Pharmacist Mike Graeff shares his LDN Experience on the LDN Radio Show

Mike Graeff, a compounding pharmacist from Oregon in the United States shares his experience with Low Dose Naltrexone.

I've been a compounding pharmacist in the United States in both Oregon and Washington for 40 years. I worked with a lot of people with specific problems like Multiple Sclerosis. I did a lot of end stage pain management therapy, pediatric work, hormone replacement therapy, etc

And now I worked for Walgreens regional compounding center in Portland, Oregon. We're a regional compounding center one of the largest in the Northwestern United States.

We have six to 10 physicians that prescribe Low  Dose Naltrexone. We have been doing it for 15 years with good results.

I haven't had any untoward side effects reported. Most patients have just responded that it's been extremely effective and it's been very helpful and managing their disease and states that LDN makes a better quality of life for them, but have not really heard of any significant side effects that occurred as of this date.

We make it up as a pure powder formulation, and we take the tablet and make it up into a compound at capsule. So we have two dosage forms available. A lot of times third party carriers, insurance companies don't cover the powder but they will cover the tablet if you formulate it into a capsule formula.

 LDN is a very important medication that can be used as an adjunct therapy to patients that are struggling in attempting to get some relief and some improvement in their quality of life. And I think it's marvelous that it is available and I find it very satisfying as a compounding pharmacists to be able to provide this treatment for these patients and for these doctors who  have patients that are looking for this type of medication.

Summary of Mike Graeff's interview, a compounding pharmacist.  Listen the YouTube video for the full interview.