Is Low Dose Naltrexone beneficial for those with Seizures and Neuropathy?
If the neuropathy is medicine induced from anti-seizure medications and the person still has seizures, can the person take LDN? This could be a follow-up question. I'm not sure. I guess I need to know why we're taking LDN. Is this the patient who had finger neuropathy? Is this right? Am I thinking of the right patient, maybe? If you have neuropathy and seizures, I think you have to be careful when introducing LDN. Especially if this patient has seizures because you don't want to lower the seizure threshold. We do need to be very cautious with this type of patient. I do think LDN is still always an option. This might be somewhere where we start extremely low. I'd have to know a little bit more back information on this patient to really give a recommendation but I do think LDN could be beneficial. I would probably start very, very low and if I were to introduce LDN for this type of patient.