it does not really spread through the body. It's actually quite rare for that cancer to spread, so it's non-aggressive cancer. If it's caught early it can be removed surgically, unusually it's cured, so we don't tend to get patients with basal cell carcinoma in our practice. They're usually referred to the plastic surgeon to have these removed, so I can't say that I personally have experienced treating that cancer type, however; due to the nature of that cancer it tends to be slow-growing, and it does give you the opportunity to treat with LDN. So, if there's a patient who's interested in treating that cancer with LDN, I would say speak to your doctor, and I think it is worthwhile to give it a try, especially for anybody who has recurrent basal cell carcinoma. If you have new cancers continuing to pop up, I think LDN has a role in prevention, as well as treatment, and it can reduce the need for surgery if, if it does in fact work, and I believe it will work in a percentage of cases. So, I do think it's worthwhile treating. In addition, if there's a family history of melanoma, then the LDN can be used as part of a cancer prevention program.

I do also recommend that the patient speaks to the doctor about using vitamin D. I recommend high doses ranging from 5,000 units a day, up to even 15,000 units a day with a regular blood monitoring to make sure that you're at the correct blood levels. And then also to make sure there are no side effects from the high dose vitamin D, like a high calcium level in the blood, which is a rare side effect. I do recommend speaking to the doctor about LDN, I think it's a very good choice.

Linda Elsegood: And I have a question here from Dennis for you, and I apologize, I probably won't pull out some of these words correctly. He says, ‘my wife has recently been treated for bilateral ILC stage one, grade two, lumpectomy surgery, clear margins.

BRAC therapy and two rounds of TC chemo. She stopped early due to severe neutropenia’.

Dr Akbar Khan: Okay. Yes. All right. So, that's neutropenia, which means low white cell count. This is a patient with cancer of both breasts. An ILC is, I'm assuming, that's invasive lobular carcinoma, which is one of the types of breast cancer.

The patient's having side effects from chemotherapy, which basically amounts to severe immune suppression. So, she stopped and chemotherapy, so, I think that's a good opportunity to get onto LDN for a couple of reasons. One is obviously because as we've talked about, LDN can be an effective treatment for residual microscopic disease. That is microscopic cancer that’s present in her body, and also it can be an immune modulator; it can enhance her natural immunity, and so with the low white cell count, this is probably a good time to get on the LDN to boost your immune system. This is why she should look into using vitamin D, which is probably also an important part of improving her immune function, and you never know, she may be deficient in vitamin D, which makes it even more important. So, she should have her vitamin D blood level checked by her physician and then take the appropriate dose to bring the vitamin D level up into the higher normal end of the range; that's usually our target in our practice, and we find that's quite safe.  You know there's a theoretic concern of overdosing on vitamin D and causing a high blood calcium level and leeching calcium out of your bones, and I can tell this nurse that we monitor everybody with routine blood tests, and I have not seen that once yet in my practice in, I would say probably, well, first of all, in hundreds of patients treated with high dose vitamin D over a period of about, I would say now less than five years. So vitamin D supplementation is very safe, I think, very important to go along with LDN, but you have to do it correctly; you have to monitor the blood levels and make sure there are no side effects from that.

Linda Elsegood: And he did go on to say that she also has Hashimoto's disease, and had bilateral Thyroidectomy in 2014. Would the use of LDM possibly be preventative for a reoccurrence of cancer as well as helping with the Hashimoto's?

Dr Akbar Khan: Yes, so actually the LDN can prevent recurrence by controlling a microscopic residual cancer that's present in the body. You know, we've shown that, with the blood tests, in which we measure cancer cells that are floating in the blood.

This is not a standard test that most oncologists will be doing, but there are labs in the United States and in Germany that are doing these tests. We happen to use a lab in Germany, but there are other labs too. I'm sure in the UK there are labs that are doing the same type of testing. So, we measure cancer cells floating in the blood, and we can show that a treatment is effective or not effective, even though there's no obvious residual cancer showing on a scan. So, in the case of somebody with a thyroid removed for thyroid cancer, you know, you can monitor with blood cancer cell count. You can also monitor with a blood marker, which is thyroglobulin, for example, in the case of thyroid cancer, and you can make sure that these blood levels are staying in the normal range, which in the case of thyroid, it should be zero. So, these are ways to monitor that the LDN is actually effective, but the answer is yes, it can be used in the case of a patient with thyroid cancer that's been removed and she wants to prevent a recurrence.

