LDN Video Interviews and Presentations

Radio Show interviews, and Presentations from the LDN 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 Conferences

They are also on our    Vimeo Channel    and    YouTube Channel

Vivien - England: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME) (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Vivien from England shares her Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME) and Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) story on the LDN Radio Show with Linda Elsegood.

Vivien had been living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) since 1992 but in 2009 she was rushed into hospital and put onto a ventilator following issues with breathing, which led to her second diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME).

After researching for alternative treatments herself, Vivien was able to get a prescription of Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) from a private clinic and hasn’t looked back since. She no longer needs a walking stick and feels full of energy.

She recommends LDN to all those who are curious, praising the many benefits it has to offer.

This is a summary of Vivien’s interview. Please listen to the rest of Vivien’s story by clicking on the video.

Viv - Scotland: Hashimoto's Thyroiditis (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Viv from Scotland shares their Hashimoto’s and Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) story on the LDN Radio Show with Linda Elsegood.

Viv first noticed an odd symptom in late 2012 when she had a strange rash on her wrist. It disappeared after a few antihistamines, but returned later on all over Viv’s body and this recurred multiple times, leading to multiple visits to the hospital. 

Viv was then later diagnosed at 37 years old with Hashimoto’s. The symptoms were never properly under control from any treatment until Viv found Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN).

She said “I suffered zero side effects when I initially started LDN, and still have zero now. Within a couple days I began to feel better. No more rashes at all.

If you’ve been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, I thoroughly recommend you go and speak to your doctor about LDN. You’ll find that this drug is nothing short of a miracle.”

This is a summary of Viv’s interview. Please listen to the rest of Viv’s Hashimoto’s story by clicking on the video above.

Vicky - US: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Vicky from the United States was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis(MS) in 1997 after starting to experience symptoms the previous year, such as weakness, fatigue and hand and walking problems, as well as cognitive issues. After diagnosis, the symptoms had worsened to excruciating pain, she became sensitive to heat and cold. Vicky also lost muscle control, meaning walking was difficult, including problems swallowing.

Vicky heard about Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) from her husband due to him researching forums and websites for her. However when she brought it up to her GP, she was instantly shut down due to it not being FDA approved. So she called up a different GP, and was eventually written up a prescription.

Since being on LDN, Vicky has stated that all of her symptoms have gone and her quality of life has drastically improved, claiming that “days are not long enough.”

When asked what she would say to those contemplating Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN), she was enthusiastic in saying for them to give it a try, emphasising the fact they have nothing to lose. 

This is a summary, to hear the whole interview click the video link.

Any questions or comments you may have, please contact us.

Vera - US: Dermatomyositis, Microscopic Colitis (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Vera takes low dose naltrexone (LDN) primarily for dermatomyositis which appeared at 30 years old after her first child was born; and secondarily for microscopic colitis, which appeared after her second child was born. She rated her quality of life at 5.

Once on LDN she noted improved mood and energy, and by the third week she noted the rash started calming down, as well as her colitis. Now she rates her quality of life at a 9 or 10.

Listen to the video for the full story.

Any questions or comments you may have, please contact us at contact@ldnresearchtrust.org. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for joining us today.

Valarie - Wales: Fibromyalgia (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Valerie from Wales has fibromyalgia (FM), where she first started noticing symptoms in 2006. Symptoms included stomach problems, headaches, forgetfulness, tingling feet and fingers, as well as aches and pains, particularly in her shoulder.

She was diagnosed in 2009 at the age of 65/66, very abruptly by her doctor.

Her doctor would not prescribe the Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) to her, that is when she came to our website for help on how to receive it. 

Valerie recalls that the medication was not instant, but she does feel a lot better, she still does have aches and pains, but on a whole it is much better.

She rated her quality of life before her medication a 5 out of 10, and now an 8 or 9, which is a great improvement.

Valerie recommends people to try it, It doesn't have any side effects as far as she is concerned anyway and there is no reason why you shouldn't at least try it.

Please watch the video to view the whole interview.

