Pharmacy Solutions Lincoln - Lincoln, Nebraska

Contact Details

5750 Hidcote Dr.
Lincoln, Nebraska 68516

Phone: 402.486.3383
Text: 855.980.5995
Toll-Free: 888.890.6521
Fax: 402.486.4286


Pharmacy Solutions - Pharmacy Solutions is an independent, locally-owned compounding pharmacy in Lincoln, Nebraska. By combining the ageless art of compounding with the latest medical knowledge and state-of-the-art technology, Pharmacy Solutions can offer practical solutions for prescriber and patients’ medication needs. Our wide range of compounded preparations helps promote compliance and most importantly the quality of life for our patients. Our commitment to advanced training, technology, outcomes, education and service to our customers set Pharmacy Solutions apart from other compounding pharmacies. In addition, Pharmacy Solutions is the only pharmacy and medical setting in the state of Nebraska that has a LDN Specialist, Jennifer Rickner PharmD, RP. Jennifer completed the LDN Masterclass in 2021 and she is excited to join such an elite group.

LDN Specialist
Jennifer Rickner, PharmD
2022, 2023

LDN Specialist