Linda Elsegood: Now we have one last question, and I'm hoping that you'll be able to answer it. It's very controversial. You probably remember from the last three conferences I'm sure, that it's a question that came up Tramadol. Now, there are some doctors who, and pharmacists, that don't consider Tramadol as being an opiate, but say it works on, it’s a synthetic opioid, and it works on different receptors and can still be taken with LDN. I know that you just said that you get your patients off Tramadol. Do you look at Tramadol as being an opiate rather than a synthetic opioid?

Dr Akbar Khan: Well, to my knowledge, it is an opiate, but I don't happen to use a lot of Tramadol in my practice. I think if these doctors are using it and they're finding it can be used together with LDN, well that's, that's news to me.

I don't have the experience to be able to say yes or no to that. I would be very interested to know more about it, put it this way. So, as far as I know, if it's safe or not to use it with LDN, but I think maybe if you could ask  one of the other consultants from the LDN Research Trust, if they have experience using LDN together with Tramadol, that would be very interesting, and I would like to know. I think the listeners would like to know. Maybe you could post it on the research trust website. I think that would be very informative. 

Linda Elsegood: Okay. We have literally like three minutes left. Could you just give us another case study quickly?

Dr Akbar Khan: Absolutely. So, there's a question here from Jim.

He says, ‘I have friends with prostate cancer and have been treated. I have read LDN is effective for untreated prostate cancer. Is this correct? And in treated prostate cancer, would it be helpful in preventing metastasis?’ So, we do have experience with LDN and prostate cancer, and we find that it is effective.

It can stabilize, or it can reduce prostate cancer, and we measure that with a blood test called PSA; that's the most common way to monitor prostate cancer. Now, in addition to scans, and you know imaging of course. So, untreated prostate cancer, yes, we have patients who have come to us and don't want to take the standard hormone treatment because of all the side effects, you know, testosterone-blocking drugs are the standard treatment for prostate cancer, and there are numerous side effects from those treatments. So, I have successfully treated untreated prostate cancer; people who have not taken hormone treatment with LDN, and it does work, I can say that. That's very clear; we've documented that. In people who haven't been treated for prostate cancer with hormone treatment, and it's failed, Dr Bihari’s experience as reported on the LDN info website, is that the LDN is not effective for those cases. So, based on Dr Bihari’s experience we've avoided using LDN for hormone resistance cases of prostate cancer. So I can't really comment on those, because we tend not to use LDN for those cases, and whether it helps in preventing metastasizes in previously treated and hormone-resistant prostate cancers, based on Dr Bihari’s information, LDN probably should not be used in those cases, but I can't say firsthand, because we were going by Dr Bihari’s experience.

We don't want to waste the patients’ time in treating them and get a lot of failures. So, we really don't have experience with LDN in hormone-resistant prostate cancers.

Linda Elsegood: What cancers would you say of that 2000 plus that you have treated, is the most common cancer that you've seen?

Dr Akbar Khan: We see a lot of breast cancer. I think LDN is very good for breast cancer. We've treated many lymphoma cases, it's good for those. I think probably for melanoma, although I haven't used it as much for melanoma. I think again, that's a good one that seems to be responsive to immune-based therapies. So, LDN should be good for that. I've had a number of cases of bladder cancer; we've had good results. So, all of those cancers, and rare cancers too. I mean, f there's cancer that is quite rare, and so there's not a lot of research done on that particular type, and the oncologists are not sure what to use to treat that cancer. If it's slow-growing cancer, if there's time, to give it the opportunity for LDN to work, then I think that LDN is an excellent choice as something to start with, while the patient is looking around for different treatment options. So those are kind of the most common cancers that we've used it on, and we've seen some excellent results.

But in theory, it can be used for any cancer, and in my experience, it should preferably be used for cancers that are slower growing, not really for very rapidly growing cancers, because you don't have enough time to give the LDN adequate chance to work, and also for patients with low disease volumes, so not an extensive amount of cancer in the body.

