Pat from England shares her Fibromyalgia & Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Story

Pat from England takes Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) for fibromyalgia. It has helped with her pain, fatigue, hormone, balance, depression, and skin. She was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in her mid-twenties after suffering with symptoms. Other symptoms included Chronic pain and feeling depressed and in pain all the time.

4 years ago, at the age of 45, Pat found Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) after research. After speaking to her GP about the medication, the surgery was not prescribing it.

After being able to try the Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN), Pat noticed fast results, she stated that her pain was more kind to her, her mood was improved and her concentration was better.

Pat rated her quality of life a 4 out of 10, everything - at the time - was at a minimum for her, and now, after using the LDN medication, it has shot up to an 8 / 9 out of 10.

Please watch the video to view the full interview. Thank you

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