Nuts and Bolts of The Thyroid Gland: Therapeutic Targets by Sarah Zielsdorf, MD (2021 Conference) (LDN, low dose naltrexone)
Dr. Zielsdorf’s presentation includes a discussion of naltrexone and low dose naltrexone, its use as off label treatment for chronic pain, autoimmune, thyroid, and other inflammatory conditions. The thyroid is a master gland with complex feedback loops that determine endocrine hormone function, and affects virtually every organ system in the body. Dr. Zielsdorf reviews thyroid physiology and the feedback loop, and how a clinician does a thyroid exam. She talks about the classification of thyroid disease: primary, secondary, and tertiary.
In autoimmune disease, we are increasingly understanding the very complex relationship between genetics and environment and other factors which are required to mediate the expression of autoimmune disease. She discusses the role of diet and a dysfunctional intestinal barrier in autoimmune disease.
She presents how to work up someone with thyroid dysfunction. Patients may have antibodies and silent disease for more than a decade before end organ damage occurs. Treatment includes lifestyle modifications and adjunct IV therapies. These include LDN to help address immune responses and inflammatory responses by modulating T cells and, helping with microglia in the brain and the pathways. The off label use of compound and LDN has been a game changer for mitigating early thyroid disease and supporting those with long standing autoimmunity. She cautions that thyroid hormone replacement need may be reduced with LDN as inflammation is reduced, so carefully monitor thyroid hormone levels over the long term. She discusses case studies of Graves’ and Hashimoto’s.
The goal is to treat underlying causes, namely infections, gut health, heavy metals, mycotoxins from mold, and many, many other possibilities. One must work with a skilled clinician that's comfortable with autoimmune thyroid disease, and able to tease apart all of the highly nuanced therapies, tests and other skills required.
KEYWORDS: thyroid, hormone, autoimmune, low dose naltrexone (LDN), ulcerative colitis, Crohn's, dysbiosis, IBS, IBD, celiac disease, autoimmune, Hasimoto’s, Graves’, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, Sjogren’s disease, vitiligo, pain
This is a summary of the presentation. Watch the video for full information.