Manda from Holland shares her Hashimoto’s & Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Experience

Manda from Holland has Hashimoto's thyroid condition. She first started noticing symptoms at the early age of 17; she is now 41. During her studies, she had extreme difficulties with her sleep, and at the age of 35 she quit her career because symptoms were worsening. Always tired, dizzy, and her whole back and pelvis started to become unstable, where she then had problems sitting for more than 15 minutes; which therefore made social activities difficult. 

Manda rated her quality of life a 4/10 before Naltrexone (LDN), and ever since her quality of life has improved drastically.

After finding information about the Low Dose Naltrexone medication (LDN), Manda asked her doctor to prescribe it for her, but the response was unfortunately a no. Then after looking online she found a six month waiting list prescription from France. 

Initial side effects included, trouble sleeping and migraines. Now after six months, Manda is still amazed by the medication, and would recommend people to give it a try.

Thank you for reading, please watch the video to listen to the whole interview.

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