Patricia from Scotland shares her Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Journey

Linda Elsegood: I would like to introduce Patricia from Scotland. She takes LDN for multiple sclerosis. Thank you for joining me, Patricia.

Patricia: You're welcome. Thank you.

Linda Elsegood: Could you tell me how old you were when you first started to notice MS symptoms.

Patricia: 27.

Linda Elsegood: And what symptoms were you experiencing at that time?

Patricia: Numbness in getting is parts of my body. A loss of balance is those are the two main ones.

Linda Elsegood: And how long did it takes you to get diagnosed?

Patricia: Mmm. The consultant that I saw is suspected that it was a myth, but I wasn't a hundred per cent diagnosed. And he said we would just need to read from, see what happens. And it's relapsed in the missing image too. I did present with the first symptoms maybe once or twice a year, and then it was cleared up, and I didn't.

Go back and see a doctor and because I'm a qualified nurse. So I sort of knew how to look after myself and if it got more serious datasets and we would have seen, so it really took me about 13 years until I had an MRI scan and was diagnosed a hundred per cent

Linda Elsegood: And what symptoms were you experiencing before you found out the LDN?

Patricia: Um, I had, I had, uh, a very, very bad relapse in 2009 and it was the wash three laps had ever had. Um, I wasn't able to walk that sort of is going to be wheelchair-bound. And so wasn't able to walk and I had tests. Mobility. I had very bad balance problems has numbness in dating or Wednesday night.

It was really, really bad. And I had to give up my, the work I've been working. I've been nursing all through my ms, but at that stage to have to stop working completely. 

Linda Elsegood: How did you hear about LDN?

Patricia: Um, well, my husband, um, has a, has a degree in chemistry and of course I have a, so we both and wanted to explore things with went online.

My neurologist that I saw wanted to start me on one of the diseases modifying drugs. Um, and I just didn't want it to be new years awards. And I knew all about them and my husband read all about them, and I just didn't want to go near them at all. And that was all that was be more fit to me. So sales and McKean came up with the red, the red state for LDN rebate, all that.

And so I'd like to give this a try. So I got in touch with Linda Elsegood, and we had a nice long chat and. It was that easy or shootings too, to say, if it gives us a try, what did they have to lose? I could stop anytime and, and basket gleamed with it. Okay.

Linda Elsegood: how long have you been taking it

Patricia: now? And since Tuesday for 10 years.

Right. That's good.

Linda Elsegood: how would you say your life has changed

Patricia: and fantastically? Absolutely wonderful. And. I have not since 2009, since that bad relapse, I have not had any lapses at all, nothing needed.

Patricia: Well, I've spoken to a lot of people because I say I go for hyperbaric oxygen once a week. And it's new people for seven weeks at the hypothetical oxygen, asked me some more notes, a disease-modifying doctor. 

And I talked to my buddy to add I've taken in lots of information to them about LDN. And I've said to them too, to have a lead the other thing and, and try it instead of being on the disease-modifying drug and, uh, making stop it. And you came, but give it a try. Um, and I would recommend it a hundred per cent.

It's been, it's been fantastic for me. And I just hope that all the other people that I speak to would be just as good for them. I knew that the drugs that they're on are not doing them any good to have. They have horrible side effects from Capac soon, and horrible side effects and they're still having relapses and do it.

There's nothing that can cure they miss at the moment, but if I can stop having relapses, that would be fantastic. And that appears to be happening.

Linda Elsegood: could we just have a summary of what symptoms LDN has helped with?

Patricia: Um, well, does the pelt with, with any of the lapses, it would appear that since I've started taking LPN, I haven't had any relapses.

So a relapse, a relapse can present itself in any guys at all. Um, Loss of balance numbness and just horrible symptoms through an energy renewal or relapse is going to present with. So LDN appears to stopped relapses because I hadn't had any few years.

Linda Elsegood: And do you have any ms. Symptoms at all now?

Patricia: And I have some loss of balance, but as I see, I'm just going to go in there by you just say and say, call certain males.

Linda Elsegood: Well, thank you very much for sharing your story with us.

Patricia: You're welcome. You're welcome. And keep, keep going the ticket, like fantastic.


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