Reg from England shares Margaret’s Multiple Sclerosis (MS) & Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Story

Reg from England tells us Margaret's story. Margaret takes Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) for multiple sclerosis (MS), she had MS for nearly 18 years. Symptoms included her falling down the stairs and losing balance. When she was tested, they came up with the conclusion that she had Multiple Sclerosis (MS). 

About four years ago, she stopped walking, she became wheelchair and bed bound, and has been like that ever since. Margaret travelled to Scotland to have a scan done on the neck, and they found that she got partial blockages on both sides of her neck. Now she has been taking Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) for 12 months.

After a few problems she could now start to write again, speech is slowly improving, and can thankfully still remember things. Margaret did not notice any introductory side effects.

Thank you for reading, please watch the video for the full interview.

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