Linda Elsegood: I'm going to have to stop you there. Thank you very much, and I'd like to invite you back next year and we'll talk about the conference.

Dr Akbar Khan: Thank you very much.

Linda Elsegood: Medicor Cancer Centres in Toronto, Canada, are at the forefront of cancer prevention and treatment. They have developed numerous inhibitive programs backed by science with a goal to bring advanced cancer strategies to you. Learn more about Medicor’s approach, and therapists that medical cancer.com or call +1 416-227-0037

Any questions or comments you may have, please Contact Us.  I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for joining us today. We really appreciated your company. Until next time, stay safe and keep well.

Dr Adam Sandford shares his experience about LDN (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Dr Adam Sandford shares his Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) experience on the LDN Radio Show with Linda Elsegood.

Dr Adam Sandford heard about Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) around ten years ago when a former professor recommended it to him. After conducting considerable research, he found LDN to be successful and began prescribing it in 2013.

Throughout his career he has found LDN to be especially useful in patients with autoimmune diseases. In this interview Dr Sandford gives an insight into some first hand case studies and how LDN has been successful in his patients.

This is a summary of Dr Adam Sandford’s interview. Please listen to the rest of Dr Sandford’s story by clicking on the video above.

Donna Seebo Interviews Linda Elsegood about LDN (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Linda Elsegood shares her Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Story on the Donna Seebo Show with Donna Seebo.

In 1969 at the age of 13, Linda had glandular fever (Epstein-Barr virus). She was seriously ill and away from school for six months. 

Late 1999 Linda’s mother had a serious heart attack and the trauma affected her badly. She was working full time, travelling two and a half hours every day and running the home. This excessive workload and stress began to take its toll on her health, and by May 2000 she had lost her balance, lost feeling in the left side of her face and her head, tongue and nose were numb with pins and needles.

In early December 2003 Linda started Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN), and the results were incredibly positive. By Christmas Linda was functioning again, and her liver tests were back to normal. She felt like herself again.

Linda founded the LDN Research Trust in May 2004. In this interview she says that it is the most exciting thing she has ever done. She is able to give many hours a week to the Trust, helping people to get LDN and trying to get it into clinical trials.

This is a summary of Linda Elsegood’s interview. Please listen to the rest of Linda’s story by clicking on the video above.

Donna - US: Sjogren's, Multiple Sclerosis (MS) (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Today, we're joined by Donna from the United States and Donna takes LDN for multiple sclerosis and Sjogren's syndrome. Thank you for joining us, Donna.

Donna: This is Donna. I'm doing well. Thank you.

Linda Elsegood:  could you tell us when you first noticed there was something wrong with you?

Donna: Well, I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis amass 2006 this month. So it's spent this sentence.

Linda Elsegood: And what about the Sjogren's? When, when did you develop that?

Donna: Yeah, well, I always had something wrong. I knew with me. And just to give you a little background, it's been. Ten years or more before I was back most with ms. And I was always told her I was working too hard at witness stressful for situations. And I kept telling the doctors, no, that's not it. And so finally the test came back positive. Not, but they couldn't have a tell me 100% certainty. That's what I had, but all everything pointed to in Austin. So that's the name? They did it in 2006.

Linda Elsegood: Okay. How old were you when you first notice that, you know, you've got these symptoms?

Donna: Oh, gosh. I would say when I first started receiving, sometimes it happened then as far back as the 19 late 1980s.

So in 2006 is when I first was diagnosed, but it was intermittent from the 1980s until I was actually diagnosed. But it slowly to grow.

Linda Elsegood: How old were you in the 1980s.

Donna: Okay. Yeah. Okay. Well, now I have no problem with my age. I'm 57 now. So the 1980s, I was what? 30, the early thirties. So with that point, I was diagnosed 47.

Linda Elsegood: Okay. If it makes you feel any better im 60 this year Um, and I've got MS.

Linda Elsegood: so when you were in your thirties, and you had these symptoms, what, what were you experiencing at that time?

Donna: I was just For no reason, numbness in my feet and in my fingers. And I, as it progressed, I kept dropping things, and I would stand up and become dizzy. And we all know that if we stand up too quickly, it can make us dizzy, but. It doesn't matter what, no matter with me as it was quickly or slowly. And at some point, my husband had to literally push me out of bed because I couldn't move.

