Moira from England shares her Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) & Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Story

Moira from England takes Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) for rheumatoid arthritis, where she first started noticing a symptom of tenderness under the feet, as well as stiffness in her calves at the age of 54. By October 2009, it was carrying on into the shoulders, where she then found it difficult to get about. 
Moira found out about LDN after a treatment in January, she noticed no side effects when she first started taking it, and felt improvements in the first few days.

She also firmly believes that the Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) is really helping her immune system. Moira has also expressed that her pain is really rather low, at a rough 60% reduction of what it was like before. and only has a flare up in one leg.

Moira encourages people to try LDN, no question about it!

Please watch the video to view the full interview. Thank you.
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