Noreen from the United States share her HIV & Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Story

Noreen from Nashville was diagnosed with AIDS after noticing symptoms in 2003. She experienced thinning hair, welts, chronic back issues, diarrhoea, nausea, exhaustion, insomnia, short term memory loss and weakness that got worse daily. 

After seeing various GPs and having assortments of tests with no diagnoses given, Noreen was finally diagnosed with HIV. She began to take various pills until she stumbled across LDN online. After discussing LDN with her GP, she was told they hadn't heard of it and neither did they want to. 

Two years later, Noreen's alternative GP offered to prescribe her LDN without being asked about it, to her surprise. She experienced no initial side effects to the medication much unlike the original medications for HIV Noreen was on. LDN has helped Noreen tremendously, with improvements to her immune system, allowing it to fight off all the opportunistic diseases that AIDS patients typically get. 

This is a summary to listen to the whole interview please click the video link.

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