Nancy from the US shares her Multiple Sclerosis and Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Story

Nancy from the United States has multiple sclerosis. Symptoms included severe vertigo
for three months, doctors told Nancy she had an ear infection. After the vertigo, she was
bedridden and also had optic neuritis, but thankfully a neurologist diagnosed Nancy with
Multiple Sclerosis (MS).

Nancy heard about Low Dose Naltrexone medication (LDN) on the internet. At first
attempt, Nancy’s Neurologist said no to a possible prescription the first time, but after a
second he gave in, despite not believing in this new medication.

Nancy noticed that the LDN was working for her after the first 8 hours after noticing she
could finally get out of bed, even experiencing no initial side effects. Nancy quotes that
her ‘quality of life has increased tenfold.’ She recommends people to research first, to
make sure it is the right decision.

Thankyou, Please watch the video to view the whole interview,