Any questions or comments you may have, please contact

Valarie - US: Hashimoto's, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME) (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Valarie from the United States shares her Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME) and Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) story on the LDN Radio Show with Linda Elsegood.

Valarie grew up knowing she has issues with her health but her symptoms were exacerbated when she joined a health club and tried to exercise more regularly. This worsened to the point where one day she could no longer get up out of bed.

After doing some research, Valarie found Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) on Facebook and learnt of its many benefits for patients diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME).

“LDN has made me so much less anxious and stressed. I feel better about myself. I’m a very strong supporter of LDN and it’s definitely worth trying.

This is a summary of Valarie’s interview. Please listen to the rest of Valarie’s story by clicking on the video above.

Val - England: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Val from England has multiple sclerosis (MS), where she was diagnosed in 1993. Before her diagnosis she used to play squash and badminton, as well as working as a secretary. After her diagnosis, she gave up living, her job, where she then had to depend on my husband and family. Symptoms included losing the ability to walk, her eyesight went at times, meaning she went blind many times, leg spasms were also included in her symptoms. 

Val has now been taking Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) since 2010. Now she doesn't have as many spasms, eyes are completely better, and she doesn't become as tired. Although she does use a wheelchair outside. 

Val rated her quality of life between a 1-2 before her experience with Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN), and now after, a 9-10. 

Val recommends LDN to anyone, she can now enjoy life and play with her children!

Please listen to the video to view the whole story. 

Any questions or comments you may have, email us at contact@ldnresearchtrust.org

Tricia (2) - England: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Trisha from England was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in December 1983. Her symptoms consisted of balance and core issues as well as problems with her feet resulting in the need for a wheelchair.

Trisha heard of Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) by reading articles in magazines about medication that could help her, and after showing the research she had accumulated to her GP, she was prescribed it in 2010. Within a few months Trisha had noticed improvements in the muscular toning of her core, had more control of her own body, including the ability to sit, and also her speech.

When asked what she would say to those contemplating trying LDN, Trisha replied with “try it and see if it helps. Don’t expect massive improvements, just be realistic.”

For the entire interview, watch the video.

Trish - US: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Trish from the United States was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis after starting to notice symptoms from the age of around 40. Her symptoms included fatigue, feeling heavy limbs, weakness in her left leg and twitching in her eyes and ears.

In 2010, after experiencing further symptoms such as chest pain, nausea and dizziness, Trish was diagnosed with MS after a series of tests in November. She started taking Copaxone injections prior to Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN), and did not like the side effects.

After taking LDN for the first time in January 2011, Trish was unable to sleep well. However, by changing the time she took the medication(changing from night, to morning) her sleep improved. She feels much healthier, more energetic and eating better after starting on LDN. Trish has also said her anxiety and ability to walk has improved, alongside her bladder problems.

When asked what she would say to those thinking about trying Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN), Trish said she “highly recommends it”. Also, that there is nothing to lose, but a lot to gain.

For the entire interview, watch the video.

Any questions or comments you may have, please contact us.

Trish - Australia: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Linda Elsegood: I'd like to introduce Trish from Australia. She has primary progressive MS. Welcome, Trish. 

Trish: Hi there. 

Linda Elsegood: And I understand that you're originally from South Africa. 

Trish: That's correct.

Linda Elsegood: So you're a foreigner? 

Trish: Yes. We find everyone in Australia is pretty foreign. Just about everyone. Yeah, that's true. 

Linda Elsegood: So when did you first start to notice MS symptoms? 

Trish: Well, my very first, I didn't know then of course, but looking back, which we all did when I was ten years old, I was very fit. I was a gymnast. I was a netball player. Um, and I did something else, um, and was never fatigued.

And then I went on a hike with some friends up a mountain, and I just couldn't keep up. Um, and that was my first experience at 10 and then at 15 I had a really bad, um, what that call today attack in, and I only recognized it as such because many years later, maybe 20 or 30 years later, I had exactly the same experience.

Good grief. This is, they never diagnosed it then they didn't know what it was. And then I had, it became really bad at about 45. 

Linda Elsegood: Okay. When you say became really bad, what were your symptoms? 

