Renee from the United States shares her Fibromyalgia & Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Story

Renee from the United States suffers from Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. At the age of 50, her body started giving out, resulting in her not even being able to go shopping. She could barely walk and was experiencing a lot of pain.

Renee found out about LDN last year and began researching, realising she wanted to try it out. However, her GP prevented that from happening, so she decided to order her own online. Renee finally started taking it in April of this year. By the second day on the medication, she had already noticed she felt less fatigued. And by the fifth day, she could walk without limping. She also realised her depression had gone, leaving her with a better outlook on life. Renee had gained her appetite back as well.

Reene noticed that within the first week she had started getting diarrhoea and stomach cramps that lasted around five minutes, however this could be something to do with her IBS as well.

When asked what she would say to people thinking about taking LDN, she recommended they went for it, and also insists that they do research into it beforehand, to feel more confident with it.

For the full interview, watch the video.

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