Lorraine from Scotland shares her Multiple Sclerosis (MS) & Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Story

Lorraine from Scotland has Multiple Sclerosis (MS) where she first started noticing symptoms in February 2000. She developed extreme headaches, and recalls her scalp was sore, as well as bad weakness on her left side and fatigue. A day after an MRI scan she had received her MS diagnosis.

After taking

Lorraine from Scotland has Multiple Sclerosis (MS) where she first started noticing symptoms in February 2000. She developed extreme headaches, and recalls her scalp was sore, as well as bad weakness on her left side and fatigue. A day after an MRI scan she had received her MS diagnosis.

After taking Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN), she now has that “Wow energy” to Lorraine it was amazing, and it also kept her awake and more active.

Lorraine heard about LDN through a neighbour who knew someone who was suffering with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) who advised her to try it. Lorraine did have problems trying to convince her GP to prescribe it to her. Within three days, she felt so much better, she even ended up moving back to work full time. Lorraine even experienced no first initial side effects. Her quality of life has improved 100%, now feeling more human. 

Lorraine recommends people to try Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN), quoting that it will not harm you, so there is no loss to give it a go. 

Please watch the video to view the full interview.

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