Lynn from the United States shares her Hashimoto’s & Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Story

Lynn from the United States takes LDN for high antibodies, Hashimotos. Her body was attacking my thyroid and other organs. But was also in agony constantly. She had undiagnosed Hashimotos for 10 years, her thyroids were destroyed, with only a small amount left.

13 different specialists always said they would not prescribe such a drug as Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN). Synthetic thyroid medications were not working, it was causing a huge amount of pain and brain fog, the inability to think straight, and was also in chronic pain. 

After taking LDN for a few days, she started to notice a huge difference in her pain. She built up strength in her muscles, and her brain fog was disappearing. 

Even her husband, who had Parkinson's disease is now also taking LDN, after 7 months he has also noticed a huge relief, and less pain. 

LDN has given Lynn a new lease of life, she feels as though she can now take care of herself and exercise.

Please watch the video to hear the full interview. Thank you

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