Trish: Um, well, actually It always seems to be, and I was walking around being on a long walk, and I was walking back and my legs, I was struggling, and my legs started leaning to the side, and I only knew what it was because I was actually working with people with MS at that time.

So I diagnosed myself. And then I remember when I got to the house of walking up a hill, no, my leg was trembling and I felt really weak and I had trouble. And then I spent the next year going round trying to get people to give me a diagnosis cause walking was getting difficult and nobody could diagnose it until I finally went back to the GP and I said, look. I think this is MS. Then she sent me to a neurologist who said. It's not. Anyway, all I wanted to be an MRI. Finally, he gave me an MRI, which of course many said, yes, you've got MS and I can't do anything but buy. And as I walked up the door, he said, Oh, and you want to have your next attack in a month. 

So I engaged him, and I did. That took me a year before I stopped getting worse. Every month. It makes like their point, the bone that you are sourced from, isn't it? 

Linda Elsegood: So by this time, had you got any other symptoms other than the leg? 

Trish: Actually remember. But the worst thing was always, Oh yes. The other thing that I've always had; it's sort of one of my primary symptoms has been a pain.

So I started to ache. And the way I could best describe it is, um, like, um, rheumatism that's sort of ache, aches in the arms and legs and the shoulders. 

Linda Elsegood: Okay. So moving on, how did you hear about LDN? 

Trish: Ah. That's, I wish I'd heard about it more recently, but I've found that thread, and I think it was on probably, this was their MS, which I think is a, an English website.

And they have a thread on LDN. And that was early, about four years ago. And by that stage, I was tremendously allergic, which has been one of my problems. And so I don't easily take anything without having allergy or allergic reactions. But when I saw that it was a very low dose, I thought, you know, I think I can try that. And so it took me a year before I thought, I'm going to, I'm going to go for that. So now wished I'd known about it ten years earlier. 

Linda Elsegood: Was it easy to get a prescription in Australia? 

Trish: Well, I was actually very lucky. I just walked into the medical centre, which is, you know, you could just go and see a whole number of doctors. They usually have four or five on duty, and I only very seldom go to the doctor, but I walked in there, and I just happened to get a very nice young Asian doctor. And the tertiary was horrified because when she looked it up, you know, they only had that big dose of 50 milligrams for drug addiction and alcohol, and I said, all I want is three milligrams. I mean, she said, well, really? What harm can it do? 

Linda Elsegood: That's wonderful. 

Trish: When I suggested for other people, they've had enormous problems. 

Linda Elsegood: You were very, very lucky. So when you started, did you notice any side effects? 

Trish: Yes, but then as I say that, I'm hugely allergic to everything. Yes, I did have side effects. I had insomnia for about eight months and I had a hot tan, and I got that very, very bad spasticity because spasticity is one of my bad symptoms. In fact, I have a Baclofen pump, which helps with the specificity of Baclofen with the pain. It's hugely. Um, so those were all things that I was determined that this was good.

And I'd started to see, I was lucky in that after two weeks, I started to see benefits. More benefit, even though I had all these, these side effects. Hold on. I said I can see benefits and I know it'll stop the progression and this is just, I've got to do this. 

Linda Elsegood: Yes. What benefits did you notice? 

Trish: Benefits. They were acute. Well, the first thing I noticed, which was just. That was after two weeks in the middle of the night. My, I've got one leg that was very stiff, and in fact, I couldn't bend it at all, but in the middle of the night, that leg got bent and I could actually bend it. It's got supple, like a good, sort of turn on my side and curl up a bit. That was the first thing, and then I saw gradually a huge number of things I think I've had about fifteen benefits, but I can remember the really big ones. Um, I always had really bad sinus, which would always lead to, and the worst thing of MS, but generally a new symptom. Um, but that stopped completely. I feel really, really good.

I'm never sick. I'm always well, and I'm always happy, which is lovely. I had been losing my voice for the full for two years and after I'd taken LDN probably for a year, I noticed my voice was coming back and it's now virtually a hundred per cent, and the other thing was I'd lost nearly all my sense of taste and smell. And that came back gradually. Haven't reached a hundred per cent, but at least I can have. My taste is about 80% at most. The smell is about 70%. 