I would get a headache, my double visions, and my sense of smell changed acutely was either I could not smell. And then another day. Everything nauseated me. Then they smell nice here. I didn't mean my eyes; my appetite drastically change in which I didn't eat a lot at all. And I love food, and that turned me off the just general achiness and my, my headache.

I constantly got migraine headaches. They slid out of my words. I could remember. The day, the last day I worked, and this was ten years ago, and I wish I had a client. I a very effective job. And I was called a client service that then I was visiting a client, and we were talking and all of a sudden my tongue would not move.

And it was so I can remember thinking this is embarrassing. Not thinking where it's something that, which mom with me health-wise, but when I'm on video, that's this point. So I looked at her, thank goodness. She would have seen the front of mine, as well as the client. I looked at her, and I guess I had panic in my eyes and three really concerned.

And so it seemed like it lasted forever, but I'm sure it was less than a minute. And I tried to function my tongue. I tried to get worse to come out of nine. Now I tried to fall on your leg was, and anything I could do, but I could not. So eventually everything loosened up my tongue loosen up, and I turned to her and told us that I need to go.

I'm so sorry. I need to cut this short. And I immediately drove home. And that next day I have a doctor's appointment. I told him what happened. He did an MRI and tried the lesions on my brain. And he recommended to me. He called it. He called in a neurologist. He, it went up, and that'd be one of the top ones here in this part of this, the country.

And he agreed to see me. And that's when the lumbar punchy with Don. And that's not what happened. That's my story. So it was the motion does and thing Elva and think, okay, this is it because I would have worked hard and I've worked since I was ten years old. So, this was extremely devastating to me, very depressing I would cry every day.

I mean, I could not get ahold of my emotions. That was another side effect. And so those are the things that I had to deal with. I went to the Mayo clinic. You've heard of them, Minnesota. I went through this stage with my husband for a week and a half, and they also told me I have fibromyalgia. That was the first time it was diagnosed as fibromyalgia in conjunction with them.

They could never find out anything. Concrete about, well, maybe it's this, maybe it's that. And so, but that's the stood everybody's different with math. So, unfortunately, they could not tell me anything different. So I came back home, my husband and I, and we were just exhausted. We used to give up, we've had to find something we knew there was something out there that could help.

And lo and behold, this plan of my husband friend, who happens to live in Colorado, his wife has lupus. She was sent home, and she was bedridden, and they've heard about, and so she started taking it two weeks later. She was hiking. They gave her a death sentence. Two weeks later, with LDN, she was hiking in the mountains with her husband.

He called my friend, and he said, bonnet need to try this and see what happens. And I didn't Diana, I research so much, and I found it was able to do the research. And then what happened is that. At that point, I said, okay, let me try it. And I thought it was going to be something that was very simple to do, but I couldn't find a doctor who would prescribe it.

No doctor knew about LDN, and I thought, are you kidding? So I ended up having to go to a doctor that was close to Chicago, and that's about five hours away from where I live. So initially he's prescribed it over the phone, and he said, let me see everything that you have. And I did that. And lo and behold, he did prescribe it's for my insurance company, witnessed it.

So, but $30 was a nominal fee for me. So. I said, why not? I can tell you within two days I felt that definitely in my entire body, the way I was thinking, the way my limbs were working, the way I walk because my game was easy. I could fall. If someone blew on me. Okay. And so I was very active on the phone.

That's how I discovered LDN. And I used it. But to me, he is, and after three years, because I was shooting myself for ten years, what did nothing for me every single day. The quality of my life is going down, and with LDN, it was nothing but up with my quality of life, just shot through the roof and I'm thinking, you gotta be kidding me.

How can this miracle pill help me This quickly, and this much didn't drastically change my life, that too near Norman, Steve, that I am used to. So, my husband, I didn't want him to. We told everyone we could, he's heard about it. All the, you heard about this and. Yeah, she had problems with, um, for non they were heightening or if I can't forgive me again, I cannot remember what a prominent disease is.

And they said to her to death in six months. They said she would be dead. And I just so happened to she's a bed and breakfast owner with my husband and my husband. And I didn't go there. Awesome. And we've stayed ahead of that bed in park. And when she told us about what she was going through, and we just exchange voice, and I said, you need to try on the end.

