Marygrace from the United States shares their Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME), Fibromyalgia & Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Story

Mary Grace from the United States takes Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) for Fibromyalgia, Myofascial Pain and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. She first noticed symptoms near 30, all starting slow; and has now been successful on LDN medication for four years now. 

Before the medication she had depression and unexplainable pain. To try and relieve this, Mary Grace resulted on 13 different medications; Norco, an anti-depressant and Vicodin for muscle relaxation. She had no pain relief medication at this time and all 13 medications had terrible side effects.

Mary Grace heard about LDN through a therapist after hearing from a patient who travelled to Mexico to find drug treatment. 

During Mary Grace’s suffering she was bed ridden for two years nearly but was so desperate for a suitable and successful medication like LDN. All 5 of her doctors would not prescribe LDN to her. Mary Grace found a resource to order some herself and even after the first day of trying the new LDN medication she had more energy, but still trouble with sleeping and dealing with her ongoing pain. 

Now, 4 years on the LDN medication, Mary Grace has spread widely about her experiences, telling near to 30-40 people.

Although, she still suffers from fatigue, but it is not as bad. She can successfully walk two miles, which she could not do before, and even go on daily walks and outings. Mary Grace has lost 70 pounds and now has lowered the Thyroid medication. Feeling as though she has her life back!

Key Words: Thyroid Medication, weight, Low Dose Naltrexone, LDN, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, CFS/ME, Fibromyalgia, Myofascial Pain, Depression, muscle relaxation, pain, bed ridden, energy, fatigue