Linda Elsegood: Um, what else? 

Trish: Let me see right now, I can walk, walk a bit further. I'll walk with a cane. 

Trish: Hmm. But my walking is a bit better. My balance is better because I can actually stand in front of the wardrobe when I want to decide what to wear without falling in, which is actually a big thing. Um, what else can I do? I'm looking, reading my notes. 

Trish: Oh, my bladder even improved a bit, which is always a big thing. All of it. Yeah. Um. And just doing things. I tell you the other thing that's actually made a big difference for me is my dexterity in my left hand is much better. I can actually type again, which I couldn't do for years.And there's a little bit, well. Something happening, um, among the machine. And, um, if somebody, these messages Weitzman it, she doesn't like it, I can unplug it now I can find that company. 

Linda Elsegood: Um, okay. I forgot what I was asking now. 

Trish: Just listing some of the benefits. 

Linda Elsegood: Can you remember where you got it too? You said about the dexterity in your left hand. 

Trish: Yeah, those, those are the main ones. The biggest ones that I can remember.

I mean, lots of little things like uncontrollable straights. For the dog, which I hadn't been able to do, or just little things like that. Lots of little things like that. And I just find that every night, every few months I noticed something new that's got better. Oh yes. And of course, no progression whatsoever.

No more. Not a single new symptom. 

Linda Elsegood: Well, somebody who's primary progressive, that's a big deal, isn't it? 

Trish: Yeah, well, because I just gradually kept getting worse. That's all. You know, every couple of months would be something new and you think, Oh no, what's this? Yeah. 

Linda Elsegood: If you were to write your life for full LT analyst, the scale of one to 10 10 being the best, what would it have been?

Trish: Ah, before LDN um, I had a pump. Which I got about the year before. And of course, if I'd had LDN maybe I wouldn't have needed that, but I can't say, and that really made a huge difference because I had such terrible panic. I just didn't even want to live. Um, so I mean, I was really happy to be in a plane, for least have no pain and have my leg full flexible. Hmm. So I was definitely at about a five or six by then, but then I got out here, and then I reckon I'm right up. It's eight, maybe. 

Linda Elsegood: What's good and how old are you now, Trish? 

Trish: I am 63. I think the biggest thing about the LDN is, instead of living in fear of the future, feeling really, really scared. Just thinking, how bad am I going to get? What's going to come next? I can just start there and think, well, if anything, I'm getting better, and I can live my life more positively. And that's, I think it is a huge thing.

Linda Elsegood: It is. What would you say to other people who are contemplating a trial? 

Trish: I’d say for goodness sake. Definitely try it, but most important of all, don't give up because I've recommended it to people. They're really excited. They go to the doctor, and the doctor is so negative, I won't give it to them, and they just give up or that if they managed to persevere and actually get it, then one is it doesn't work fantastically for them straight away.

Linda Elsegood: And they give up 

Trish: And I say, you must give it a fair chance. I mean, I, fortunately, I did have some positive results, but I just persisted through all the negatives. And I did use, which you know about in England, but I know many Americans don't. I found a kinesiologist has been invaluable for me because she has been able to help me with all the allergies including my reactions to LDN, I would say, well, this is a problem, and I might have to stop for a while. Um, at one stage I was only taking three milligrams once a week. I now take what you, what seems to work for me best of all is three milligrams every second night. Okay. And that works 

Linda Elsegood: Well. That's good. 

Trish: Well. Yeah, I really do think people have to manage their own illness and they just, and especially I'm afraid the neurologist can't, or ones keep up with everything.

Oh, on table two and you've got to do your own research and then go and get it. 

Linda Elsegood: Well, thank you very much for sharing your story with us today Trisha 

Trish: Do appreciate it, help someone, especially those newly diagnosed. I think if only they take LDN, 

Linda Elsegood: Any questions or comments you may have, please Contact Us.  I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for joining us today. We really appreciated your company. Until next time, stay safe and keep well.