And she wasn't resistant for almost a year, but I kept corresponding with her. You need to try this. You really do need to try this. So eventually she found a doctor, and she started it. She had told me on LDN, and her name is Lori Dawn. And she's on the LDN for him as well. She told me the second night, after 30 years of being in pain, she woke up one morning.

There was no pain in her fingers. And they wish because of the LDN right now. So doctors have no idea how she is living and functioning, and she's wonderful. Well, I can't say enough about it. I, I, I don't know what else to say.

Linda Elsegood: Well, that's an amazing story. If you had to have rated your quality of

 life on a score of one to 10 before you started LDN and ten being the best, what would it have been?

Donna: Oh, it's the lowest point. I mean the, before LDN, I was below a one with the idea IDN, I would say I can go from eight and a half to over 10.

Seriously. Wow. And it depends upon because I'm going through menopause right now. That's not too much information. And so my body goes up and down with that. If anybody out there knows about it, menopause, of course, we, most women do who is this age group, and it's sometimes, you know, just flushed it, but it's been more upward now with, and I thought out too, no complaints whatsoever.

And people look at me, you know, in us as I often did use. And it's. Also, you don't look sick type of statement. Well, as you're feeling miserable on the inside and your food and all of the time, 24 seven, I don't have that anymore inside of me every now and then other twins, but there's nothing to write home about it.

Nothing to complain about. I keep my doctor's appointment to most straighten that I'm addictive, how I'm doing. But other than that, am I new biologist? See the change, but still, to describe LDN, he wouldn't do it. He has one other patient besides myself who is on LDN. Now I, after three years, let's see, I would say about two and a half years ago, I stopped taking LDN, and I see a wonderful.

And I still, I just, I'm still on LDN, but I take no medication at this point in my life. And I was diagnosed, uh, on, uh, the last 20 minutes. So, um, I'm good. My doctors are astonished. You should be on a wheelchair by now. I'm not in a wheelchair. I can walk. I wear me still at hours. Sometimes I trip, but that's okay.

But, but I can't say enough about that's it that's a miracle drug this in college. Uh, my face had been asked to do this, so, I mean, it has increased my faith in my Lord and then increase my face and us, there is something out there, but. Autoimmune diseases for cancers for those type of things. I mean, suddenly I could drive.

Linda Elsegood: before we started talking, you told me about exercising. Would you like to tell everybody what exercises you've been doing?

Donna: Well, I use the leprechaun daily. And each day I do that with emails, and that takes about an hour. I don't push myself too high. I do a little weight lifting, not a whole lot. We wished I had 10 pounds.

I do. A lot of stuff is very important that keeps your tendons doable so that you. Won't hope. And your elbow is a bin. When you want them to bend your knees a bit when you want them to be on. I used to have terrible, terrible pains in my leg, which only casting with FIC. I don't have that anymore. So if the, you know, you keep your stuff, you are yoga.

He left the walk-in. And if you can learn, it's very important. It's important for your state of mind. It's also important to keep your body in as much shape as you can because your body will fight for you. If you fight for it, that's the only way you can beat this thing. And do you, and of course, That's the first and foremost, the number one thing I would, I would tell everyone in the distance, you have to believe in something.

If you don't, you're doomed, because if you don't believe that you can do this, if you're not telling your body, you can do this and keep a positive attitude, you've already defeated, just and used to come to this.

So that does not answer your question.

Linda Elsegood: Thank you very much for sharing your experience with us. We do appreciate it. And I'm so pleased that LDN has worked so well for you.


Any questions or comments you may have, please Contact Us.  I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for joining us today. We really appreciated your company. Until next time, stay safe and keep well.

Don - US: Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis (MS) (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Don from United States shares his LDN for secondary progressive Multiple Sclerosis (MS) experience.

He started seeing symptoms around 2002 when he would go running he would constantly and have to stop and rest so he knew something was wrong.

He did research after his diagnoses and decied to try LDN. His qaulity of life before LDN was at a 5/10 now it is at a 8/10. He has improved by alot.

To listen to the full interview play the video.

Any questions or comments you may have, please contact us. I look forward to hearing from you.