Mary from the United States shares her Lyme Disease & Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Journey

Mary shares her story of using low dose naltrexone (LDN) to treat Lyme disease. She became ill approximately four years ago, at age 42. She was in great shape, exercising four times per week, but she had a heart attack and was hospitalized for it, although tests did not show evidence of coronary artery disease. After that, she started having a lot of pain, reduced tolerance for exercise, and her doctor thought she had fibromyalgia. The doctor prescribed Cymbalta for the nerve and muscle pain. 

Mary didn’t think that she had fibromyalgia, so she researched things herself. Two years after the heart attack, her symptoms worsened greatly. She started developing palpitations, transient tachycardia, and neurological symptoms including burning pain in her feet and tingling in her fingers and toes. The fatigue was to the point that after coming home from work, she slept hard for two hours. She went to many doctors, who ran quite a few tests, but the only tests coming back abnormal were her inflammatory markers. She went to a holistic doctor that she knew, who prescribed Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) for her. 

Within a week or two of starting LDN, her fatigue was diminished, and her joint and muscle pain was a lot better. She also modified her diet to remove gluten and dairy, and reduce sugar. She also started eating more organic, cleaner food.

Since beginning the LDN and improved diet, she is happy to be able to keep working. She’d been having terrible pain, fatigue, trouble walking, and brain fog, and as a nurse, she was having trouble doing her job. But all that improved tremendously with Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN).

Mary has found that her best dosage is 3 mg. She takes her LDN at night and it works well for her. She was also recently diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease, and is hoping that the LDN will help with that as well. While drugs like Cymbalta had side effects that were as bad as her symptoms the doctor was trying to treat, LDN has improved her life very much. 

This has been a summary of Mary’s interview. For the full story, please go to the recording at the link above.