Nonopioid Analgesic, Nonpharmacologic Options for Pain Management Reviewed
Drug Topics
24 March 2022
One hundred and sixteen million Americans are currently living with chronic pain, and opioids should not be the default pain medication. Combining nonopioid analgesics and nonpharmacologic pain management options with opioid medications can lead to better patient outcomes. There are a number of options. When considering one of these nonopioid options, it’s important for providers to understand a patient’s complete pain picture. Most patients are not going to have just one type of pain. Opioid receptor antagonists have shown some efficacy in pain treatment. Naltrexone for pain management is used at significantly lower doses than what is commercially available. Thinking about treating patients with nonopioid strategies, nonpharmacologic interventions should always be in addition to the use of nonopioid therapies—regardless of which step of the pain management approach the patient is on.