Margaret from Spain shares her Multiple Sclerosis (MS) & Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Story

Margaret, previously  from England but now from Spain, was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in 2008. She has had MS ever since she was near 20 years old, and is now 60. 

Margaret broke her back in a horse riding accident when problems started happening. When she was about 40 her leg started going numb, and once investigated, they found a crushed fracture in her back.

At this time, after countless operations on her back, Margaret started using a walking stick as she kept losing her balance. Her Neurologist then diagnosed her with MS at this time. 

Her Multiple Sclerosis symptoms included, eyesight problems, she could no longer play sport, as well as being constantly tired. Then she started having swallowing difficulty. This is when she started noticing numbness in her legs.

Margaret could not manage to get a prescription for LDN in Spain, it was not an accepted protocol. So therefore she had to find her own chemist to prescribe it to her.

After the first week, she noticed she could taste and smell better, her urge to go to the toilet was slowing down, and even though she was still sleeping during the day, this was no longer as much, and she would feel fantastic after. Now Margaret has been on LDN for ten months, and recommends people to try it.

Please watch the video to view the whole interview. Thank you

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